Dark Souls Story ► Solaire and the Sun

Published 2012-11-02

All Comments (21)
  • You talk about me an awful lot.. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you have feelings for me! Hah hah hah.
  • I think the true tragedy of Solaire was that he was desperately searching for a purpose, but his purpose was right in front of him this entire time: being everyone’s sunbro when they need it most
  • @townie1927
    Saving Solaire was the best spent 30 humanity ever.
  • @xSilentZeroXx
    I think there's one overlooked facet of Solaire that adds so much to just how great he is that tragically never gets much consideration. We all know Solaire helps you fight Gwyn in the end. That alone is pretty damn cool. However, think about the Centipede Demon fight. He has the Orange Charred Ring on during that fight. But the ring is your reward for beating the boss. It's already implied that he's a step ahead of you the whole time, so this pretty much confirms it. That means this dude not only took out Gwyn, probably by himself (parry cheese aside, that's an impressive feat according to the lore), but, moments from touching the flame and linking the fire, this badass motherfucker stopped and remembered that he's still got one more thing to: step back outside, put down his summon sign, and wait for you to find it. He put off saving his own world just to help make sure you saved yours. What an amazing guy.
  • @AeraSteele98
    My Solaire theory: He is a guy who likes the sun.
  • I don’t know if anyone noticed but, when you summon Solaire of Astora for Gwyn, he’s not transparent like all of his other summons, meaning he came along himself for one last moment with the person who helped him through this entire journey.
  • I wish to some day meet this solaire, he seems like he would be a person I could have a nice toast with.
  • @SimplyAwsmo
    The Nameless King is just Solaire's mega evolution, obviously....
  • @ReverendSyn
    Solaire was disowned by Gwyn because he lost his favorite Van Halen mix tape.
  • @Ericgoth1
    It's so sad that Solaire, the man, who spend his whole life to finding a sun, gone mad in that dark deep shithole, where baerly one beem of light can seep.
  • @musicformadmen
    Solaire was so focused on finding an actual sun that he never realised that he had already found his sun: The player
  • @squidfestMods
    I know it's just Solaire's armor, but that ending...
  • @bergerloos5014
    Nothing like solaire! In every other game you have partners that are extremely clever and powerful... and i got the dude that stares directly into the sun. Nice.
  • @fishteo4297
    9:26 I would cry if there was a custom cut scene where Solaire just praises the sun at the end as he burns.
  • @NachoBearYeah
    this Prepare to Cry video needs a remastered version, cause we now know Solaire isn't Gwyn's firstborn
  • @jericho7173
    Solaire is my favorite character. Which is funny because the first time we met, he creeped me out and I was afraid he was going to trick me and stab me in the back.
  • @taurvanath
    I love that you can save him, but only from trial, error, and multiple playthroughs. It's true that time is convoluted in Lordran.
  • @volrogue
    God. Such a weird feeling with this character. New to the series, and I spent so long on that damn bridge demon. But to see this guy just chilling, almost calm while I'm still recovering from a fight was so... beautiful. I honestly don't know why, but I just felt better