Published 2023-12-10
Hello YouTube! I'm making Genshin Impact videos! And in today's video we'll be fishing for Fleuve Cendre Ferryman for Furina! We'll go through 8 locations and try to get as many fish as we can! Can we get FLEUVE CENDRE FERRYMAN in 1 DAY? Let's find out!

Thank you for the watching! Subscribe to my channel and I'll see you in my next video!

00:00 - Introduction
01:23 - Preparations
02:14 - 1st Fishing Spot
03:12 - 2nd Fishing Spot
03:59 - 3rd Fishing Spot
04:36 - 4th Fishing Spot
05:11 - 5th Fishing Spot
05:47 - 6th Fishing Spot
06:20 - Most Important Fishing Spot
07:30 - Last Fishing Spot
08:13 - Result
08:45 - Energy Management Test

All Comments (21)
  • @ponderingfox
    I found this was way easier to fish for than the Catch.
  • @juanlife6255
    i actually enjoy fishing, but with paimon muted.
  • @Chronos445
    omg so funny the comments about Paimon and the seals!!! And i also fell into the water because i was excited in the same spot lol!!
  • @ferrankina6989
    I really like this channel :) and the accent makes him sound super friendly :)))
  • @kasuha
    I got the pipe for Lynette right after 4.0 landed. I did not even get the weapon in one day but I'm patient and it took me less than two weeks I spent leveling up Lynette anyway. Somehow I don't mind fishing. I don't enjoy it, but I don't mind either. And I have dialogs muted too - not only for fishing, pretty much all of idle character lines start getting on my nerves in pretty short time and it's better for me to give up on their battlecries than to listen to their idle lines whenever I leave them standing for five seconds.
  • @anoklemtur2616
    Yes....Yes you can and I was able to it too. I decided an entire day to get it to the max refinement by constantly visiting others world in co-op. I even managed to get The Catch to max refinement on the same day. I mean I had already started so why not got out all the way...right?
  • @eru_barth
    This makes me glad to be a day 1 player with Festering Desire
  • @treeleven3316
    I fished the weapon the first few week or 2 when Fontaine released to get r5. What I really like about fishing in Fontaine early on, the mech fish you can recycle and get those gear parts you need for character and weapon ascensions (not that useful anymore because I have a stockpile of the gears now). I have festering desire, but the pipe works really good on Lynette (c4 specifically) because you can use skill twice and on second time you have higher ER from passive. Most of the time I can run solo anemo and get full energy with 0 ER substats on Lynette.
  • I fished the weapon in version 4.0 but haven’t used it yet because I am looking for a character that it fits with for both appearance and plot. (If you look at the archive entry for the pipe, you’ll notice its history would probably trigger bad memories for Furina or memories for people seeing Furina with it.) I run Furina on Favonious Sword and am saving for her signature sword in the hopes her next weapon banner pairs it with something useful.
  • @MrMonklad
    OOOOF the fishing grind 🙄 the catch was hard enough to get, Fleuve Cendre is hard as well, 4.0 been out for like 3 months now and i still havent R5'd mine
  • @notxp
    i got it r5 in 4 hours of fishing in co-op
  • I farmed for the pipe from the first day I got Furina since I don't have fav sword at all😢 and BP weapon is great but i ve no good energy recharge sands. Probably will throw away after i get good sands
  • @AxraVerse
    Can I get R1 of this weapon just by fishing in my own world?
  • @khwezimajoro
    consider doing Q>E with this weapon so that you get teammates particles while you have the ER increase that you get for 5 secs from weapon
  • @jimmmi7655
    Just use fav in non hydro team comp and another good weapon is docks man and er sand
  • @4ngryLumine
    I will never give my furina this stupid pipe i will buy wolf fang or black sword even though it will ruin my f2p status but no not that supid pipe