What I've been going through

Published 2021-11-12
This video was very difficult for me to make... It's hard for me to be vulnerable on my YouTube channel and I still have my doubts about posting this video, but I also sincerely believe it's important to be honest about how you're feeling and, if nothing else, hopefully, this video can help encourage someone who might be bottling up their emotions to share them and see that they're not alone. Time heals all wounds, and even though it might feel hopeless now, we can take heart in knowing that it won't always be this way.
Thanks for everything, I love you all.

#dearMoon #SpaceX #Astronaut

All Comments (21)
  • @BlackGryph0n
    There is a lot more that I'd love to share, but I am not allowed to talk about the astronaut selection process. I'm sorry I can't give any more details yet... If you have any questions though, please message me on Twitter twitter.com/BlackGryph0n I'll answer anything I can.
  • @Viva_Reverie
    Whatever happens next, I really wish the best!! ❤️
  • @TenSecondSongs
    It doesn’t end here. “The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.” - Marcus Aurelius You got this Gabe, your heart is in the right place.
  • @cassidys5467
    Stay strong, Gabe. It’s gonna get better. “Even when the lights burn out, there’s a lining in the clouds.”
  • @GingyReacts
    Keep shooting for the stars brother, no matter what you’re gonna keep making people laugh and writing amazing songs that will be enjoyed by millions. You’ll get the chance one day, and when you do it’ll be the greatest experience of your life. Keep pushing on man, you got this
  • @Aeoneth007
    "I'm not okay right now, but I will be." That's the key: "I will be." I know you might not feel it right now, and that's 100% understandable and okay. It's so hard having something that important taken away in the final stage. But you have people who care and support you, and you'll get there in time. Until then, take care of yourself!
  • @EAS1
    I have the deepest respect for someone who comes out and says "I'm not ok right now." And I absolutely love that you say "right now"... that you aren't giving up, that you will work towards happiness again and continue to pursue your dream. You are an inspiration Gabe.
  • I was diagnosed with asperger's syndrome (high functioning autism) when I was 8 years old and you have been an inspiration for myself to follow my dream of being an archeologist. I hope the best for you. I don't normally cry for videos, but damn.
  • @Drummershy
    You have been such a great person. Even if we crossed paths in over 6 years. Love ya man!!!!
  • Rest, recover, and come back stronger. I understand that this has been hard for you but your passion is admirable. Your cause is admirable. Your vision is admirable. You are admirable and inspiring. This comment is just a drop in the ocean of outpouring support and appreciation. We all believe in you and appreciate all that you do. Thank you for being a raw and inspirational figure. May life proceed to treat you kind
  • I saw the pain in his eyes at the pause… I swear I shed a tear or two throughout this entire video because I love space and Black Gryph0n is my idol… it would have been so, SO amazing…I’m so sorry this happened to you.. I hope everything gets better soon.
  • It's all good, Gabe!!!! We're here for you, man and praying for you
  • Man take care, take your time we support you with all our heart
  • @_rac.hel_
    you said it yourself, "it's gonna get better". you never know what's around the corner. never stop reaching for you dreams. stay strong. ly gabe 🥰
  • @Ace_Ang
    I said this early on but GET THIS MAN TO THE MOOOOON. No matter what happens Gabe we support you and your goals!
  • @blindspider2522
    I watched Black Griff0ns videos years ago and now coming back to seeing this guy sad is terrible.. I still stayed subscribed to this guy for his channel to stay popular..
  • @DoiInthanon1897
    Gabe, I know you’re familiar with the Owl City song “Shooting Star”. You truly are that shooting star. I know it sounds cheesy, but it is so true. I can’t fathom the amount of effort it took to get so close to your goal, or the pain you felt after you heard you weren’t chosen. But I can fathom your honesty. Your character is admirable in every sense of the word, and you should feel proud for everything you have accomplished in life. You can pull through, Gabe, I know you can! You will succeed!
  • @azaleacolburn
    Watching this, i feel your pain. You're beautiful, talented and intelligent! Keep striving for your goals! We are with you!
  • @SpaceOink
    Hey, buddy! Read this, and read it carefully... Your dream... IS NOT DEAD! It's still there, you still can get a chance to do what you wish most. You have a goal, you have a mindset, you just need to find that again and work for it, because you still got time to fulfill your dream. Keep chasing it, because I believe that if you where that close. Next time you WILL manage it. Because I honest believe that there will be more opportunities for this. I believe in ya, and you need to do that to!