Armstrong Local Programming: Faces & Places - The Pennsic War

Published 2012-08-28

All Comments (21)
  • Thanks for the kind words about this episode folks. We have made this video public now. Thanks for the helmet cam stuff SgtMonster!
  • quite a good segment because it didn't purely focus on the fighting, like a lot of other ones I've seen do.
  • @jwkoelker
    This interviewer is just a gem. Great questions, genuinely interested in the content and context, and polite and respectful while asking some rather interesting questions. I'm a Larry fan!
  • @andydaniel2
    I wish more people conducted interviews like this gentleman did. He made sure that the participant was the star of each interview, not him. Very informative and entertaining.
  • @ValerieSheppard
    I love that the primary service of Kings is to recognize people for their service to the Kingdom, and that no one in the Kingdom is considered a peasant. Awesome community! Can't wait to attend.
  • @fatibel42
    Terrific piece. Saw some faces I haven't seen for a while. Only thing they missed is nobody mentioned Pennsic University - 17 days of classes in everything from Arabic to Viking boat building. The husband spent his days on the battlefield, but I spent my days in class. Wonderful stuff.
  • @syscrusher1709
    Wonderful documentary, and congratulations to Armstrong for the fine workmanship. Mr. Berg's interview questions were well-thought-out. Either he came to the interview well-informed, or he did a great job of thinking on his feet during the interviews. Either way, the result was a balanced and informative view of our hobby. Thank you!
  • @SinjidKhan
    Is it just me, or did it seem like Lord Franz was going to have a deep, strong voice initially? His face, his looks, just match the Medieval character so well!
  • @TheLittleMike
    This is definitely one of the best pieces I've ever seen on the SCA and Pennsic. Because there are so many different kinds of people with such varied interests in the SCA, it's rather hard to describe what one of our largest events is about. This goes a long way to explaining it. Thank you for this.
  • @frithar
    Best piece I've ever seen regarding SCA!! Well-done, interviewer. Well-done, indeed!
  • @valkyrie1066
    I have loved Pennsic as my summer home for decades, and I can't wait to get back. We have (mostly) eliminated the plague, the inquisition, etc. We still have mosquitos. And sunburn. But there is no place like it except Valhalla.
  • Thanks for doing this! You guys did a wonderful job! It's loads of fun and I hope that those who watch it get a good idea of what we do. If this interests you PLEASE check out your local group and see if it's something you want to do. I've been playing for the last 8 years since I was in high school and have learned SO much ^_^
  • @SCAlutenist
    This is one of the fairest and most comprehensive reports on the Society that I've seen. Of those which are no longer than 30", it is likely the finest - it is certainly better than the one shown on CBS Sunday Morning several years ago. The crew that network sent to Gulf Wars spent three days filming various activities and interviewing SCAdians, but the brief segment it aired showed only fighting.
  • @MMinx-ct5pk
    Thanks for a lovely piece on what we do in our spare time!
  • @Roilicious
    Great Interview on Pennsic, probably the best i have seen thus far.
  • @doktaorkenstein
    great video, thanks for shooting it and posting! plus you got my household in there right at 12:00 ;)
  • Wonderful! This is a great video for newcomers who are considering coming to Pennsic! And just watching it brought back so many memories. I'm really happy I was asked to be a part of it, just by being in the right place at the right time. :) Thank you!