Boris Johnson LASHES OUT at Labour's Keir Starmer | 31/1/22

Published 2022-01-31
Prime Minister Boris Johnson lashes out at Labour's Keir Starmer - with reference to his tenure as DPP, with discussion over alleged bungled prosecutions of journalists and talk of disgraced DJ, Jimmy Savile.

All Comments (2)
  • @johndavies9589
    In using Jimmy Savile to make an offensive diversionary attack on Kier Starmer Boris Johnson drew attention to his own similar personality. When I see the Prime Minister, an OTT caricature of a character, weirdly creepy and personally despised yet strangely popular with the public, a lying psychopath who only does good for others to satisfy his own self-gratifying ego and got away with causing untold damage for years because he’s popular and influential I also have to think of Jimmy Savile. In many ways Boris Johnson is a Jimmy Savile but Etonian instead of Mancunian and whereas Savile sexually abused thousands of kids Johnson killed tens of thousands of Covid victims through his wilful failures.