Code-X FULL EPISODE: "Encoded Symbology of the Ancient World" by Robert Edward Grant on GAIA

Published 2023-04-11
Code-X is an original series from Robert Edward Grant now streaming on GAIA:

Watch this full-episode & start your free trial via the link above.

Code X is a filmed series of expert lectures aimed to enliven your mind. Robert Edward Grant skillfully navigates the audience through vast interwoven levels of philosophy, universal mathematics, and ancient wisdom that connects through us all...

Robert Edward Grant





All Comments (21)
  • @kobalt77
    I am 63, I watch a LOT of esoteric and Occult type videos. This may be the most mind blowing presentation I have ever seen.. Thank you so much Robert, I just discovered you yesterday on Alex and NLS.
  • @burnedbysound
    Code x means 10. Codex is "original word for book" and comes from Latin Caudex meaning "tree trunk", which in french is Cadeaux meaning "gift". The Rune for Gift is X. This is why we call CHRISTmas Xmas now and why Xmas is all about getting gifts. Odin was the cultural archetype for the present day Santa Clause if that wasn't obvious. The Roman numeral X is 10. IN Greek Alpha means 1 and Omega means GREAT ZER0. Alpha and Omega is 10 and 01 at once. (I'll explain as as deeply as I can if anyone cares to read) Starting with the Bull = Taurus. Taurus is a compound word: "Tau" and "Rosh". "Tau" is a Hebrew letter t and was "the mark of protection and deliverance". The Phoenician alphabet writes the t as x. "Rosh" in Hebrew, or Phoenician "Resh" is the Greek letter "Rho" meaning "head" as in "Leader". So TAURUS means "a mark of salvation on the head". THIS is why ranchers brand or "mark" every "head" of cattle, the place a mark on the head. This is the literal meaning of Taurus, A mark of the head aka The Tau on the resh. Cows are sacred for. a reason. (watch the tv series "Outer Range" for a great deep dive into this very aspect) NOTE The Greek letter "Rho" is also used in a symbol called the "CHI RHO" which represents JESUS CHRIST. The CHI RHO symbol combines the 2 Greek letters RHO which is "P" and CHI which is an "X" and which means anointed. ALTERNATIVELY, the "Rus" part of TAURUS could be the germanic word for "red" which would make TAURUS mean something like RED BULL. [check out the last unicorn] Understand that the unicorn "U for omega" represents jesus and the bull represents the Alpha as the hebrew letter Alef A comes from the glyph of a bulls head. The letter "TAU" is the 19th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, in Hebrew gematria there are only 10 numbers so 19 is 1+9=10, 1+0=01. So TAU is encoding both the numbers 10 and 01. Also in Gematria 10, "the last" number, is represented by the letter yod "Y" because it's the "first" letter in the name of God. First and Last...Alpha and Omega. But in Greek Alpha (A) does mean "the first", But Omega (U) means "the great zero". Which means Alpha and Omega is 10. The spelling of "TAU" uses tall 3 Greek letters T, A, U (Tau, Alpha, Omega). So the letter "TAU" itself contains in it both the alpha and omega. It is the TRINITY. Etymologically related to Hebrew "TAU" and full circling us back to "CHI" is the Chinese word "TAO". It means "the way". *note Jesus also claims he is the way... In fact since Omega literally means the number 0 and not the letter O it is often represented by an O. *NOTE THE SIMILAR USE OF THE NUMBER ZERO IN PLACE OF THE LETTER O IN THE AB0 BLOOD TYPE SYSTEM. *NOTE THAT TYPE AB BLOOD IS ACTUALLY BOTH TYPE A AND B COEXISTING AT ONCE IN COOPERATIVE DOMINANCE. *NOTE THAT TYPE A AND B BLOOD BOTH ACCEPT TYPE ZER0. *NOTE JESUS IS THOUGHT TO HAVE BEEN TYPE AB BLOOD. The ABO blood types represent the holy trinity as well. If it weren't clear enough already, Taoist philosophy says the 2 primary substances of the body are "BLOOD" and "CHI". "Blood" I just described. "Chi" is described as the breath that animates life. The Greek letter "Chi" is X and it means anointed. "TAO" which itself involves the CHI, is described in Chinese philosophy as "the absolute principle force underlying the universe which contains the properties of both Yin and Yang (aka male and female). Again TAO and CHI and BLOOD sounding quite like the concept of trinity as its seen in the Hebrew letter TAU itself, and in the human AB0 blood type system. Mathematically the "Tau" t symbol functions exactly like "phi". The "Tau" t symbol is used in the mathematics of "proper time" and theoretical time travel. (again, check out Outer Range) ...To wrap this up... I believe this X/10 shit is indicating something about machine language "binary code" 1s and 0s being responsible for the end of the world. Language is what Odin lost an eye for. "The all seeing eye", "the eye of Horus", "eye of providence" call it whatever ya want, there's a huge enough list of names to choose from. Odin sacrificed the eye and hung from a "tree" to acquire a "gift" for mankind. The "gift" was a magic language. 1s and 0s. There is coincidently NO circular character in the Eldar Futhark runic alphabet. In Hebrew the letter O is called Ayin, meaning eye. Symbolicly, there are 2 symbols that function as letters and numbers, they are O/0 and 1/I. curiously the english letter I and the number 1 are symbolic analogs, and we see both symbols called referred to as "eye" "i" "Ayin". 0 and 1. (a recent episode of Rick and Morty actually addresses this property of the letter I and number 1) ... In other terms, binary code "machine language" and the emerging AI technology... AI or Alpha Iota. Alpha (meaning 1) and Iota (which is 9). Again with the 10. 1+9=10, 1+0=01.... 10 and 01...last and first. It's all 1s and 0s here. This should make us wonder why physicists have detected sequences of 1s and 0s like error correcting browser code in the math underlying string theory and supersymmetry.
  • Thank you so much for this wonderful information Robert I have been on YouTube for the last 3 days trying to find all the information you are sending out it is amazing. I haven’t stayed up to 2 AM in years and here I am at 84 and I can’t turn off my Television because I won’t to watch and hear more about what you are teaching us once again thank you so much young man 💜🙏☮️💜🙏☮️💜🙏☮️
  • Robert Grant's knowledge always blows my mind. Appreciate you and what you do, Robert! 😎
  • Thank you thank you thank you 😊 🙏 ❤I am a mother, artist, musician, and architect with a background in chemistry and sustainable development. It all ties together in humanities towards a humanitarian design in my dreams. Thanks again
  • @shantihstar
    So exciting!! Thank you Robert for connecting these “dots” . This is better than science fiction! It’s decoding the very fabric of our reality!
  • @idt1442
    Some years ago I saw a YouTube documentary about many things but very interesting was the connection between (certain) prime numbers and the creation of Coral Castle. It explained a relationship with sound/frequency and the Tablet of Shamash. Unfortunately I can’t find it anymore but supposedly Edward Leedskalnin built Coral Castle using a device he ‘programmed’ using the prime numbers that would lead to creation and levitation.
  • @DaliSYNlab
    What a period to be alive and admire all of this! Coincidences and synchronicities are mind blowing lately, ears are ringing…Amazing happenings here of both death life and love, on Easter night. I’m so blessed by your being and working on this planet, experiencing life at the same time ❤
  • Every time I would randomly look at the clock during the day the last several months I would always look at either 1.37 pm, 11:11 or other similar synchronicities. 1.37 the most often, literally every day. Then I accidentally discovered Robert’s videos here and been watching all his interviews and absolutely everything. Thank you 🙏 such an incredible time to be aliv
  • @BGray2884
    1/137=0.0072992700729927... with the pattern 00729927 repeating infinitely. Reducing the 7s and 2s to 9, you get 9999 and 9s reduce to 9. This sequence of numbers is also a palindrome centered between the 9's 0729 | 9270. The reciprocal of only one sequence of this decimal string is 1/0.00729927 = 137.0000013700000137 which is 137 and five 0's repeating. 1+3+7=11. 1/137 reduces to 9. What is importance of 9 and 11?
  • @levsomov1948
    Wow! Robert Grant, you have done an INCREDIBLE work, I have no words to describe my feelings in regards with your work and the results of it. Thank you so much for sharing all of this with us! God bless you, your family and your team and I am sure there is so much to come from you and your followers in the near future. Good luck, my friend and may our paths cross one day soon...
  • Fascinating! Your work is clearly a Divine guidance... I am thrilled, literally in awe every time I listen to you (often unplanned!) Kudos!!! Keep up the great work. Godspeed! 🙏💖👍🥰🍀
  • This seems a lot more like seeing what you want to see, and wrapping it around ideas of consciousness and hermetic thinking. Hey it’s kinda like this, if you move it or look at it like that. This is like being in the woods and seeing a bear, but oh wait. It was really just a weird stump, a rock, and a shadow… I’m just not seeing it, man. And trust me I want to, but I also know how easily we can be tricked and even subconsciously trick ourselves into bias. Listening to someone with one of the most balanced perspectives I’ve seen in a while mentioned that mathematics is both invented and discovered. If you’re going to say the universe is a union of pairs of opposites, this holds true and allows things to be hidden in ways some of these people still aren’t showing you. Is what you’re seeing invented, or discovered? Welcome to the true paradox of mind. They’re both true, and build on each other from within each other to resolve each other. Dammit, just like the bull picture? Yep. See how wild consciousness can invent a truth? I still like the idea that the pyramids were ancient chemical factories for a previous global civilization. That we understood natural origins of ores and minerals and setup shop all around the world. These places being built by a global civilization working together to make these kinds of sites all over the work makes much more sense. People removing their “egos” to be part of a whole rather than having to externally be whole. It truly would be an order where internally and psychologically you are whole, and that allows you to fit as a piece in something larger than you. It’s just like a cell in your body. It’s got to be whole to be a part.
  • @justjb9640
    Thank you for this! I had goosebumps throughout this entire episode. Looking forward to visiting Egypt someday soon! I had an uncle who passed away 11 countries shy of getting a world record for visiting all countries/territories in the shortest amount of time. Feeling compelled to complete his journey. I appreciate this fuel from your adventurous spirit 🌌
  • I found this absolutely fascinating. Some years ago we visited the Giza plateau and were in awe of the pyramids. I love the way you explain the patterns and connections.
  • @nanaramha
    Wonderful work and discoveries. Thank you!
  • @danielbutler946
    Keeping what you have in knowledge always explore and keep an open mind.