Published 2020-02-08

All Comments (20)
  • @shiba2ndworlder
    "How to get rid of ants in your house?" -A berserked punch -A BFG ball -A player rocket....
  • @spideraba769
    "What can gib a Zombieman?" *proceeds to list every damage source in the game*
  • @springster.5254
    >Be Imp >See Green Person >Decide to say hi >Gets 360 punched into a pile of mincemeat >"not nice"
  • This means the Revenant can literally punch things so hard they explode.
  • >be zombieman >Get your finger cut by paper >Suddenly get gibbed
  • @Ogryska
    How to deal with a child who does not behave well happy music starts playing 01. A berserked punch 02. A player rocket ...
  • "No demons were harmed in the making of this video" More like no demons were spared in the making of this video
  • @SevScout
    "no demons were harmed during ..." Literally the first frame: demons going sploosh
  • @TheBellTolls
    The 'g' is silent, so it's actually pronounced "ibbing"
  • @MrHinchapelotas
    "On the first day of Christmas, Carmack gave to me: a Berserk punch, a player rocket, a BFG ball, a Cyberdemon rocket, a telefrag. And an explosive barrel explosion."
  • 🎵on the 12th day of christmas, my true love gave to me... 12 exploding barrels 11 mancubus fireballs 10 arch-flame attacks 9 telefrags 8 cyberdemon rockets 7 baron of hell claw attacks 6 hell night claw attacks 5 revenant missles 4 bfg tracers 3 bfg balls 2 player rockets And a berserked player punch! 🎵
  • @DJL3G3ND
    what I really love in doom2016 is how when you gib, the helmet falls down after everything else, which I THINK is a reference to how the helmet lands last in the original gib animation
  • @spingebinge
    No demons we’re harmed in this video Something tells me that thats a big fat lie
  • @MarixEm
    everytime i see the yellow thumbnail i know there is quality content
  • @nightsoul150
    “No demons were harmed in the making of this” Doomguy: lets fix that
  • @SamekhAniki
    Gibs are actually inspired on a mechanic from D&D, which when someone or something deals damage to a player more than or equal to the double of that player's health points plus 1, that player dies instantly, without having a chance to roll saving throws, which can have the player recovered from being killed and get back on game with only 1 HP. Judging DOOM has strong inspirations from D&D, as their developers used to have a session every time, they decided to implement it on the game they were making.
  • @Puffie40
    Fun fact: while not directly related to Gibbing, you can squish corpses in doors. The Sprite will change out to a mushy pile in a manner similar to crushers.
  • @Okusar
    When you've played so much Doom you can practically hear the thumbnail.
  • Seeing an Archie just completely immolate an SS soilder is just... Beautiful, poetry in motion