Once A Fat Kid Always A Fat Kid

Published 2019-11-24

All Comments (20)
  • @anneflores6297
    I completely feel that family criticism. Consistent “you need to lose weight”, but when you don’t eat they go “you need to eat more”
  • You see, in a Mexican household your family members take your biggest insecurity, and makes it your nickname to this day they still call me “gordo” with literally translates to “fat”
  • @Papa-vr9bl
    “I remember one time when my uncle sat me down and he was like’: Ad: ARBY(S) WE HAVE THE MEATS!
  • @trilliux
    "And then I became a circle" Funniest shit I've seen
  • @CVL990
    Really felt the part about his family's input on his figure. For my Asian family, if you're not fat, they'll still criticize you on how skinny you are. Either way, skinny or fat, family's never gonna let it go.
  • @spyderaho
    BRO. i feel that cycle. fat-skinny-shredded-fat. literally story of my life
  • @judearentz8348
    "and then I became a Circle." Oh My god thats hilarious
  • @MuchoTVfox
    “Why even bother trying” — every loner on highschool
  • @haiderr8973
    honestly one of the most real and relatable videos ive seen in a while, the body dysmorphia and insecurities never really leave
  • @civilk.6816
    when he said literally anything during this entire video I felt that
  • @stevenchen995
    its never the people at school that tell your ur fat, its always the family.
  • @aidanlanz3114
    This was a really honest take and I really appreciated it. I have been overweight pretty much my entire life (mixed asian here as well) and I don't think I can ever remember a time when I felt confident about my appearance. Looking back at old pictures makes me sad now because there actually were times when I was thin and looked how I would want to now, but back then I still had people (including myself) telling me I was fat, so I never got to see myself for what I really was. I would look at myself in the mirror and just sob because I thought I was ugly and no one would ever like me. And now that I've gained the weight back and am really struggling with my body image the problem feels almost insurmountable not because it's physically impossible, but because I have lost trust in myself to do the right thing for my own happiness. My mom used to bully me a lot about my weight and would make me weigh myself every day while she watched and citicized me when the numbers went up. She would make comments about my appearence in front of other people and deny me food when all my other siblings were allowed to eat it. She even refused to let me have my picture taken for the yearbook in my senior year because she didn't think the picture would look good enough to be worth the money, and I had to keep coming up with excuses as to why I didn't have my picture yet until I eventually got my friend to take one for me. After I confronted her about how she was making me feel, she said she had been making me hate myself on purpose because she thought it was the only way I would feel motivated to change. It hurts me deeply to struggle so much with losing the weight now because in a way I am proving her right, that I am somehow not willing to put in the effort to better my health, even though it is killing me both emotionally and physically. And the thing is I still love my mom. She has stopped bullying me since I went away to college, I think because she realized that if she didn't change her behavior, I wasn't going to stick around, and she wanted me to want to come home. But I still struggle with the self-hatred that has been conditioned into me over many years. Despite these challenges, I promised myself that I would never lose hope that I can change and that there is a happy and healthy future for me. I'm willing to put in the work that is required for me to finally achieve the confidence I have wanted for so long, and maybe along the way, I can learn to love myself for just being me. Thanks for the video, and wish me luck! ❤️
  • @luigipepperoni
    if anyone didn't notice, 6:58 is from MHA, also it says at the bottom left, Boku No Daidus lol
  • @Will-jg2zs
    "Fats bad for you, but sugar is good for you" Thats my life in one sentence
  • @kc.8330
    "are you happy? no? do something about it" is fr maybe the best life advice in general