The Reality Party | Frankly #66

Published 2024-07-19
Recorded July 16 2024


Following the attempted assassination of former United States President Donald J. Trump, Nate reflects on the dysfunctional social dynamics which have brought many of us to high levels of tribalism and mistrust toward others and divorced from the deeper challenges facing us in coming decades. As humans, we all - for the most part - share the same enjoyments in life - beautiful nature, autonomy, music, healthy, tasty food, clean water, friends, and family (whatever species they might come in). Values are rarely - if ever - right or wrong, but they can become a polarizing force if they are blindly pursued without the broader context of the carbon pulse and what brought us here. Is it even possible to have a political platform underpinned by a shared understanding that we live as part of the web of life, recognizing the centrality of energy and ecosystems, and seeing the limits of technology? Could we align our political choices with these realities and be more effective, open to others, and act in a bi-partisan manner as citizens of the world?

For Show Notes and More:…

00:00 Introduction and Context
01:48 Shared Human Preferences
04:00 Core Values and Political Divides
05:47 Observations on Current Reality
07:12 Energy and Sustainability Issues
09:51 Human Nature and Environmental Impact
12:26 Technology and the Human Predicament
13:36 Conclusion and Call for Dialogue

All Comments (21)
  • @liamhickey359
    It never ceases to amaze. The sincerity that ordinary people afford to the patent insincerity of American politics.
  • @rodr5099
    Thanks Nate, Much food for thought. I remember Collin Campbell saying "if we fail to deal with reality, reality will deal with us"
  • @timcoombe
    Thanks Nate. It’s a maddening conundrum that the majority of people just want to experience the things you mention peacefully, but our collective culture doesn’t seem to allow it.
  • Nate you bring an insightful and deeply human voice to our collective dilemma. It's not easy to put yourself out there these days. Thank you and congrats for a job well done.
  • Well, you are blessed with a full and happy life. Many people in the world have no time for these experiences because they are struggling to survive.
  • @willemishard
    Hi Nate, wanted to thank you via this platform. Learned about you work via a interview with VPRO (a dutch tv broadcaster) and have been catching up on your content and the conversations with your amazing guests of late. I'm currently working as a PhD in corporate law and your work has been a great source of inspiration and my one stop shop for the broad-scope view of the 'human predicament'. Even though the topics you discuss, as well as the times in which they are discussed are often unsettling and scary, you never fail to capture the personal and humane aspect in all of it. Depending on our choices and the resulting trajectory, the great simplification is a scary prospect but at the end it brings us to the bread and butter of the human experience (no distractions). Thanks for putting that out there, you are a gifted storyteller and connector in a time of need. Greatly inspring as I'm hoping to find the bread and butter of my own personal human experience amidst the chaos.
  • @ericradys1718
    Every piece of content you produce is fantastic, and I spread this to everyone I know that could begin to grasp the magnitude and relevance to our time and place. You should have 20 times the amount of subscribers that Rogan has.
  • thanks Nate, we are going to have to do the best we can. Stop making stuff and start fixing things and taking care of what we have.
  • @TheGhungFu
    Reality won't fly in what's left of American democracy.. Too scary.
  • @coweatsman
    Nate's comment on basic needs made me think of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs. It occurred to me that technology can not meet higher needs in the hierarchy, only the lower ones. This dictates where the marketing of tech is directed and where the thrust of advertising is directed. At making us carve lower level needs or substituting higher level needs for lower level needs. We are kept anxious and insecure even if our basic needs are met. A really well adjusted person offers no marketing gimmick or hook. Consumerism and marketing works best in a society of anxious people. If this leads to mental illness as a type of consumer dukka than there is a piece of tech for that in the form of a pill, benzos or SSRIs. However tech can not meet higher level needs and the greater number of people do not realised that their higher level needs have been confused for lower level where marketing can come into play. We are unhappy not only for real uncertainties but also marketing induced anxieties.
  • @carolecarolas
    Things that I like: Swinging on a porch swing, walk on the beach with my best friend, listening to my daughter vent in such a way that it makes me laugh so much, my husband's sense of humour. I also like listening to your videos, and another youtuber I like listening to is Beau of the Fifth column. I also like dogs and cats.
  • Thank you Nate. Some eat reality for breakfast. Some do their best to escape it entirely. May this world and all beings find balance - and have those critical conversations. Thanks for pointing that out succinctly.
  • @Livingthewild
    Myth and denialism define the human condition. Nature is indifferent to both myth and denial. Enlightenment is coming, whether you like it or not.
  • These matter have occupied my thoughts for many years, and more so these days as we get closer to the cliff edge... unfortunately, I am not in the top 50%, so don't have the resources to share my version of the message that we all need to hear. There is hope for changing the worst of human behaviours, less so human nature... We really only have a few more years left to change our human societies, before the planet collapses under the strain we put on it... Not only does knowledge of the current situation depress me, the inability to do anything because of various constraints frustrates me. I am not planning to save the world single-handedly, but sure hope to rally enough to the cause that together, we can change the trajectory of our future, for the better...
  • Clarity within chaos. Always a pleasure to listen to your thoughts. Thank you.
  • I listened to this the afternoon when Microsoft Outage shut down much across the world. The Y2k folks were afraid of actually showing up in an unexpected form. And i notice how it brought down indian airports --folks receiving handwritten boarding passes. Some of my friends are astrologers and v curiously mapping planets to cyberhacks n platform outages. And then others who remind to gather close, be patient, not a good time to respond. The time of unrest. As i listen to your podcast currying in with what is already simmering, i am wondering if within the reality party also lie alive tender sprouts of what we like. That reality tandav is churning another world. All this to also say i have much appreciated both today's and last week's wide boundary lens episodes.
  • @gking407
    Fear overrides preferences and values and family and connection. Manufacturing fear works that is why elites use it. If more conservatives had their head screwed on straight we could have this conversation, but fear has taken them and many liberals as well.
  • I wish I could like this a million times. Sign me up for the Reality Party.