FKJ live at Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia for Cercle

Published 2019-02-28
FKJ playing an exclusive live set in the world's largest salt flat Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia for Cercle.

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FKJ, or French Kiwi Juice, is a self-taught multi-instrumentalist from France.
The world's largest salt flat serves as a direct source of inspiration and experimentation for his live loop performance, as he weaves his signature blend of electronic, jazz, and R&B music into the vast, reflective expanse.
He tells us during the interview: "I didn't want the location to be a background to my music. I wanted the music to be the soundtrack of the location. I did play a few of my tracks that fitted the location, but for the rest I tried to take a look around and to inspire myself from nature."



Video credits:

Artist: FKJ
Venue: Salar de Uyuni
Produced by Cercle
Founder & Creative Director: Derek Barbolla
Music Director: Philippe Tuchmann
Film directed by: Pol Souchier & Derek Barbolla
Directors of photography: Mathieu Glissant
Sound engineer: Laurent de Boisgisson & Thomas Cooksey
Assisted by: Aurélien Moisan
Sound mastering: Laurent de Boisgisson
Drone: Alexis Olas

Special thanks to Terra Andina, Conacine, French Embassy in Bolivia , French Alliance in Bolivia & Live Buzz for all their support.
Thanks to Galerie Joseph.

This artistic performance has been recorded live.


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#fkj #cercle

All Comments (21)
  • @BananaInEar009
    I cannot believe I can watch this for free on YouTube. What a time to be alive!
  • @utuber294
    July 2024 and I still come back to this masterpiece of music. always will. if you’re reading this, may you find and keep inner peace and joy. you’re worth it.
  • Just wanted to give you guys a update i am Cancer free for now and have been for 4 months . Thank you FKJ,and thanks to all of you guys who showed me love and compassion over the last 2 1/2 years. ....... 1 planet, 1 people, 1 LOVE
  • @leolk6735
    To the 0.1% people who read this in the world. I hope you find the love of your life and become successful someday.
  • There isn’t one person who’s remotely close to the level this man is on. NO ONE DOES THIS. He’s DJing, looping, composing, singing, and playing multiple instruments at mastery level. Not only can he shred but this is so tasteful to the ear. This is one of the greatest music sets EVER created. Congrats you found it.
  • To FKJ : Its been 18 month of pure Hell as i am still battling stage 4 cancer but your music is still helping me in ways that 1 could never understand with out seeing it for them self. I am so grateful to you my soul Doctor LOVE LOVE your set . My strength is knowing that when i'm 100% cancer free i will see you live somewhere in the world , May God's blessing keep you safe for the world needs you more now then ever. (I know I DO)
  • This is the most humble side of youtube.. these comments are beautiful. I hope you all get through what ever you are facing, and never forget where music brought you. Peace and love y'all!!
  • @toks619
    I didn't know they could fly people out to heaven to perform music like this.
  • @itsjayke
    This is me and my partners favourite live set and last night our baby daughter was born to it, thank you FKJ ♥️
  • @glennD15
    hi person who is reading this. I hope as you listen to this music, you get the same solitude and peace im getting in the midst of the chaos 2020 has been through so far. acknowledge the bad but stay focused and dwell on the energy of the good things in your life. i strongly believe we will be alright. spread love, we are all traveling our crazy journey in this thing called life. xo
  • @byzel
    Me: What musical instrument do you play ? FKJ: Yes
  • @josesoares8980
    kudos to the cameraman who walked in semicircles for 1.5 hours with his feet in that salty water for us to have an amazing view of this masterpiece!!
  • The universe spent 13,7 billion years working hard and aligning everything perfectly in order to create this mix on this lake.
  • @Bepis13
    So this is what soundcloud looks like
  • "dad, why is my sister named rose?” "because your mother loves roses" "thanks, dad" "no problem, FKJ live at Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia for Cercle"
  • @xsankor
    For everyone: If you're here, something good it's happening to you.
  • @tommoldy
    This has 22 million views and I have probably watched this 21 million times