Yidam: Bodhisattvas Are Not Gods, They Are Expressions of Consciousness | John Blofeld

Published 2023-07-03
#yidam #tibetanbuddhism #buddhism

The indwelling deity - Mantra can be used both for good or evil, but with repercurssions - The proper way to Employ Yidams in Mantras - Mind is the only Reality - Samsara and Nirvana are Identical - "I Am The Buddha" - Analogy of a dark room where light is turned on - There is no "I" - Seemingly individual mind is infinite MIND - Mind and mind are not two - Every object interpenetrates every other - Yidams could also be employed by Christians - Deities are personifications of intangibles energies - Bija Mantras - Chakras - A mysterious energy must be unlocked with recitation and visualization - Yidams are the embodiments of the original mind - Yidam is held on until it is realised that it dwells within - The inconceivable is conceived by embodying it conceptually until need for concept ceases - Yidam's Secret: Visualize characteristics pertaining somewhat to the void and somewhat to the realm of form

Devoid of own being are components of all existence, devoid of own being am I.

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