Published 2018-11-30
Hey guys, it really was time that you guys saw the whole side of me.
I really don't want you to feel sorry for me, I literally wanted you to know the person I am xxx
I hope you enjoyed my video as this was so hard to film, if you did don't forget to give it a thumbs up... please share this because if it could help others it would make me very happy. Once again Thank you for watching and hopefully I'll see you very soon xxx love you all 😘😘

Insta💖 @sogelishandbeauty7

Business Contact: [email protected]

All Comments (11)
  • Tracy my love its brave of you to tell your story. Nobody thinks you are fake.....who wants to pretend they have a disability? I sympathise honey. I have three damaged cervical discs and they give me jip. I have had the lot acupuncture, manipulations the works. I take strong pain relief but they make me drowsy. Its a bummer. Anyway my friend you are lovely and I love watching your videos. Prayers sent Tracy. Xx God bless your husband and mine too is a source of great help. Love you.
  • Tracy, I am so sorry to hear you are in so much pain, I did wonder why you had crutches but I would never ask, it wasn't my business to know but I would never think of you as a fake, you are living with debilitating pain and I, to some extent know how you feel, I suffer with rheumatoid arthritis in several joints and that is bad enough and a few months back, I too was suffering with back pain, I thought it may have been arthritis but MRI scan diagnosed Osteopenia, now for me, that pain is real it is nowhere near as bad as what you are having to deal with but it's bad for me, I find that it affects my daily life, I can't stand for long periods, I can't clean the house the way I used to because as soon as I start to clean, ie iron etc my back kills me and I have to sit down so hunni, I totally understand where your coming from, I appreciate you sharing this video with us but if you can't face up to filming, don't, only do it when you feel well enough ok? Big hugs hunni xx p.s your nails are beautiful! :)
  • @supernova44
    So sorry you're going through this . I had my first surgery within a few months because the pain was unbearable from 2 herniated discs. Same ones blew 1 month post op and next came more problems resulting in a 2 level spinal fusion . Years later i have medical implants to help manage severe pain and nerve damage , the whole spine is riddled with DDD, arthritis ,stenosis etc. All I can say is live life as normally as can adapt. It's not easy I know. Take good care and hang in there..
  • Hi Tracy I love your channel, so sorry for your pain, I have spinal arthritis so I so relate to what your going through, I saw a surgeon yesterday and was told surgery the last option I didn’t like the sound of what they do, I could have an injection if things get worse, at the moment I am on the right medicine dread having flare ups! Sending you lots of love and warm hugs 🤗💕xxx ps true friends will be with you no matter what, I’ve had the same fair weather friends too! Only there when all is well,if they had similar they would be more understanding 😔
  • Just come across your channel, i know how you feel i have lived in pain all my life i have had 47 operations on my feet and last February i had my legs amputated below the knees and i was feeling so sorry for myself but iam starting to walk its hard but i am determined iam not going to be in my wheelchair forever and just like you i have lost all my friends because of always being in and out of hospital most of my life but i dont let it get to me because i dont need them if they dont except me for who iam. X
  • So sorry to hear what you have been through ive had very similar experience and it is a life changing experience , I have a collapsed vertebrae in 18 months I have lost 5 in in height and am in daily chronic pain , I just felt your pain and your attitude will get you through your a lovely lady take each day as it comes im on fentayl patches and I could not cope without them, people unfortunately do not understand dont think they realise how devastating it is. I love your channel would of never have guessed you had the issues your dealing with just wanted to thank you for being real sending love and best wishes x
  • @justjulie1250
    Thank you for shareing your story chick it might of took a lot for you to do it but it's real it's you ...hope you feel better sending hugs and kisses 😘😘😘
  • Hi watched your video and i feel for you i have fibromyalgia, and use crutches most of the time, and i totally understand what u go through, every day just want to say i use crutches with erganomic handles . they are flat sort of shaped to your palm . There a lot better than the ones u use , i would advise getting some x
  • @The.twinsies
    I have chronic pain aswell it’s terrible 🙄😭