Is Forza Motorsport a Failure?

Published 2023-12-31
For the final day of 2023, I thought it would be a good time to ask the question: is Forza Motorsport a Failure? While it can be difficult to tell with Xbox player numbers being unavailable, we can see Steam and we can see reviews.

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#ForzaMotorsport #Forza #fm8

All Comments (21)
  • @JustDevon
    Read the Steam numbers wrong: average player count for November wasn't 1227, it was down by 1227, average was even worse at 963... Fun fact about Nurburgring GP: considering the game is promoted as "built from the ground up", it's funny the track model is from at least 2009 when it was introduced in Forza 3. Turn 4 is the giveaway: the banking on the inside of the corner has never existed in real life nor in any other game, it has however existed since Forza 3 when the track first appeared in the series.
  • @decked2199
    I'm not quite sure how to explain it, but Forza's biggest problem for me personally is the whole game feels... hollow, empty, or soulless. There isn't really anything trying to keep me playing other than just chasing numbers and going for podiums over and over. Buy a car, drive around in circles, race with it, repeat. Yes that is the requirements for being a racing game i know, but it just feels.. cold.
  • I think my biggest problem is that there's been absolutely no acknowledgement of the games issues asside from generic bug fixes each update. The social channels just keep pumping out announcements of limited time content, the last thing this game needs. It reminds me of halo infinite, what's supposed to be a reboot ends up screwing up the tech, the core gameplay has great potential, but the content is lacking and unpolished. At least 343 admitted their mistake early on, it's been radio silence from Turn 10
  • @doruku-mx
    To me, it appears that this Forza was made by someone not passionate about motorsport. Every Forza, from 1 to 4, had something that defined it. You could feel the JDM/F&F culture of the first two games, or the Top Gear approach of 4. This one feels empty.
  • @jkliao6486
    i think the fact that you enjoyed more on the multiplayer side shows the development direction they are missing, when single player mode is treated as a thrown-away rather than core of a racing game.
  • @kamilborsztajn
    For me, what sealed the deal, was fact that T10 dont care about cars at all. As a petrolhead I just cant look at these outdated models, childish fire from exhaust, and massive shift delays in DCT transmissions. Uninstalled the game and Im done with it.
  • @thomas214
    An AI update that make the AI actually raceable would be nice
  • @chrishedger7341
    I generally play the career mode myself. The main reason I stopped playing is the ai. I'm no expert, more of a casual gamer and I find myself playing on a 5 to 6 difficulty at which point one drivatar is impossible to catch while the remainder of them are abysmally easy ruining the desire to increase further. Also I find the car level rather annoying, level 25 to 30 is generally where I will end a car, and have to force myself to grind out the remainder feeling monotonous. Overall I have such mixed feelings and truly expected so much more out of this game.
  • @agonyp2643
    The biggest difference between GT7 and FM8 is that GT7 shows passion for racing and automobiles. FM8 shows the passion of shareholders.
  • @SpeedsterGT7913
    Translated by Google: What worries me about Forza Motorsport is that if they continue down the same path that the multiplayer is broken and the penalties are also broken, in the end 90% of the players will lose. For me, seeing how the state of Forza Motorsport is, I find it very difficult to recover from all these problems.
  • @xxKURTMANxx
    The 3 biggest issues I have with the game I think would bring back a ton of people. Mainly car points, what an incredibly dumb idea that they won’t give up on… then there is the lack of tracks especially the ones missing from the last game. And finally the car sounds, exhaust notes have never been weaker imo. ACC spoiled me bad with that that’s the only game to ever really have some emotion thru sound for cars.
  • Forza Motorsport has been going downhill since Forza Motorsport 5, this is just the latest step down.
  • @boigercat
    It's a failure to me. I fundamentally hate how it feels
  • @superninja252
    My biggest worry is that with the launch being a failue (at least on PC, Xbox numbers besides the bad ratings seems that maneged to get a bunch of players on multiplayer) is that MS will just give up on motorsport and forcing people to go to horizon or drop the plataform altogether if they want sometthing like Gran Turismo The problem with companies isnt that they dont think "users dont use mush beacuse he had not enough, we need do better", they think \"nobody likes motorsport anymore, lets go cash all in in horizon and leave motorsport in some archive somewhere in seattle"
  • @zakuradragon
    I personally have been enjoying it. Squashing those bugs would tremendously help the game! Possibly increase car XP gain for those that actually do practice laps before the race event to give incentive for more practice!
  • @SeanDNorton
    The percentage of negative reviews... ouch 😳
  • @Missinglink3003
    It's just so sad that I throw FM4 or FM3 into my old 360 and it's just a great time to be having. I actually deleted FM from the Series X, and continue playing 3 and 4 on the old 360.
  • So im a old Gamer with 43 Years,that means i played Everything you know and more… I love Gaming,at most Racing and Survival. The Problem now is that the Games are not as god tested as the pre online Era Games they coudnt fix after Release. So the fix of the Problem is that there sould be a law that says if you bring out a 1.0 Game for over,lets say 10 €,it has to be finished and there are no fixes allowed after the Release Day,only add ons and Dlcs. That would make sure that Crap like that Game dont happend to Costumers any more😊 Sorry for bad English,im to angry to Google atm😂❤
  • @DionLewiis
    Ever since FM7 I have been counting down the days for the next motorsport game, now that its here and has been since October, I feel as through I am missing out on nothing by not playing it, it genuinely looks incredibly boring, and it appears that many people think the same. This could be a blessing, turn 10 hyped this game up so much on their social networks, they made it appear like the racing game that everyone had been craving since FM7 which was released... 6 years ago? Only for it to be a copy of previous titles with recycled content and not a whole lot more new ideas going on. Hopefully they learn from this for future development, whether it be updating this game or future launches.
  • @zachyoung3483
    Whos knows what they will do with updates but its not off to a good start