Why I'm Going Back to Retro Games in 2024 | 10 Reasons!

Published 2024-03-08
1995 to 2010, these 15 years defined my gaming taste. Modern games don't get me excited any more, yet I'll still grin like a madman while thinking about Burnout 3. Why is this so?
I'm going back to retro gaming, and here's 10 reasons why you should to!

All Comments (21)
  • @Swattii
    When video games actually played like video games instead of being a digital salesman constantly trying to sell you something...
  • @iGuardian92
    Glad I’m not the only one that misses the old gaming industry. Physical copies of games and everything. 100% agree
  • @fizakl
    Most video games today feel like jobs. Most old games quickly put you at ease and don’t let go.
  • @tronguy93
    Reason 1, they don’t ask for my credit card or have a binding arbitration agreement before I even play
  • @emanttnf
    Unlockables really ARE dearly missed. I'm so glad we have 20+ years worth of 3d games with cool vibes & unlockables. I'd like to think that my backlog will keep me busy until I'm old & decrepit.
  • @ProfileFb
    Those of us being born in late 80s or early 90s like myself 89 have an extra reason to be grateful. Perfect age for best gaming era.
    They're also finished products. Classic games like budokai and Ultimate spider-man made me glad to grow up during the ps2.
  • @Ockstarcinema
    This is exactly why I still play my PS3 and recently went back to playing PS2, OG Xbox, and GameCube and been having way more fun playing those then my PS5 lately, I miss how simple and fun gaming used to be, no microtransactions, no always online/ online requirement, no live service, no dlc thats actually part of the base game locked behind a pay wall, no day one patches/ games released incomplete, just complete games all on the disk, no installs just pop in and play, simpler times, with games that were way more fun and had way more replay value than whats out now....Now (with the exception of nintendo) the modern consoles feel too much like PCs, exclusives are almost nonexistent, and too many games now feel more like a chore than actually being fun to play, this is exactly why consoles before the 8th gen will never die
  • @JG9Youtube
    Agreed, that pick-up-and-play-ability is so good in old games. And not only is it the simplicity, but they drew you back in, you WANTED to play them repeatedly. And time flied, 2 hours felt like 20mins because you were having a blast. And I think that added to that approachability, compacting the experience into something that doesn't feel heavy or riddled with barriers to fun. Whereas now you get told you have to "invest", "immerse yourself" and "work on your attention span" just to experience unskippable cutscenes, scripted sequences and more that does everything to delay or remove fun/gameplay away from you. Add to that the trend of depressing storylines trying to lecture morals to you like it's school all over again. It's the opposite of drawing you in and entertaining you - you feel more like you're forcing yourself to wade through a draining experience.
  • @solm67
    I've started to play my ps 3 again. I know it's not as retro as ps2 but it's still games on a disc with a minor update. Once you update the game it's playable offline. Excellent video.
  • @Arson934eva
    Don’t forget games didn’t take 10 hours to update. Just turn on the ps2 and play battlefront without waiting for a update
  • @Arson934eva
    I still have my old GameCube from 2011. Old neighbors was moving I helped them move and the lady gave me a GameCube with some rare games for free. Still have it to this day.
  • @BigmanDogs
    Emulating with a high-end crt filter is pretty awesome. Especially if the game has pre-rendered background, makes the 3d models and 2d textures blend together as intended. It's crazy how much better games from this era looked when played on the expected hardware.😊
  • @Gameoholicshow
    Excellent video and excellent points! The fact that most of the time now games are sold to us basically incomplete is a crime and very disappointing.
  • @9ner
    it's why i ditched doling out cash for a big pc upgrade. my used 1060 3gb fried, and instead of a 40 series I bought a new 3050 4gb msi laptop for 600 bucks. Very rarely am I excited for new games for the list of reasons you provided, and even if I am there are still a lot of potential setbacks with promising titles. I'm mostly emulating or playing stuff between 1995-2007.
  • @Cr4sh04
    Nothing better than an old dude just chilling and talking about gaming with rock music in the background.
  • @Arson934eva
    Same here bought a steam deck and emulated all my classic games it’s much refreshing than seeing loot boxes and micro transactions
  • @RondoOfBloodX
    So many people hear the word Retro and immediately think of Atari, Nintendo, Sega, ETC but what they may not realize is that Wii, PS3, and 360 are now considered retro as well. So yeah there’s a MASSIVE library of games to go back to or play for the first time.
  • @sandman8920
    I’ve completely abandoned modern systems at the moment. Don’t even own a series console or ps5 I’m currently playing my original Xbox picking up games I missed growing up.