Low Budget Amazon Movies

Published 2022-10-01

All Comments (21)
  • the most accurate part of ally and obie was all the adults saying "math is not that difficult" and then offering no help
  • @idletalker
    “this is boring, im going home” is actually such a funny thing to say to kids being mean lmao
  • That dude was immediately skeptical of Joan’s BS. She definitely is no stranger to spreading idle reports.
  • @ionaf9
    "shame on you for spreading idle reports Joan" has to be the greatest line of dialogue of all time
  • Okay but actually, I was watching this video on my lunch break tonight and my coworker, who had absolutely no idea who Drew Gooden is, came up behind me and said "yo is that Ninja?" and he had to wait for me to quit laughing long enough to explain
  • The filmmakers version of a dystopian future being "not being allowed to hit children" is terrifying
  • @smolbirb4
    Idk why but that clip of the director telling him to “just joke around a little” was extremely creepy and unnerving
  • i truly believe the delivery of "shame on you for spreading idle reports, joan" was award-worthy
  • @GabeUSA07
    The most unrealistic part of ‘a Summertime Christmas’ is that everyone is obeying an act passed by the UN
  • @Coyoteari
    Gotta love that underlying message of “if I can’t smack the shit out of my kids then I won’t do a single thing to teach them decent behavior 😌”
  • to be fair, as someone who grew up with bad dyscalculia in an era before people started actually talking about neurodiversity, the experience of every adult in your life acting exasperated and saying “it’s easy. just do it.” is accurate
  • I love that the grandpa complains about “new math”, but one of the problems on the board earlier was literally 4x3.
  • That Louis Vuitton bag is 100% something one of the crew bought for themselves with the budget, and just put in the movie to justify writing it off
  • @persussle-
    25:55 the fact that the "just joke around a bit" blooper turned into "that looks like your forehead" may be the best thing ever and i love it
  • @sideways5153
    To be fair, a dog not being able to identify what’s wrong with a bad person feels very accurate to dog psychology
  • I love that they got her a Build-A-Bear instead of TAKING her to Build-A-Bear to let her make it herself. Like, I'd be fuckin upset
  • Ally & Obie feels like a movie I would make with my cousins at a sleepover at our grandparents house
  • (From a vet tech’s perspective) the worse part about Allie & Obie is the fact that the dog looks so absolutely stressed the entire time