How is Final Fantasy XVI so Boring?!?

Publicado 2023-07-30

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @alenezi989a3
    It is very boring, unfortunately a lot of people just refuse to except how boring this game is.
  • @CView
    The games opening is soo soo strong, and then comes to a screeching halt
  • @mattpino275
    I was doing side quests until I ran into Blacksmith Blues and realized after 2 Blacksmith Blues quests the damn blacksmith still isn’t happy.
  • @steven2640
    1. Linear as hell. No open world to explore so you're essentially teleporting to tiny sand boxes that take less than 5 mins to fully explore. 2. Inability to interact with the environment (can only enter 10% of the buildings you see) 3. They have this jukebox as if anyone would want to listen to the disappointing music 4. You can only play with Clive, only equip him and everyone else is an immortal bot 5. Ridiculously easy 6. Can only have 4-5 potions/Hi-potions (rarely have needed them - See #5) 7. I liked FF15 but this makes FF15 look like a masterpiece 8. You watch and button mash square or press R1 on cue nearly as much as you play 9. I feel no comradery with the other main characters (again feel like bots that talk) 10. Side Quests = carry this meal to this table or save this character from enemies you can beat blindfolded
  • For me the game failed on almost every level. Definitely my least favorite FF game.
  • @117N7_
    The problem with FF16 side quests is simply they applyed the mentality of FF14 the mmo which need that type of quests so it doesn't feel empty and low level players can get good exp easily doing them to a story driven game like FF16 which dont need filler a lot of filler quests like that
  • @mcslurf
    I grew from half listening to not listening and completely skipping the dialogs (triangle on PS5). I dragged myself to the end. This game did not give me energy. It costs me a lot of energy. I am very tired now after finishing this game.
  • @banzaidonut1869
    I’m watching this while half listening to a cutscene hahaha 🤣
  • @bobbye4369
    Man, this game was super boring. I knew I wasn't crazy.
  • @dctrbrass
    For me, it's so different from the games I played growing up. It doesn't even resemble FF 1-10. Also, the battles have so much going on that it's confusing. Strangely, all of the unnecessary effects make me mentally disengage from the fights ("I'm just going to mash buttons until this is over...I can't even tell what's going on"). In the demo the tutorial fight was really fun/strategic. I'm glad I only paid $20. People talk crap about Starfield and Cyberpunk but I'm having WAY more fun w/ those.
  • @adamb2216
    So I just discovered this video and I had no idea you have a YouTube channel. I remember you from YEARS ago with the retelling of the console wars back in the day.
  • @sdweim85
    I'm about halfway through it, this pretty much validated everything I was feeling. It's a good game, but why is it like this? FF fans are so crazy as well, its like every time you mention you'd like it to be old school turn based JRPG with lots of items, spells, colorful cast of fun characters, they just crucify you by saying every FF was completely different than the last one, and this is what they do. Were they THAT much different until 11 came along?
  • @purpleguy7720
    Im 20 hours in and I agree its so boring arround 13 hours in it gets really boring but the beginning is so good
  • @DougyFreshGames
    The same moves, uninteresting side quests, long dialogue pretty much killed it for me. Not a lot going on in the fields like you said. Its okay if people didn't like it, its Filler Fantasy lol. Not everything is going to hit.
  • @jacobturner9838
    I think it was a great story line because it's about brothers