Design Your Ideal Ham Radio Shack with Dave W7UUU

Published 2021-12-06
"Ham Radio Perspectives" Interviews Dave, W7UUU, who lost his amateur radio shack in a fire and built a new one based on terrific principles for all hams. Hosted by Quin, K8QS, and Tom, WA9TDD. Post your additional ham shack ideas below.

All Comments (21)
  • @researchcapt
    This is a really good lesson for me. No more junk power strips.
  • @kellydiver
    This was very helpful. I’m a returning ham after a 25-year break, and I was also the victim of a house fire nine years ago caused by an aftermarket laptop battery. I’m very nervous about electronics now. I only have a corner of a bedroom for my shack, but it’s taking me a long time to put it together because I’m obsessive about power and grounding now. I appreciate it when experienced hams share their knowledge about these issues.
  • @graywolf1911
    I have had to move my shack in our home, and now I am attempting to design the room to my liking, but I had so many ideas that I could not get off "zero". This video was SO informative and covered so many KEY areas, I am thoroughly impressed and have some great ways to incorporate what Dave has done. Power strips being one thing that will go, I already had used metal power strips for HD, commercial grade. I have questions about the cable panel with BNC cables; do you run the coax from your antennas to the rear of the panel and how do they connect to the rear of BNC connectors?
  • @tsdelaney
    Great, practical ideas and advice! Thank you for this video – I’m going to convert a 12 by 20 shed into my man cave/shack and this was just the video I needed! Thank you and 73, de VE1XR
  • @trivialone11
    Wow! That Ham Shack is really something Dave W7UUU. My current Ham Shack is a Yaesu VX-6. I'm going to talk to the wifie about doing something like this when I pass my General Exam. Wish me luck. 😂 The good news is after that conversation I'll be able to take my ham shack with me when I'm looking for a new couch to sleep on. 🤣🤣🤣 KK7PBE ... Joking aside, that is an Awesome setup.
  • @ronjones4069
    You can not emphasize enough how important (critical) itis to be able to get behind the operating position. Well done, my friend.
  • @dfpolitowski2
    Dave, I actually ran across you on QRZ just browsing, a few weeks ago. And after reading your page, I made certain the new power strip I just order a few days early was not subject to what might be a flame out. Plan on cleaning up all my crazy wiring soon.
  • really good presentation and ideas. Just found your channel and subscribed. Will be working my way back thru your older videos. Thanks for sharing.
  • @mcmichaeltube
    I'm planning a new shack, and this was great information. Thanks.
  • @daveduffy2292
    The gang plank is a must. Great job functional and forward thinking
  • @DonzLockz
    Great video! Lots of information someone would not normally think about.👍 I really like the gang plank idea, no wall warts or power boards and most importantly, I now realise I need a "belly" mic!😄🍻👍
  • @slappomatthew
    great stuff. Wish I had a empty 3 car garage to work with. I'm in the cornet of the laundry room along with a sim racing rig, a reloading station, and all my archery stuff, airsoft stuff etc.
  • @Scott-np7sl
    FANTASTIC video! Way too few views, more hams should be watching this for sure.
  • @tonyridlen
    Excellent video about how to set up your ideal ham radio shack! 73 KC9QVE Marion,Indiana
  • You guys were doing good what happened? Love to see more videos from you guys. Hope y’all come back and make more.
  • Fantastic conversation on designing and operating a ham shack. I am recently licensed (Jan 2020) as a General. I took all 3 tests and missed the Extra by 4 questions (I had not studied for the extra). There were some questions on RF modeling that I had not seen since Electrical Engineering classes in the 70’s. Haha. For my shack, I am converting an office next to our master bedroom. I agree with the data ports I have 40+ drops of CAT5 throughout the house and garage (I might have gone a bit crazy, but I like having connections while I need them). One thing I missed if was talked about. Is there a knife switch or quick disconnect from the outside antenna farm? Lightning arrestors are ok up to a certain point, but I like to have the wire not even connected during some of our Texas thunderstorms. That may just be me though. Great video! All the best! 73 de KI5HXM
  • Halon fire extinguishers are hard to find... I would love a couple for my shack/office