
Published 2023-11-10

All Comments (21)
  • @震源
  • It's rare that a company actually provides such an insight into their production. As a photographer who loves sigma lenses this really is so interesting to watch - thank you for that!
  • @MrAlroyNdhlovu
    I don’t think I’ll be questioning the prices of lenses again. I can see how complex the process is. It’s great that Sigma still produces the more affordable ones.
  • @Bonbonhk99
    The moment they print the "Make in Japan" on it is actually really touching! This as much a form of Art as it is technology.
  • @leokimvideo
    Imagine the stress of being so perfect to hand paint the ft numbers. Mind blowing. Japan you are masters of anything you touch.
  • @JaySilva88
    Lenses are expensive, but seeing this gives me an extra appreciation for the love and labor put into making these fine optics. There are no bad lenses from Sigma, beautiful craftsmanship!
  • @MCCDY175
    まさか印字が手作業とは思わなかった。 しっかり丁寧に作られていて、シグマさんのこだわりを感じました。 手持ちのシグマレンズ、大切に使わせていただきます!
  • @hkn777
    Sometimes I was thinking lenses are overpriced,not any more! Thanks to these people so we keep collecting memories! ❤
  • @mariessen5846
    When you watch this video, your opinion about prices of lenses totally changes! Thanks for sharing this, so interesting to see how much high precision work needs to be done to create a lens
  • As a photographer who owns several Sigma lenses, this is very interesting and fun to watch. Thanks for the video 👍.
  • @marcuryfilm4489
    地元福島にこんな素晴らしい工場があることを誇りに思います。一本のレンズが完成されるまでの工程、一人一人の愛と技術が詰まっていて世界に誇れる技術に感動しました。ありがとうございます。SIGMA ARTシリーズは本当に最高品質です
  • @jasmijnariel
    As a photographer myself, i love to see this. This shows exactly why lenzes are expensive. A lot of work and precision goes in to them❤
  • @yoonmokang8708
  • @yk0809TYO
    作り手のプライドを感じるメーカーと思っていましたが、こんなに気持ちのこめられたものだったとは… 素晴らしい動画、ただただ感謝ですね!
  • @odarrien
    A much more labour intensive process than I thought. Thank you Sigma for giving us high quality affordable options!
  • まさに僕が使っているレンズと同じもので感動しました。 これだけ多数の工程、多数の精密な作業を経て作られる素晴らしい製品を購入できることに感謝すべきだと実感しました。
  • @mouldypretzel
    Never had a problem with any Sigma lens and I can see why. The level of craftsmanship demonstrated here is superb
  • @lightbody232
    I respect Japanese ppl!, i do love thier hard working, the love for everything they do what make them specialists on what they doing, such a wonderful nation, we are glad you are with us!❤
  • @mansatosi8939
  • @darumataishi
    すごい世界だと思いました。 1本のレンズ製作 ものすごい行程がかかっていることがわかります。 精密技術の塊ですね。 素晴らしい映像でした。感謝!