The Disturbing Reddit Lamp Story - MrBallen

Published 2024-05-05
Chris and MrBallen discuss the craziest story MrBallen has ever read about.

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All Comments (21)
  • @raezor82
    He should have known something was off once they were able to buy a house two years after graduation.
  • @bvbxiong5791
    i'm the opposite of that guy...i've got no wife, no kids, no life, no money. i'm just waiting to wake up from my coma too.
  • @Bedroom_Studios
    "A fraction of a second; like 10 seconds." - Mr. Ballen. 🤣 I love it
  • I've had a similar experience, waking up from a dream that was SO real I felt genuine grief when I realised it wasn't real
  • @richardcard82
    Kayla: He's probably thinking about other girls Mitch: LAMP
  • @ayd5108
    I’m 56 now and when I was around 10 years old, I woke up in my bed and experienced an entire family and life as a mother. First thing I saw were my hands as I stretched. I had a wedding band on and my nails were manicured (didn’t know what this was called at the time). I immediately turned to my right and saw a man sleeping with his back to me. I got up and met my 2 children and made them breakfast. I was living this experience, not dreamlike at all. I remember going back to bed and falling asleep. I woke up and fully expected to see my husband and children, but I was 10 years old again….I was so heartbroken.
  • @danielsliwa1045
    Someone else experienced this?!? Five years ago, I spent 13 years in a real time dream. Went to bed on Tuesday, woke up on Wednesday and my boss told me I need to relocate to San Francisco. So I moved, got an apartment, met someone at a park, got married, had one girl, then a boy, and I woke up when my wife was in labor with out third child (supposed to be second daughter). I jolted up in bed and it was Wednesday, and I took off work for two days to grieve the loss of my family, friends, and recouperate. Things haven’t been the same, and I see them in dreams sometimes. Even weirder, I went to San Francisco three years later and all the places I remember were there. I sometimes worry I’ll wake up again, and this life will be a dream too
  • I had a very similar experience in 1988. I was on a cultural exchange in Zaire and I caught Malaria. It was excruciating. I had a temp of 105+ and was delirious for days. When the fever finally broke I had lost over 30 pounds and was weak as water for weeks but I finished the exchange, went home to Canada, and went back to school to become an RN. Two weeks after I got home my best friend's older brother, that I'd had a crush on since 5th grade, called me and asked me out. We were married three months after I graduated and became an RN. He'd started working for the police force in the small town we were both born in right out of high school. I had very bad endometriosis and we went through 4 heartbreaking miscarriages before our daughters were born. My incredibly selfless SIL/BFF carried them for her brother and I. Life was bliss right up until the morning I woke up to find that someone had ripped the roof off our house and the most intense beam of light I've ever seen was blinding me. My fever had broken. The light that blinded me was a doctor's penlight as he checked my pupillary reflexes. None of it had happened. I was still in Zaire. The folks in charge of the exchange had actually been making arrangements to have me airlifted to the closest place with a functioning hospital because the one in Zaire was an absolute horror and, apparently, I'd been very close to death. It took me YEARS to come to terms with none of it being real. I did return to Canada but my BFF got married and moved away a few months later and her brother never asked me out. I moved away from our hometown because every time I saw him with his girlfriend it broke my heart. I've never told anyone about it because it seemed so absolutely ridiculous and nobody would have believed me anyhow and it didn't REALLY happen so what's the big deal? I've written a handful of novels (nothing published) and I did include it in one of the storylines for one of my main characters but I ended up not including it in the final draft because, even a decade later, it still seemed too far fetched for anyone to believe. I'm sooo happy to know that I'm not alone!!
  • I spent a month in a coma. I watched a family from a third person perspective for GENERATIONS. Unconsciousness is absolutely insane
  • Had a similar experience with a dream I had, woke up and cried for a few days when I realized the life I lived was just a dream.
  • @robbaholic
    When I was 16, I had a very realistic dream that seemed to last months. I met a girl online and she eventually moved to my city. I was excited to introduce her to all my friends, to show off how popular I was, how I made everyone laugh; all of the silly things a young boy in love thinks are important. After an exciting first day of school, we took the bus back to my house, but immediately upon getting off the bus, we noticed we were being followed. A dozen men in black suits followed us on the walk/run to my house, and just as we burst through the front door, I see my mom and stepdad coming down the stairs. I begged them to help, begged them to not let them take her away, but they said there was nothing they could do. The men in black suits took her away, and I woke up feeling like my heart had been ripped out of my chest. I can’t even remember her face, but I’ll never forget that feeling.
  • @anjpunk
    Commendable - MrBallen's fluent explanation without a cut and explaining just as he does in his regular videos ♥️
  • @dare2win215
    I've heard or read this story several times over the years, but NO ONE tells it better than Mr. Ballen.
  • I had a traumatic, abusive childhood. Even since I got away from it, I’m afraid to go to sleep sometimes. I just get filled with this sense of dread and the fear that when I wake up, I’ll be back there. I’ll wake up to see my entire life up to this point has been a dream. I was so screwed up the first time I heard this story. It just stoked that phobia hahahaha. Man, if it ever does happen to me, I’ll just find a way to check out. I wouldn’t be able to handle living with the memories of my kids, my family, my LIFE and knowing it didn’t really happen.
  • @KinjiUrba
    It was really strange. I remembered this story. I read it once, and I never forgot it. Once Ballen brought up a lamp, I knew it would be the same story. I have had night terrors and used to lucid dream a lot when I was younger. This wouldn't be something I would be interested in happening. I've had dreams with men that I'll never forget. I'm happily married. However these men were a different feeling and I wake up feeling such a deep loss. I've also never had sex in a dream.
  • I had a dream. I had a life, wife, kids, I was happy. It was the most real thing I ever had. When I woke up from that "life" to this (people here call it the real life, but I call it a nightmare dream), I begged to fall asleep again and come back to that. I was the happiest person there. I had all memories, the whole story. Everything.
  • @mmkoogler
    Consciousness is a freaky thing. I had been totally out from having seizures for too long. When I came to in the ICU, they asked me how long I thought I had been there. I thought 2 or 3 days, maybe. They told me I had been in the ICU for 10 days already. I also kept ripping my IVs out while they were working on me because from my perspective, I saw myself in a morgue with a mortician trying to embalm me while I was still alive. But the reality was that it was a doctor or nurse that was putting my IVs back in and I was laying in a hospital bed. I was in the hospital for almost a month and I had terrible hallucinations that the nurses were out to get me.
  • @retrokoh1507
    I heard about this story many years ago online (2012?) and thought it was insane. I forgot about it for over a decade. Then to hear MrBallen talk about it in his video was a trip.