The Rise and Fall of Superior Spider-Man

Published 2022-10-15
Superior Spider-Man. That's the video.

Comics: Superior Spider-Man Vol 1 (2013) and Vol 2 (2019) by Marvel

Dan Slott photo at 1min52sec was taken by Luigi Novi / Wikimedia Commons (would have given credit in the video, but had no idea about its ownership until now, my bad)

All Comments (21)
  • @mait4051
    The fear green goblin displayed when he heard Spider-Man crack a joke is such an iconic panel to me. Realizing that Peter is back and that he is so fucked.
  • My biggest issue with Superior Spider-man was how Peter’s life was completely screwed up after he got his body back. And the fact that literally nobody else figured out something was going on with him is ridiculous. They all just assumed he chose to become an arrogant jerk who talks like Octavius. I know the Avengers ran some tests (and still missed the fact Otto was in control), but they seriously couldn’t have called a telepath to take a quick look. And then there’s everyone else in Peter’s life not even questioning the sudden personality shift and just going along with it
  • @SteelSpurs
    My biggest issue with this arc is that not a single soul in the Marvel universe knew something was off.
  • @willsith9762
    I love this sort of "Walk a mile in their shoes" kind of character development. Force a character to realize just how and why a certain person behaves by shoving them in their body and they can learn a lot.
  • @Sebboebbo
    This gotta be the most anticipated comicbook video sequel of 2022 hands down
  • My only problem with Superior Spider-Man is that every supporting character suffered from Plot Induced Stupidity. Like you said, Mary Jane somehow couldn't figure out that the love of her life was suddenly acting like a massive jackass to everyone. I still love this story tho.
  • I can't wait until we switch brains and I become the Superior Lennen.
  • The Superior run was one of my favorites. My only problem with it was that I disliked Marvel killing off Otto, then bringing him back as a villain like if none of this mattered.
  • I think that Mephisto needs to get a life. Stalking and manipulating people into forgetting things and not having a kid is not a life.
  • @salt8921
    Man, superior Spider-Man was a really good comic run. I love how Otto grew major respect for Peter after taking over his body. You get to see the subtle character growth that Otto has and it also makes you think if Otto is the better Spider-Man. The moment where Peter makes Otto hesitate during the girl’s surgery makes you second guess peters moral. The end where Otto even gives up his body to stop Norman shows the immense amount of character development that he went through in this run.
  • @Emperorwolf999
    you gotta love that when true spidey cracks a joke at goblin, he immediately knows who he's actually facing
  • @tomjames9681
    God damn, the idea that a MARVEL writer would, in good conscience, recreate the circumstances of one of the most despised moments in comic history only makes sense with the theory Alex provided. It’s insane.
  • I absolutely adore the original Superior Spider-Man run. It was the first comic run I ever fully collected. Gonna be honest: I knew that Otto ended up coming back eventually but had no idea they One More Day'd him.... That really really sucks :'(
  • Alex, if you're a huge fan of Superior Spider-Man, I highly recommend reading Superior Four, which focuses on Otto teaming up with various versions of himself, and he goes through a journey where he learns to move on from being Spider-Man, but also a villain, and decides to try helping others as Otto Octavius, for me it's basically an epilogue to last Superior Spider-Man run
  • @Metal_Maoist
    I love how Mephisto has just become the ultimate herald of the writers rolling back spider-man's character development for no reason
  • @gettingbeat
    16:36 this is one of my favorite comicbook moments of all time, just the joke, reaction and realization with the "It's you." is so good.
  • Spider-Man’s original comic was the first comic book I ever read. I’m loving how your videos are introducing me to these modern Spidey storylines
  • @Brainatrain
    i'm fucking crying this is the first time I'm hearing about otto making a deal with Mephisto. I could only imagine reading the comic day one and realize THEY'RE FUCKING DOING IT AGAIN.
  • @LordCornshoe
    Two things I hated about the initial run of Superior. #1. The Green Goblin didn't turn out to be little Normie Osborn in some kind of adult exosuit or something. I thought that's where Slott was headed, what with Otto's soft spot for children continuously being established. And then his final baddie is a child- the dramatic irony! But nope, it's Norman AGAIN, with some weird backwards twist that he just had a different face under his mask. #2. Peter wasn't more passionately ticked off about the whole thing and gave Otto a pass after he encountered him again. I feel like the Peter I grew up reading would have lunged for Otto the second he saw him again in Spider-Verse, then grudgingly been talked down and forced to work with him. But nope, he's so damned meek about the whole thing and even praises and forgives Otto eventually. This was an aspect of Peter (his temper) that Slott never really understood or got right.
  • @BingBangPoe
    Superior Spiderman is one of my FAVORITE Spiderman stories, EVER; tied with Kraven's Last Hunt. It was such a nice take on Spidey, and it is incredibly amusing to see how Octo's ego and distorted notion of heroism plays through the series. Even during his "Superior Octopus" phase he was still a very interesting character. A real shame the writers had to undo everything he did just for a cheap "Return of Doctor Octopus".