Students Want More Loans Erased, but Not Higher Taxes

Published 2022-09-01
Following Joe Biden's student loan "forgiveness" announcement, YAF headed to George Mason University to find out if students are satisfied with the decision, and if they'd support tax increases to pay for the new plan.

All Comments (21)
  • @rob379lqz
    Yup. No money is enough for free-loaders.
  • Unbelievable how entitled these people are. I am not responsible for fulfilling a contract YOU signed and PROMISED to pay back. College is a privilege not a right. If you don't want student loan debt, don't go to college.
  • Of course, this is the mindset when schools and colleges don’t teach finance and economics.
  • @rebg2436
    Pay your own damn bills...strapping those of us that are wanting to retire after working our asses off for 45 years don't want to pay your damn responsibilities.
  • Here's the mentality of the children these days. I scream about equality, but when it comes down to it it's really about *me, me, me !!!! 😭
  • @Ken-tc3nq
    ...and people say college degrees mean they're smarter and more qualified 😂
  • Listening to these people try and justify having everyone else pay for their debt terrifies me. These are the ones who will be in charge when I’m old.
  • @ElainesDomain
    How many students chose an out of state college? Remember that out of state fees/tuition are 3 to 5 times higher than instate colleges. And of course degrees of little to no value still cost a bundle. If these loans need ''forgiving'' because the cost it too high STOP handing them out. Revert it back to local banks and stop this government program. Better yet. Have these colleges hand out loans. The low to no value courses would disappear.
  • @talia8581
    Parents actually pay for the dumbing down of their free-loading idiot kids. We're f.
  • @ellohyou1859
    These young folks are supposed to be receiving higher education....... What the 🚁 is going on???
  • And I want them to get a degree the they can actually earn a living from. So they can pay back the loan they received from the American people.
  • @katspov9945
    They don't mind paying more taxes because they don't pay any in the first place. It's a hypothetical for them.
  • @robertcox9226
    Wish in one hand ___ in the other, see which gets filled faster.
  • @TheJust22az
    The sad thing is most of the degrees these kids are getting are worthless in the job market. Few actually end up in their chosen field. You can now get a degree in Social Justice. Good luck paying your bills in that field.
  • @Ken-tc3nq
    translation: they want someone else to pay for it, unconditionally
  • @breeze8756
    It's obvious they're oblivious to real Life. Unfortunately, true adulthood hasn't been experienced yet. No one in their right mind would want to pay someone else's adult child's bills when they have their own children's lives to finance!
  • Wow..these responses really say something about the quality of the "College Education" these students are getting at this school. Watch George Mason U (and every other college in America) raise their tuition now that they know that the loans are being subsidized by the American taxpayer.