The Greater Insult

Published 2018-05-27
Even though I’m a nonbeliever, would I be scared to learn that God really does exist? No. Far from it. The belief that God desires praise, worship, and violent retribution, comes from a lack of understanding about what it’s like to be an enlightened being. It is ignorance projecting ignorance.

The theist view of God is actually far more insulting than the atheist view. It is commonly held that the atheist is the offensive one, that the nonbeliever must walk on eggshells, and be considerate of the beliefs of others. That seems backwards to me. What if there is a god and that god is offended at the thought of people believing he desires worship and praise, demands it even, for eternity - like some petty narcissist? What if that god is disappointed in those who expected him to torture their enemies? What if the believers and the nonbelievers are made to face their creator, and it is the believers who must answer for their offensive beliefs? Even if that’s the case, I don’t think any of us would have anything to worry about, believer and nonbeliever alike, because any mind capable of creating this universe would be enlightened to the point of being beyond such petty concerns.

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All Comments (21)
  • @DarkMatter2525
    Forgive me for shilling my Patreon here, but it's the main way I'm able to keep this channel going these days. Thank you, patrons, and also thank you to those who share my work. It's much appreciated.
  • If you're only a good person because God has a gun to your head, are you really good?
  • @Arrakis-c9n
    There is no fear in love, for perfect love casts out fear.
  • @mistermadness677
    This is an interesting concept. Permanent eternal punishment for temporary sins never really made any sense to me.
  • @merikijiya13
    “What’s worse that you think I’m a monster? Or that you don’t realizing that you think I’m a monster?” Damn.
  • @kingbugs3558
    I notice a lot of people in the comments say this isn't an accurate interpretation of god. This is amusing, as I don't think any human being could actually give an "accurate" interpretation of "god".
  • @agentstupiddumb
    I was raised semi religious. I grew an atheist secretly by myself. In time I hated one religion or another. But this video has opened my eyes. This is the god I want to believe. And I wish that the world, one day, will be united without differences; regardless of how long it takes. You, reading this; I hope you're comfortable with what you're believing, of course, I hope you don't shun those who don't believe in your cause.
  • As an agnostic named sam this really, really hits home. If there is a higher power of some kind, i genuinely hope it's like this. Id rather be at peace than partake in any kind of eternity
  • @ikeilen6049
    The atheist did not utter a word. That spoke a lot.
  • Everytime i type "God" on my phone, it's always autocorrected to "Jeffery"
  • @thunderd7904
    To be fair, if I were God in this situation, I wouldn't really blame the Christian and the Muslim since these ideals are usually drilled into their heads at birth and it's pretty hard to shake that kind of stuff off. Especially if you live in a third world country where you need all the hope you can get that there's something better waiting for you on the other side.
  • @Pengouinn
    I am and will ever be an atheist but sometime I wish I could believe in a god like that
  • @duck3892
    And thus, God looked upon the Christian and the Muslim, and said: "Yo, that's wickitty wack bro, you just ruined my vibe"
  • @ToothBrush531
    I'm a Christian and I have something controversial to say: I like this Edit (4/25/21): I no longer consider myself Christain.
  • @SamuTheFrog
    Bro this shit HIT HOME for me. My god, man. This man is single handedly saying everything I wish I could but don't ever seem to have the right words to.
  • @m1churr0
    Thank you for this video as well as the description. I've thought about it a lot, and I really wondered why I'm fine with the thought of God actually existing and why it never scared me. It's really really comforting to see this. I couldn't put it into words but you did it perfectly and I'm sure this will have an impact on others far in the future as well. ~ ex muslim being forced to practice