BOLTR: Blasting Machine | Cool Old Gear

Published 2018-08-08
Explosions are fun! Here's an old blast initiator from a logging camp.
Thank you for helping me make movies!

All Comments (20)
  • @megastarsport
    Imagine cranking this thing with half a ton of boom sticks on the other end, with no way of knowing when its gonna pop. Jack in the box from hell, the anticipation alone would kill me.
  • @SteveBrace
    As an aside: My better 3/4 now uses "carefulling" and "tappy-tap-tap" even though she's never watched any of your content :D
  • @nozmoking1
    There once was a girl from Kahrue Found an elephant's twang in her stew Said the waiter, "Don't shout, and don't wave it about!" "For the others will all want one too!"
  • @petcatznz
    When I was a young apprenticed sparky my boss would use a hand-cranked 500 volt Megger (low current) insulation & continuity tester to shock me at every opportunity. He thought this was a great laugh until the rainy day he returned from a trip to the van to our place of work with wet hands and placed one hand on the door latch and the other on the key. Unbeknownst to him, I had connected said Megger poles to the inside of both the latch and key and was cranking the tester as fast as it could go when he attempted to open the door. From outside there was a cry and the sound of an armful of electrical components falling to the ground, followed by much laughter on my part. Needless to say, I was never 'Meggered' again after that day. Good days, now sadly long ago!
  • @bigclivedotcom
    The meter may not have been able to catch the actual peak voltage. It would have been able to catch it rising slowly on the capacitors though. Some of these units put out up to 1000V peak when they trigger.
  • @danteeters9704
    Reminds me of being a kid and putting those screw type fuses into a lamp and waiting for someone to turn on the lights.
  • @iacovus79
    Oooooohhhhh you need to get one of them old WW2 military crank phones. My 5th grade teacher had one. He used to line us up holding hands and see how many of us he could shock at once. Record was 31 btw.
  • @gateway8833
    Yes, they do have a bit of bite. Rally interesting to watch is the guy running wire holding both ends of the wire and you give it a twist, then a scream is heard, me and Dan look at each other and in unison Good Circuit
  • @Ryzomadman
    An almost perfect vid all it lacked was the overkill of 500 stick of Alfie Nobels finest invention going kaboom...
  • @twocvbloke
    "Hey buddy! Can you hold these two wires while I just wind this up? Thanks!"......... >:D
  • @RobWVideo
    I was taking a gearbox apart yesterday and caught myself saying "Tappy-tap-tap!" as I gently encouraged it to separate.
  • @billflynn7122
    I have one of these I picked up at a local Sally-Anne thrift store, The lady at the cash asked me what it was for, I new it was for blowing shit up I began to tell her but realized I did not want to tell her anything that might stop me from being able to buy it so I told her "I though it was for setting off fireworks, and just seemed interesting". Mine is in somewhat nicer exterior condition but the same inside I opened it up to just have a peek. I didn't put my meter on it because I wasn't sure about what it put out and didn't want to blow anything up, but It did blow up the bulb in my 12V continuity test light with a good pop.
  • I’m a blaster myself and if you want to get rid of this wonderful machine, I would trade you a newer model for it! A plastiiic fantastique batteria operated 10 caps wonder! For the record, a 12v car battery will usually fail to detonate multiple blastic caps in one circuit... You need a higher voltage in order to innitiate multiple electric caps... Mind you, I have used a car battery, a compressor battery as well as a handheld radio battery to initiate a single cap on non-electric blasts! But the best emergency method is to connect multiple 9v batteries (they snap together!) and get a higher voltage...
  • @jakeh1400
    Thanks for all the great videos, I have been laid up unable to play in my shop the due to the removal of my ass cancer. Keep up the good work!
  • Oh @AvE, ya old softie! Thanks for lettin us into the shop to have a laugh! Take care man!
  • After reading some of the comments, I remember many moons ago, when I was a young lad, taking Autobody in High School circa 1969, The shop teacher wanted to demonstrate how volatile acetylene is/was, so he got out a balloon, filled it up to approx. 4-6" in Dia. Then, using a Oxygen / Acetylene torch, to set it off, the out come was much worse then he thought it would be. He wound up with black soot on his face, and his eyeglass's were left ajar on his face. We ALL LAUGHED like no tomorrow. P.S. It should be noted he was a volunteer fireman. First word out of his mouth was WOW!!!! I didn't think it would be that big of an explosion .
  • @MFKR696
    I think you're correct about the logging-camp theory. The schmoo around the terminals looks like it's loaded with fine saw-dust.
  • @MrBranboom
    Condenser... Piff. Now that's what I call a boom box!