Published 2022-08-25

All Comments (21)
  • They managed to turn a mostly comic relief side player into one of the most complex TV characters of all time.
  • @paulkem1130
    Sticking the landing on a series is a rarity, and difficult enough as it is. Sticking the landing on TWO series is a major feat. Other writers and show runners should take note, Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould are absolute masters.
  • The fact that the writers of this show were able to elevate Breaking Bad, one of the greatest shows of all time, to be even better in retrospect because of Better Call Saul, is a ridiculous achievement that we might not see again anytime soon.
  • @ZacV47
    One thing I loved about this show is that it understood patience. It understood that to make moments more impactful, it had to wait a couple of seasons. We had to wait a couple of seasons before Jimmy started wearing colorful suits and calling himself Saul but when he did it felt earned. We had to wait until the last season to see what would happen to Kim and it felt so much more impactful since we did. The Gene Takovic story has been building up since 2015. People have been wanting to see Walt and Jesse since 2015, and they made us wait until 2022 and it was perfect. Too many shows rush into things too quickly. I’m glad this one took it’s time.
  • Rhea Seehorn better win her goddamn Emmy for this last season. She’s deserved it for being the MVP of TV’s most oddly underrated show for the last seven years. Now who wants Cinnabon?
  • @borek92
    The thing that impressed me the most is how this show adds a shit load of context to breaking bad. Walt truly was a big nobody. He ruined everything. Gus had the Salamancas under control, Mike was making bank. Walt comes in and just shits all over it because he cannot stand being number two. And it's all because of Jimmy. He's the kingmaker really.
  • I firmly believe the most emotionally powerful episode of the entire Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul universe is the one in season 1 where we learn about Mike's backstory with his son. Better Call Saul had an incredible way of building perfectly crafted backstories for characters who were - while not minor - side characters to the main ones in Breaking Bad. That is so rare to see nowadays in a prequel series.
  • @SuperBrosHQ
    Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul complement each other in a way we'll never see again. What the writers achieved with both shows cannot be put into words. Just incredible
  • I gotta give mad props to Michael Mando's Nacho. Everyone else was amazing but Nachos story got me the most invested and that ending was absolutely breathtaking.
  • I love how in Breaking Bad, the scene of "IT WASN'T ME, IT WAS IGNACIO!" Scene is a comedy scene and Saul mentioned Lalo's name is so random. Meanwhile, in Better Call Saul, the scene is actually intense because we see in Saul's POV. Jimmy / Saul is still haunted of Lalo and still has no idea that he's dead for good even for many years. Also, the fact that Howard and Lalo are buried under Superlab and then in Breaking Bad, we see Walt and Jesse work at Superlab and then blow it up is so messed up. What if The Fly in The Fly Episode is telling Walt that there are 2 dead bodies under the lab? Or maybe it's the spirit of Lalo tried to disturb Walt while working at the lab?
  • As a screen writing student, I would like to point out that Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul are currently shows studied and analized during script writing classes for the entire vision of the shows start with the development of engaging characters, full of moral dylemas, emotional traumas and the hurt they bring unto themselves and those around them. Then the directors bring that vision to life leaving the last piece of the puzzle to the actors. What an amazing run! Thanks for the video but i think you didnt shout out the writers. That would have made your video perfect.
  • I love that the writers for She-Hulk said that they had a hard time writing a MULTI EPISODE TRIAL in a show called SHE-HULK ATTORNEY AT LAW. When like Better Call Saul is right there. And Daredevil. Like....Literally right there.
  • @Palkia678
    Jeremy, I speak for everyone when I say we’d love a spoiler filled discussion about the series
  • One of the great things about Howard's character is that he remains pretty static throughout the show. However, our viewpoint on him changes as we learn things about his character. We find out that he actually liked and saw potential in Jimmy, however was forced to remain as Chuck's lackey due to their history. As a result, Jimmy hates him despite his attempts to compensate for it. He's a tragically written character that emphasizes perspective, which is one of the prominent themes the show builds on.
  • @Zmal93
    The reason the last 4 episodes were more "nostalgic" and lent more on BB is because the last 4 episodes or so changed from being a prequel of Jimmy/Saul to a sequel of Gene. So the last few episodes had a big shift
  • @NC-cf7kl
    The most nostalgia I felt was in the last episode with Saul asking everyone about the time machine. With Mike, it was comforting. With Walt, it made me hate Walt again. With Chuck, it was just sad as hell. Ive heard the whole Scrooge thing and thats amazing as well (with him visiting 3 ghosts)
  • @danwhite9184
    Two of my favorite shows were Ozark and Better Call Saul. One of them severely disappointed while the other one left me emotionally satisfied.
  • Every character was perfectly cast. Ed Begely Jr didn’t get a lot of love as Clifford Main, but he was perfect in that role. He was so believable as a real lawyer, you wouldn’t even notice he was an actor doing a scene.
  • They managed to put so much tension into scenes involving characters that we know live into Breaking Bad. Just beautiful writing
  • @BooksForever
    Thanks to the excellent Kim Wexler, I will always think of Better Call Saul as essentially a love story… The Saulshank Redemption. And after ten years of good behavior beloved by his inmates and guards like Andy Dufresne, Jimmy was released as Covid spread unchecked in 2020 and is now enjoying Coronas on the beach with Kim in Zhihuatanejo.