Did Kurt Relapse? | Inches From Relapse

Published 2019-01-09
A great documentary style video of showing my brother being close to relapse. Let's pray for him so he makes the decision and to not go back into active addiction.

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I truly appreciate everyone who has supported my mission. I love you all thank you!

I have found that everyone suffers with addiction in different ways, we just suffer from a drug one. I journeyed my detox/ withdrawal off heroin from day 5 all the way to the present. I have journaled many experiences and have shown many of my stories on my channel. During this process I have learned much and continue to learn. I have found that we addicts need new people, places and things for sure!

People Overdosing and dying from addiction is real! I detoxed off heroin and know what its like to be stuck and not be able to stop using drugs. Intervention is sometimes necessary because I know the mind of an addict first hand. The way these drugs feel consumes the addict and they cannot think of stopping and follow through without proper help from others.

Addiction can be overcome. Cocaine, alcohol, benzos, adderal, ecstacy, opioids, heroin, steroids & mushrooms are just some of the drugs that I have tried. I wasn't addicted to all of those listed but I have experimented with these. The war on drugs is stupid and the stigma on drug addicts needs to change in order to help the drug addiction issues within America.

#Drugaddiction #heroinwithdrawal #Whatheroinfeelslike #odaat

All Comments (21)
  • @katieapgar3492
    Awww this breaks my heart. You can see how hurt Derek is.. Kurt is lucky to have his brother there supporting him every step of the way ❤️
  • @TheseFourWalls
    I appreciate all your videos, my friend. I'm 49 days clean today, and your videos mean the world to me. You're so helpful. And yes, you truly need to WANT and be perceptive to the advice and support, And you've gotta get STONE-COLD serious. I wish the best for Kurt. You've promoted a great lifestyle. Someday he'll want what you have, once he's 100% serious.
  • @inkedhigh
    i remember watching your early videos and you said you didn't plan to grow big on YouTube, you just wanted to update us on your sobriety. now you here posting, not just updates, but advice for those who need to hear those words to keep them going. you are doing an amazing job Derek. keep doing what you're doing.
  • @kickinaddiction
    Kurt doesn’t seem very motivated to recover, “you need to participate in your own rescue”. You remind me of me man, I spent so many years trying to get my little bro straight. Had many many talks etc but I got burnt out and stressed out. He has to find his own way. Also, if his relationship is always that hectic it is gonna be MAJOR hard to get and stay clean. He might want to get out of that relationship if it’s going to constantly jeopardize his sobriety. Learning to eliminate dramatic people from my life, and being ok with being alone were major life changers for me. I’ve made a few videos about that on my channel. 10 days off subs and I’m never going back. I’d highly suggest he gets in the MAT program and gets a year or two off the streets, gets counseling and drug tests. He needs to build a foundation and DEF get the heck away from all of his old friends. Come on Kurt step up brother we are all pulling for you! Does he not get pee tested from a PO? “If nothing changes, nothing changes”. Make some changes bro!
  • I started watching you recently and I can relate so much with everything I’ve watched from you so far. I can see in Kurt what I see in a friend I’ve been trying to help for so long but had to give up on because he doesn’t want it. It’s like when you’ve been an addict you see all those things in people that give you the clues that they’re using. I saw them in Kurt in this video.... sniffing, nose running, yawns, stretching the jaw, stumbling over words, rubbing eyes, anger, restlessness, blaming on others, changing the subject.... breaks my heart.
  • @cloud_monkey422
    I did opiates for 14 years. From age 13-27. The only thing that’s ever worked for me was the suboxone program but after six years of being on subs I’m just sick of being on them. I’ve taken 16mg a day for six years and two weeks ago I started to ween down. I’m currently on 4mg of subs for the past five days. I hope to come off the subs ASAP and all though I’m afraid to be off them, I just am sick of them controlling my life even though I’ve not abused them. Man I’m scared but I’m a fighter at heart. Wish me luck! And yes even though I’ve weened down I can still feel my body detoxing and it sucks. It’s not as bad as cold turkey but it still sucks. Anyone who’s still getting high, you can do it. Whether you take the sub or methadone clinic etc. Start slow. Your life is valuable. You got this!
  • @moebilly666
    This guy is special he’s here to help people in gods name good job keep it up
  • @jasonkuy7100
    Derek you're a great ambassador for the community world wide. It feels like I know you personally from your videos. Keep up your great work
  • @GreatGreebo
    People are done when they’re done...and not a second sooner ☹️
  • I knew Kurt was your brother when I first saw him you 2 look so alike. You're saving people with your videos Derek. much respect from a recovering Xanax addict over here in Australia
  • I can't tell you enough how much these videos help me in my addiction
  • @stellabella5269
    Kurt if you did use, stop right now go to a meeting asap, it's ok just don't stay out there!!! Its ok!! Praying praying!! ☺ 💕 xoxox ✌
  • @elisharae6763
    I’m praying for Kurt! 🙏🏼 It’s amazing how you can care so much for a complete stranger, which makes me think about you and your family. You are an amazing brother & I love the growth your channel has made. I remember randomly seeing your 7 day video on my feed & now I feel invested in your family. Keep it up!! 🙂
  • @alexandravlad
    I have been a silent viewer for a few months now, what you are doing is incredible Derek. Your videos help me stay sober and keep me motivated. If I can’t make it to a meeting because of work or other obligations I watch one of your videos and it is so helpful. I hope Kurt figures it out real soon! Especially with having kids, there is too much to loose! I would die if I lost my child, one of the main reasons I stay clean is for my daughter. Anyways, keep doing what you are doing Derek, you are helping so many of us addicts! (Also, in my opinion Kurt using any substance is a relapse in my book)
  • @paulbboyle3714
    🙏🙏 for kurt. Thanks for video I hope kurt gets some help. I hope he listens to you buddy 🙏❤
  • @CMoore8539
    I’m Very Hurt about this. I’m so sorry, Derek. This really sucks!
  • @giom75able
    I’m praying for Kurt, I have relapsed many times it’s hard as hell! My heart goes out to Kurt but remember he has to want it himself u can’t make him want to stay sober no one could make me! Prayers for your family
  • @AFAFsamedwards
    Thanks for doing these videos. I’m two weeks clean tomorrow. It’s a battle everyday but everyday at this point is getting better. I go to work and then I come home. I stay away from everyone. I’m going to beat this. One day at a time.
  • Derek, your channel is a Godsend my friend. Sorry to hear Kurt is on the edge. Again, you have to WANT to be clean. Period. I'm 27 days clean today, I've been to hell and back, but I WANT to be clean. God bless you both From the UK.