Matt Walsh | Ep 101

Published 2019-04-19

All Comments (21)
  • @kenyongray2615
    The conversation between Allie and Matt was very interesting. The slightly different thoughts and interpretations were what made it interesting. Allie is great. Thanks for the video.
  • @goodmusic37
    Thanks for having this discussion. Looking forward to more vids like this.
  • Oh Allie, as a Catholic I just want to say what a super discussion this was. My two cents on a couple topics in the discussion... I think if you ate condemned to Hell for all eternity you are stripped of any love within you. There will be no joy or good feelings in you that could give you comfort. You are there to exist in pain, suffering, and wailing and gnashing of teeth. On the subject of will the people of Congo who were never taught the word of God be saved. I think the Lord will be revealed to this soul by the angel of the Lord and if the soul then believes and accepts the Lord as their savior then they will live in the glory of God.
  • Really interesting to hear the back and forth about Matt's idea of love and Hell. I heard him making those arguments on his show and couldn't get on board with his perspective. As a Protestant myself, I appreciated hearing Allie's side of the argument.
  • Woww..great talk from both Allie and Matt..honest and respectful.. I believe most of these difficult questions could be reasonably bottomed down when we could go back to scripture, examine and believe it's the final authority and the perfect will of GOD..Because it says the foolishness of GOD is better than the wisdom of man..although I don't discourage reasoning in a healthy manner.. Finally there will remain few issues which I believe would only be clear when we see GOD face to face.. Looking forward to listen more from both of you.. Thanks a lot..guys
    Can Stuckey explain how God unconditionally creates individuals to be reprobates and then just as unconditionally decides to only save some of them from his preordained reprobation, how any human is justly responsible for their unbelief and damnation? How are people who are born into either a saved or reprobate caste responsible for belief or sin if God truly has decreed "whatsoever comes to pass"? The logical incoherence of Calvinism never ceases to astound.
  • @Yesica1993
    I never quite realized how insane people are about their dogs until I got on the internet, And especially Twitter. Your pet dog is not your "baby." You are not it's "mommy" or "daddy." It's an animal. You're its owner. And especially when it comes to bigger breeds, it could turn on your in a heartbeat and rip you to shreds and it would not care. I see these videos with people letting their babies/small kids near these huge animals because it's the family pet & I have to turn them off. I've seen a beloved, pampered, adored family pet bite someone. It's horrifying. They're animals. You * cannot * let down your guard with them.
  • @IAmisMaster
    42:00 Matt is presenting a false dichotomy regarding his idea that some people are saved through sheer acts of love. That is completely unbiblical. All have sinned and no acts apart from faith can save you. Those who reject Jesus can't make it up with loving people. They have hated God if they reject Jesus. This is clear throughout the NT. I don't understand how Matt can claim he believes in justification by faith if in the end he believes you can be justified by works of love, completely without faith in Jesus.
  • I enjoyed this podcast a lot. I felt like it was very respectful, considering the fact that the two of you didn't agree on some major things. I felt as though Matt contradicted a lot of what he believes in, and none of it was really backed up by what scripture says, so I appreciate how Allie always goes back to scriptural truth and she has a great grasp of how the Bible makes sense of itself, the more you know it, the more it makes sense. so much respect!
  • @crystald3346
    How do you go to Hell? “By dying in a state of mortal sin.” That’s all you need to say. Three conditions for mortal sin: 1) your consent 2) your knowledge 3) it must be grave matter. If you commit one, Christ has given us recourse to His Divine Mercy through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Make use of it; if you don’t, it is further rejection of the Holy Spirit (blasphemy, the unforgivable sin ie Hell). There is also such a thing as Baptism of Desire. The Church has given you the answer clearly and succinctly. COME ON MATT!!!!!!! Please talk about contraception, divorce, Purgatory, mortal/venial sin... the Catholic Church, founded by Christ, has a very clear stance on these! Great point about the Jews and the Nazis though. Allie was not consistent in her response to this. Or to anything, really. 🧐
  • @madday9589
    This was a very thought provoking and great discussion between you two. As a Catholic I think there is one very important thing Matt was missing and that’s Purgatory. It seems like he kinda missed it and it would of been great to add into the discussion
  • @anayenaiv
    Hello Allie and Matt, I am coming late to the party. I just saw Allies episode from last year ( I believe), where you both spoke about the differences between Catholicism and Protestantism. I think that this is very useful and pleasing to God (Because He wants our unification and not our divide). From the beginning I apologize for my English, this is my second language so bear with me. My background I am catholic, no more explanation so you will know where I am coming from. I was watching the video on Youtube and SUPER agree with what Matt was saying, I just hope he could verbalize it a little bit more in Allies language. In one part of the Video Allie asked "then why will Jesus come down and die for us, if it was enough just to say "love well" and that is it?" (something like that she asked). He came down to die for us because he set the standard on what "LOVE" means, how we would know what sacrificial love is if he hasn't done that for us?. He did it because He loved us to the extreme, to the cross and resurrection. He did it because there was a "payment" or a "debt" (I am capitalist too, we all know we have to pay our debt 🙂) a consequence to our sins that was dead, and He said I will pay that because I love you. That is the kind of love that Matt was referring to. You both got me on a rabbit hole and I found a dialogue between a protestant and catholic (Dr. Scott Hans, who I admire and respect deeply). I invite you both to listen to the whole thing. Three videos of about 40min. IT IS BEAUTIFUL. Video 1 - Allie you can skip this one this is explaining exactly what you have on you video the 5 solas, except acknowledging that some protestants have deformed the initial view of them. Video 2- Catholic view - very well explained Video 3- A dialogue which I think is very fruitful! I really invite both of you to keep looking, because as the bible says "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you" Mathew 7;7. We got to look sincerely though and with the intention to find the truth. Allie, the thing about the church buying indulgences is actually a myth, here a few resources on that., Dr. Scott Hanhs has beautiful books and I highly recommend hearing Fr. Sebastian Walshe (Youtube videos). On the sacraments, they have a spiritual dimension huge they are not only rites that look good and feel good. Allie keep digging. I invite you to search for some catholic literature to read with you own eyes what we actually think about the sacraments. Allie, in one of your videos you said that there are many denominations because of freedom... I think that is inaccurate in the sense that there is only ONE BIBLE, ONE WORD OF GOD, but many interpretations (there are people that interpret that abortion and gay unions are permitted... really?) No were in the bible says you are free to interpret my word as you please, so there is only ONE TRUTH, we should find it. I think God permits grave sad events and because He is all-powerful he can bring something good out of this division, however, this is not an excuse to say this is what God wills, and we should not look for reconciliation. He says very clearly in His Word, His desire is ONE church, one body, one head. Anyway, I appreciate both so much. Thank you for your hard work and your commitment to the Truth. Also, let's pray for this country and the next election. Thank you Allie for your Monday election series, LOVE IT! Fiat Voluntas Tua, Ann
  • @thisorthat411
    great conversation. it is so amazing that GOD gave us this wonderment that doesnt really matter in the end. It will all seem so petty and obvious in the end but necessary at the same time. Its a beautiful twist of this life.
  • @Emper0rH0rde
    Please have Dr. Leighton Flowers, of Soteriology 101, on your show!
  • @victorrene3852
    Jesus Christ never said that love alone is the key to salvation. We are called to love but that isn't the basis. Also it's just not semantics. Protestants and Catholic have major unreconcilable differences.
  • God is Love Matt. In Hell you are disconnected from God so you are disconnected from Love. The Love that you experience in this life whether you're a believer or non believer comes from God.