7 Episodes in One! Painting ALL my New Minis Before They End Up in The Pile :-)

Published 2023-06-07
This is a haul video where all of the minis actually get painted! I’m showing off the miniatures and the paintjobs. My goal is to get these looking nice before they wind up in my pile of shame. This collection of figures is an assortment of freebies, as well as some minis that I bought at adepticon.

I’m exploring doing mashup videos like this as a way of painting more minis and stressing less about making each paintjob outstanding.

Here’s more information on the individual projects- beware, spoilers ahead!!! ;-)

1) Crocodile Games, crocogamer. A silly mascot from the sebeki faction of wargods of aegyptus. www.crocodilegames.com/store/itemDetail.cfm?prodID…

2) Some Battletech Battlemechs! store.catalystgamelabs.com/collections/battletech

3) Relicblade Wretched Hive Iguans from Metal King Studio (Sean Sutter)

4) "Dark Acolyte" aka NOT Star Wars Jedi by War Scenery

5) Sand Scavenger Exotic Dancer from Monster Den Minis and Hack+Slash Minis

6) Omicron Protocol by Dead Alive Games

7) Warzone Eternal by Res Nova Games

Other supplies acquired at the convention:
Huge Miniatures paint hugeminis.com/
Artis Opus (drybrushes) www.artis-opus.com/
Turbo Dork paint turbodork.com/
Blacksite Studios (terrain bits) blacksitestudio.com/

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Disclosure: Some of the items shown in this video were freebies from the convention. I do not have a financial relationship with any of the companies who appear in this video. I have had friendly conversations with company reps from most of the brands shown in this video.

All Comments (21)
  • @animeator
    There is never a moment you are not worth our time ❤
  • @Ryoku1
    I realize that the YouTube gods don't reward standard strait forward painting videos but honestly, I want a 2 hour video of Brent just painting a mini. He's chill and relaxing and so positive. That's what I really need. Having a ton of long videos where Brent just paints minis not only helps while I am attacking my pile of shame, it helps when I am attacking my personal shames too. Dude makes me feel like a better person and I need that.
  • As a veteran with PTSD, your approach is almost like meditation. I always put your videos on to get in the zen like state to just appreciate the model, it’s secrets that only become visible through the process.
  • In a world where I'm already sick of GW's pushy box painting schedule for content creators, I'm more grateful than ever for this video!
  • I think most of us are just happy to sort of "hang out" with you through your videos. It doesn't have to be new and unique every time. Just good vibes with you talking about hobby while painting or just showing off some fun minis is more than enough! Cheers, man!
  • @hyosworld109
    I think you're transforming from the "Bob Ross" into the "Mr. Rogers" of mini painting with all the variety. I love it!!
  • @SteveRowe
    You can show whatever you want, Brent. I'm here to watch you enjoy yourself painting, and to bask in your soothing voice and mood.
  • @Ulrican414
    I think a straightforward, let's just paint something videos are the best ones. I love these way more than the extravagant videos.
  • @illyrio
    Thank you for always respecting my time. 🤘
  • @StuartHetzler
    "i painted the stripper shoes with adepticolor red from turbo dork" is a sentence that has never been spoken before in the history of mankind
  • @mindlasher
    Thank you, Brent. It was great to see a mini that was tied to a couple of my friends getting some love on your channel.
  • @iisjah
    tbh the lack of just painting minis in the mini painting videos lately makes this so refreshing :D Sometimes we just need to see some minis get a splash of colour :)
  • @juzzapm3252
    Make your super secret stuff, and make sure you’re always keeping it simple on the down low. Everyone wants to watch your videos, you’re a pillar of my mini painting career and everyone else’s. Good luck and the community has got your back!
  • Love all the different sculpts/prints and games you showcased here! It was also nice to have a little mini tour of "here's what I painted recently." It kind of feels like a sketchbook tour on a traditional art channel. Thanks for the reminder that not everything has to be spectacular. As long as you have fun, then the mini is a success. :)
  • The reason your videos are worth my time is that you're enjoyable to spend time with! I'd be happy to see more straightforward model painting videos, talking us through the process. Your big concept videos are pretty fantastic, too - no reason to stop making those.
  • I'm super happy that you showcased Huge Miniatures paints! The founders are great friends of mine and are wonderful people. They make fantastic paints and basing materials that are absolutely worth checking out. A line of airbrush paints are coming out soon too! The video was very enjoyable as well, of course. I loved that you set your mind to painting what you brought back. I think more of these kinds of videos would be welcome.
  • @willsuttie3683
    I really loved the deep dives into one model's paint job that we got with the paint challenges. It's great seeing the idea develop from a randomised start, and a trawl through bits boxes to supplement it, to a great end result. There's definitely bandwidth and demand for more of them.
  • A video about just painting minis is always good. Don't stress about those big videos, just paint something you enjoy and show it to us. Everybody will find something to enjoy.
  • Brent sounds exactly like a very patient and caring elementary school teacher.
  • @mqatipl7947
    Your ASMR like voice is a band aid for my depression, thank you.