Why Is Teaching so Hard? | work life balance, communication, unexpected events

Published 2023-12-14
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All Comments (21)
  • Great video. I’ve been teaching for 19 years, and it took me 17 of those years to realize that the key to improving the “life expectancy” of teachers in the classroom is to stop saying and thinking “students come first”! Until you realize and accept the fact that teachers and students are equally important in the space, your work life will continue to be a burden. I’m guilty too.
  • As a fellow educator, I agree with your measure. My biggest issue is the incessant coddling of parents that we have been forced to do with them. It is not culturally portable and ever since I abandoned the practice I have become less stressed. The key is to having a supportive administrator and insuring that I am standing on truth and ALWAYS keeping the future of the child in the forefront of my mind.
  • @MrsMoore1
    I am an educator and I have to say that I don’t advise giving out your personal cell # to parents. Providing a personal cell number can blur those boundaries and lead to added stress. I would encourage any teacher to use apps like Class Dojo, Class Tag, etc and establish clear communication channels during school hours and to set aside time for personal relaxation on weekends. You deserve that and more!! How are you fully caring for yourself on the weekends? Whatever happened on the weekend with students can be relayed on the next day that you all return to school. You mentioned needing to know if someone was sick to bring in masks… I have them stashed in my classroom already. All in all, I wish you the very best in your education career and endeavors. You seem like such a caring and dedicated teacher but remember- boundaries are essential!😉
  • One other crazy parent antic, a call on my personal cell phone at 10:30 PM. Not only was the time too late, but the fact that I was in the hospital recuperating from emergency surgery, made known to parents why I’d be out for the next 10 days, not a deterrent to a call complaining about the sub’s homework! She even put her six year old son on the phone because, “he wants to talk to you.” He obviously did not!
  • @mzzzzzzday
    It took me time to learn to be flexible and learn to be ok with change. everything isn't going to be perfect and if you don't get to a lesson who cares
  • @jaydel3
    This is like a rated G version of why it is hard to teach.
  • @23drcharles
    The sad reality is that many people are not aware of the medical costs of teaching. Teachers suffer from obesity, stroke, hypertension, heart attack, weeping edema, urinary cancers, women-related cancers, drinking and drug problems, suicide, and death. Teachers in charter schools are paid substandard pay and have no real retirement for the future. Money for nothing?
  • @byeteaching
    Thank you for addressing these mistakes head-on. It's refreshing to see someone discussing the challenges teachers face when transitioning careers. Your video provides valuable guidance and encouragement. Keep up the excellent work!
  • @EJDPPOPMedia
    This is a great video. I have a heart for anyone who teaches little children.
  • @unarmeduim2150
    this sounds like a parenting issue and you need a Teachers Assistant and to just shut your phone off. Learn to let go of control I'm a landlord I had to learn how to do this It took me 2 years if you miss something you miss something stop working beyond your scope of work if not you will DREAD your own phone it'll give you anxiety even the sound of the ring tone will make your blood pressure go up even the thought that you was possibly vibrating will give you anxiety
  • @vivfrancine
    I recommend Google phone numbers that can be forwarded to your phone to protect those boundaries. Teacher for 10 years and instructional coach for 2 years.
  • @valerieakon7313
    So true a special education teacher so I deal with unexpected daily I look for it
  • @steve1711
    Here's what to do - get a job in a private school where parents are paying very high amounts of money to educate their child. Taught for 30 years in the UK in such a school and loved it. Well motivated pupils, supportive parents and a relaxed enjoyable atmosphere. The grass tennis courts, indoor swimming pools 50 acres of land and a 9 pin golf course were also nice. Taught advanced level Physics and Chemistry. Many of the pupils wanted to be come doctors, vets, dentists etc. Some had set up their own businesses and were wealthy in their own right while still at school. Many of my friends taught in the state system and hated it. Oh we were also well paid - salaries were discretionary - I worked for two department heads but were paid the same as they were.
  • @karenrollins9578
    I’m seeing so many people lately on YT that are really struggling and it just breaks my heart for people. 2024 is hard. It’s only gonna get harder. But if you’ll stop looking for your purpose in your jobs & relationships, and if you’d put your hope & faith in the one who laid down His life for you, you’d have hope. Jesus is our hope. This world is sinking fast. Jesus is the life boat. Repent & believe the gospel
  • @keciaaskew5166
    Teaching is hard, because teachers have to deal with students that have challenging behaviors. I live in New York and I work in a childcare center. And the new job I have the kids are so hard and challenging. And I have 5+ years in education.
  • Great video and content about the realities of teaching. Thank you for keeping it real.
  • @teacherof20
    So true about parent communication and taking work home ❤❤❤
  • I taught Kindergarten in Queens back in the 1970’s. One day we started with 27 students, and ended with 15. This nasty stomach flu was going around, possibly what they now call norovirus. Projectile puking and uncontrollable diarrhea! I don’t know how many were present the last three days of the week because it got me, too! Awful!
  • @xoxozell3507
    Could you do a video on your experience of teaching in nyc & financial views/opinions? I’m very much interested in teaching in nyc but it seems impossible bc of how expensive nyc is
  • Love your videos!! Love how professional and eloquent you are. I'm going into my last semester of student teaching, and have one more test to take for my subject area exam. Are you still going for your SLP degree (if I'm recalling that correctly)?