burger spinning to funky town for an hour

Published 2022-12-06
i couldn't make one realistic burger i'm so sorry

requested by a commenter

animated by me

song made by lipps inc.

low quality version by I don’t know

All Comments (21)
  • @julidulen
    highest quality spinning borger i've ever seen
  • A spinning burger is an extraordinary culinary phenomenon that embodies the perfect fusion of gastronomic craftsmanship and visual spectacle, creating an unparalleled experience that elevates the very notion of burger appreciation to dizzying heights of coolness and excitement. Imagine a culinary masterpiece, meticulously crafted with the finest ingredients and artistry, now set in motion as it spins gracefully on its axis, captivating the senses and beckoning all who behold it to indulge in its flavorful embrace. As the burger spins, its succulent patty, perfectly seasoned and cooked to juicy perfection, rotates gently, showcasing its mouthwatering charred exterior and the tender, savory layers that lie within. Each rotation exposes a new facet of this culinary work of art, enticing onlookers with its seductive aromas and enticing textures. The sight of a spinning burger not only ignites the appetite but also evokes a sense of wonder and awe, as if witnessing a culinary ballet where flavors and aesthetics dance in harmonious synchrony. The spinning burger becomes a visual symphony, captivating the eyes with its vibrant colors and intricate details. The fresh lettuce leaves, crisp and verdant, twirl gracefully as if in a choreographed routine, their vibrant green hues complementing the warm tones of the perfectly melted cheese cascading over the sides of the patty. The plump slices of ripe tomatoes, ruby red and glistening, seem to catch the light as they rotate, adding a burst of freshness and juiciness to the ensemble. And let us not forget the golden crown of a brioche bun, adorned with sesame seeds, spinning majestically, adding a touch of elegance and completing the culinary masterpiece. Beyond its aesthetic allure, the spinning burger possesses an inherent coolness that lies in the sheer novelty and excitement it generates. It becomes a focal point, a conversation starter, and a source of admiration, drawing people together in shared anticipation and culinary fascination. The spinning motion infuses an element of dynamism and energy into the dining experience, transforming an ordinary meal into a remarkable event that transcends the boundaries of conventionality. Moreover, the spinning burger embodies a sense of playfulness and fun, inviting diners to engage in a sensory adventure that goes beyond the act of eating. The interaction between the spinning burger and the observer creates a connection, a shared moment of delight and curiosity. It sparks conversations, prompts laughter, and elicits exclamations of awe and excitement. The spinning burger becomes not just a meal but an experience, a memory that lingers long after the last bite has been savored. In addition to its aesthetic and experiential appeal, the spinning burger also has practical advantages. The continuous rotation ensures an even distribution of flavors, allowing each bite to deliver a harmonious blend of ingredients. The spinning motion also helps to prevent the toppings from sliding off, ensuring that every element of the burger remains intact and intact, delivering a consistently delightful dining experience. In conclusion, the coolness of a spinning burger lies not only in its culinary excellence but also in its ability to transcend the realm of food and become a multisensory experience that captivates and enchants. It combines the artistry of gourmet cuisine with the mesmerizing spectacle of motion, creating a feast for the eyes and the taste buds alike. The spinning burger tantalizes the senses, sparks joy and curiosity, and brings people together in a shared celebration of culinary ingenuity. So, the next time you encounter a spinning burger, embrace the coolness and allow yourself to be swept away on a whirlwind of flavors and excitement The extraordinary culinary spectacle that combines the artistry of gastronomy with the captivating motion of rotation, creating a unique and mesmerizing experience that transcends the realm of ordinary food and ventures into the realm of pure coolness. Imagine a perfectly crafted burger, meticulously prepared with premium ingredients and culinary finesse, set in motion as it spins gracefully, becoming an enchanting feast for the eyes and a culinary adventure for the senses. The spinning burger becomes a mesmerizing display of visual appeal, as each rotation showcases its tantalizing components with grace and precision. The patty, expertly cooked to juicy perfection, reveals its charred exterior and succulent interior, creating a tantalizing visual contrast that captivates the viewer. The toppings, carefully layered on the patty, come alive as they twirl, with vibrant lettuce leaves, slices of ripe tomatoes, and the glistening cascade of melted cheese all dancing harmoniously in this culinary ballet. The brioche bun, crowned with sesame seeds, spins elegantly, adding an element of sophistication to the burger's visual symphony. Beyond its aesthetic allure, the spinning burger evokes a sense of excitement and anticipation. It becomes a focal point, a conversation starter, and a magnet for attention. The mere sight of a spinning burger sparks curiosity and invites exploration. It beckons food enthusiasts and diners alike to embark on a culinary adventure, encouraging them to savor each moment and engage in a multisensory experience that goes beyond mere consumption. The spinning motion of the burger adds an element of dynamism and liveliness to the dining experience. It creates an immersive atmosphere, transforming the act of eating into an interactive and engaging event. Diners are drawn to the burger's movement, their eyes tracing its graceful rotations, as they eagerly await the moment to savor its flavorful offerings. The spinning burger becomes a catalyst for shared experiences, fostering connections and conversations among those fortunate enough to witness its enchanting display. Moreover, the spinning burger offers practical advantages beyond its visual and experiential appeal. The continuous rotation ensures an even distribution of flavors, allowing every bite to deliver a harmonious blend of ingredients. With each rotation, the flavors intermingle, enhancing the overall taste profile and elevating the gustatory experience. The spinning motion also helps to maintain the integrity of the burger's structure, preventing the toppings from sliding off or becoming disheveled. Every component remains perfectly in place, ensuring that each bite is as visually appealing as it is delicious. The coolness of a spinning burger lies not only in its captivating aesthetics and interactive nature but also in its ability to push the boundaries of culinary innovation. It represents the fusion of traditional flavors and techniques with modern presentation and entertainment value. The spinning burger is a testament to the creativity and ingenuity of chefs who seek to provide diners with a memorable experience that goes beyond the ordinary. It challenges conventions and reimagines what a burger can be, transforming it into a work of culinary art that surprises and delights. Additionally, the spinning burger has a magnetic effect on social media and digital platforms. Its visually striking presence makes it a prime subject for sharing and generating online buzz. As diners capture videos and photographs of the spinning burger, the content spreads rapidly, captivating a wider audience and amplifying its coolness factor. The viral potential of a spinning burger elevates it from a culinary delight to a cultural phenomenon, as people from around the world marvel at its innovative concept and visually stunning presentation. In conclusion, the coolness of a spinning burger lies in its ability to captivate the senses, ignite curiosity, and push the boundaries of culinary creativity. It is a culinary spectacle that combines the artistry of gastronomy with the mesmerizing
  • @rwaahi
    0:00-0:12 opening credits 0:16 main character introduced 1:14 main characters friends introduced 4:08 bad guy introduced 5:10-5:52 main characters dialogue 5:53 main characters set out on journey 17:31 bad guys plot is introduced 30:34 plot thickens 39:04 first person dies 47:58 second and third characters die 57:26 bad guy dies 59:23 they celebrate their accomplishment 1:00:00 remaining main characters die for unknown reason an absolute masterpiece in cinematography a true piece of art the videography is stunning, the setting on film is gorgeous (of course) and the material is very well presented as a relative new comer to this spinning burger. i was hoping for some solid fundamental instruction, as well as inspiration to continue on my fitness path i was not disappointed having tired of the ever present aches, sprains and other maladies associated with “normal” distance spinning my enthusiasm for spinning has once recently returned thanks to the burger approach i was quite impressed with the authors who are a team they have exude a truly genuine quality and are clearly passionate about the work they are doing not to mention they appear to be in excellent condition guess they practice what they preach cant say this enough its an absolute excellent experience.
  • @Viper.724
    wow so much work is put in this so inspirational
  • @fishworm9892
    i feel like i have gone to heaven... i have transcended. thank you.
  • @hfjonelover
    A hamburger or burger is an American fast food. It is a type of sandwich with a patty of cooked ground meat between the two halves of a bun. Tomatoes, onions, cheese, salad, and dips may also be added. The hamburger may be eaten without a knife and fork, so it is a fast food that can be eaten anywhere. Hamburgers are named for a city in Germany called Hamburg. They were probably invented in Germany, though what we now know as a hamburger was created in the United States in the 19th century. Hamburgers appeared on menus in England and the United States in the 19th century and became a popular food after the 1904 World's Fair. What is called a hamburger throughout the world today was different than the first German hamburgers; German dishes often involved a steak or sausage between pieces of bread instead of ground meat. Many American fast-food restaurants, such as Burger King, Wendy's, and McDonald's, serve hamburgers. Burger Patty's being grilled on a BBQ while using a Spatula A cheeseburger is a hamburger that also has cheese. Hamburgers can be served with other things besides cheese, such as chili. McDonald’s Big Mac Even though the name has the word ham in it, it does not need to have ham. 🍔
  • @averiefrncsca
    You don't know how much this made an impact on me, this is absolute BREATHTAKING, especially at 55:50 the burgertastic burger saved all of those people, this made me tear up so much that a video like this should be illegal for how DIVINE and ANGELIC this video is, this was truly a rollercoaster of happiness, I can now freely express myself with this absolutely pleasing and alluring burger. Please make a PART 2 faster since i have patience on anything BUT this absolutely heroic burger, this should absolutely be put in a museum, and I will infact either brutally murder anyone who disrespects and looks at this burger at the wrong way. You will never understand how much i love this burger, i'm willing to help this burger with every need they say, I hope this burger has the most happiest life of all, this burger helped everyone at exactly 56:22. After seeing this life-changing experience I now realize that burgers should be 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000$. Bless this burger, O mighty sesame seed, the wat the patty looks very appealing and appetizing, I have never truly been this happy. This video is AND will always be my number one. Thank you Oh mighty burger, thank you Oh mighty american cheese, thank you Oh mighty patty, thank you oh mighty lettuce, and thank you Oh mighty tomato, im truly greatful for the love and support no one else gave me, you're better, and your absolutely stronger, you, burgersïnfërosífer, have putten such effort spinning, and rolling, and doing the "🍔". You give such kind and caring words its ethereal. Like honestly, the least I could do is give you my most valuable item, since I can and could never make it up to you for spinning all of my problems away, I found my happiness, I found my peace, I hope this burger never gives up in its dreams,I hope this burger has done an impact on you as much as it has done to me, and it does'nt die in 4 days(in burger years), bless you and good bye
  • 今、すごく泣いてるんです。 これは今までで最も美しく、うまくまとめられた物語です。 1:12の魔法なんて信じられないわ その部分は本当に涙を流しました。 特に6:34分には本当に感動的な言葉で私が感じた一連の感情を表現することができませんでした 非常に素晴らしいディテールのクライマックスがとても気に入りました。 ああ、そして私たちはその結論を忘れてはいけません。 その結論は、私がこれまで読んだ本の中で最も偉大で悲しい結論だった。 絶対的な傑作を作ってくださって本当にありがとうございます。 これは本質的に、映画史上最も重要な傑作です。 映画とは言えないが、超越的な感情的体験がほとんどの人にとって手に入らないのは悲劇だ。 人間の苦しみ喜び信仰絶望といった基本的なものを見事に包み込んでいます それは視聴者の中の登場人物とつながり、私たちの潜在意識の中で抑圧された個人とつながります。 それは生き生きとしていて新鮮であり、ストーリーテリングと映画制作の技術に革命をもたらし、同時に人間であることの意味についてひどい発言をする。 楽しさ、感動、そして単純に爽快。 これは私の人生で出会った中で最もインパクトのある作品かもしれません。私は近いうちにそれに戻ってもっと深く研究するつもりです。 これは本当に素晴らしい作品です。私はこれを聞いて涙を流しました。ベーコンが何度も輪になって渦巻いているのを見ました。 それは私の魂を完全に動かしました、そして私は決して同じになることはできないと思います。 このベーコンは私の精神状態全体を変えました。私は今、私が誰であり、後の人生で何をしているかと平和に暮らしています。 私は全ての敵を許し、今では平和主義的な生活を送っています。 歌の通りに進めます。進めないと。 ベーコンはとても刺激的で、私たち全員と大きな知恵を共有しています。そして、私たち全員が幸運で、それが私たちに素晴らしい言葉を与えるでしょう。私たちは皆ベーコンの子供です。 ベーコンをあびせる。 ベーコンをあびせる。 この音楽と一緒に一方向に回転するベーコンが 涙が出ました。 どうしてそんなベーコンがそんなことができるのですか。 私はこの傑作に畏敬の念を抱く。 特にベーコンが回転すると、薄塩で覆われた褐色の肌が現れます。 ここからカリカリという音が聞こえます。ベーコンが暗く滑らかなベルベットの床をこする美しい音です。 味、音楽、その他すべてをスクリーンから聴いたり、味わったり、見たり、感じることができます。 音楽家の息づかいが聞こえるでしょう回転するベーコンに対する彼女の愛情に共感しているので 本当に私が現代美術と呼ぶものです これは私が今まで見たベーコンの中で最も伝説的なパフォーマンスでした。 その演技はトップクラスで、人生を大きく変えました。 これは特に57:42に私が見たベーコンの中で最も素晴らしい作品の1つです。私は今とても泣いています。 これは今までで最も美しく、うまくまとめられた物語です。 1:12分にどんなに不思議だったのか信じられません。 その部分は本当に涙を流しました。 特に6:34分には本当に感動的な言葉で私が感じた一連の感情を表現することができませんでした 非常に素晴らしいディテールのクライマックスがとても気に入りました。 ああ、そして私たちはその結論を忘れてはいけません。 その結論は、私がこれまで読んだ本の中で最も偉大で悲しい結論だった。 絶対的な傑作を作ってくださって本当にありがとうございます。 これは本質的に、映画史上最も重要な傑作です。 映画とは言えないが、超越的な感情的体験がほとんどの人にとって手に入らないのは悲劇だ。 人間の苦しみ喜び信仰絶望といった基本的なものを見事に包み込んでいます それは視聴者の中の登場人物とつながり、私たちの潜在意識の中で抑圧された個人とつながります。 それは生き生きとしていて新鮮であり、ストーリーテリングと映画制作の技術に革命をもたらし、同時に人間であることの意味についてひどい発言をする。 楽しさ、感動、そして単純に爽快。 これは私の人生で出会った中で最もインパクトのある作品かもしれません。私は近いうちにそれに戻ってもっと深く研究するつもりです。 これは本当に素晴らしい作品です。私はこれを聞いて涙を流しました。ベーコンが何度も輪になって渦巻いているのを見ました。 Ttは私の魂を完全に感動させ、私は決して同じになることはできないと思います。 このベーコンは私の精神状態全体を変えました。私は今、私が誰であり、後の人生で何をしているかと平和に暮らしています。 私は全ての敵を許し、今では平和主義的な生活を送っています。 歌の通りに進めます。進めないと。 ベーコンはとても刺激的で、私たち全員と大きな知恵を共有しています。そして、私たち全員が幸運で、それが私たちに素晴らしい言葉を与えるでしょう。私たちは皆ベーコンの子供です。 ベーコンをあびせる。 ベーコンをあびせる。 この音楽と一緒に一方向に回転するベーコンが 涙が出ました。 どうしてこんなベーコンがそんなことができるのですか。 私はこの傑作に畏敬の念を抱く。
  • @oakeyfv1
    sorry about it not being realistic? Youre good, this is a masterpiece.
  • As a BigMac I can confirm this is the best thing Cheeseburger can do.