Washington DC Water Video Production: “Joining Forces for Better Water Services,” World Bank Group

Published 2019-04-25
Based on the World Bank's Global Solutions Group report, "Joining Forces for Better Services: When, Why, and How Water and Sanitation Utilities Can Benefit from Working Together." The video introduces the report and toolkit resources that provide recommendations for successful aggregation. The recommendations are based on evidence and observed experiences rather than on theoretical considerations; and sometimes the advice runs counter to conventional wisdom with regard to aggregation practices.

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Credits: Produced, directed, shot, written, edited by Dorst MediaWorks



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Dambudzo Muzenda, Water & Sanitation Specialist, WBG: Aggregation is actually a fairly recent trend. You know, we've had, in the past 15 years, about 75 percent of all the cases of aggregation have happened. So, we're still learning a lot about it.

Title: Joining Forces for Better Services: When, Why and How WSS service providers can work together

David Michaud, Practice Manager, Water, WBG: So what this report tries to do is to provide an evidence-based policy advice on when aggregation is likely to be successful and how to make it successful.

Bill Kingdom, Global Lead, WSS, Global Water Practice, WBG: It doesn't come saying aggregation is good or aggregation is bad. It comes saying, look, aggregation is one possible tool. We've looked at these examples and this is what we've found.

Maria Salvetti, Practice Manager, Water, WBG: One of the main find-findings is that aggregation does not bring along economies of scale all the time.

David Michaud, Practice Manager, Water, WBG: So, there are tradeoffs and transaction costs associated with economies of scale.

Dambudzo Muzenda: The report presents a number of important success factors. The most important one is to have clarity about the purpose of aggregation.

David Michaud, Practice Manager, Water, WBG: What is the policy outcome you are looking for? Are you trying to save costs? Are you trying to improve services? Are you trying to get environmental externalities?

Maria Salvetti, Practice Manager, Water, WBG: If you skip the first step, then you might not be able to achieve a successful aggregation.

David Michaud, Practice Manager, Water, WBG: How do you design it in a way that’s going to lead to success?

Maria Salvetti, Practice Manager, Water, WBG: So we have 14 case studies that we’ve really been looking at in detail and we’re really giving the recipe of what has been done in each of those 14 case studies. What has worked under which circumstances it worked, what were the obstacles and how they were overcome.

Dambudzo Muzenda, Water & Sanitation Specialist, WBG: it provides the evidence base, the concrete examples, a roadmap, as well as a toolkit that I think would be very useful.

Bill Kingdom, Global Lead, WSS, Global Water Practice, WBG I think this report will really will help people think through those issues.


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