09.16.01: Windows on the World

Published 2011-08-30
"Windows on the World" was a landmark restaurant on the 107th floor of the World Trade Center. Martha Teichner reports on the search for its missing employees. (This report was from a DVD included with the tenth anniversary edition of the CBS News/Simon & Schuster book, "What We Saw: The Events of September 11, 2001, in Words, Pictures, and Video.")

All Comments (21)
  • @MultiRabe
    I’m a NYCer! In 1998, they were accepting applications for various cooking/waiting/hosting positions in Windows on the World! I even went up to the restaurant in person, to fill out an application...I remember the dining area being PACKED with people looking to work there....They never called me at all, and I remember feeling so disappointed at that! When the first plane hit, my brother said that I was lucky that they turned me down for the job, even though I didn’t feel so at that time! When the first plane hit, I was thinking to myself, how lucky I actually was to not get hired there, and how unfortunate those who did....were! RIP to everyone who perished that horrible day 😪
  • @timk1828
    I’ve met Michael. He is a wonderful guy and I think of him often. He has suffered greatly for each of those that perished. God bless.
  • @Kari2025
    These employees got some of the worst of it. Not only were they at the very top, there was NO way down. They weren’t instantly killed, so they had to suffer through the heat and smoke coming up.
  • @brinicole2999
    I can't imagine how it feels to be this guy. Lucky to be alive but lost so many he knew. For Americans, work plays a huge role in our lives. He lost part of his life.
  • @NicholasBlake84
    I feel for that woman holding her baby, you can see in such a time that should be happy she is solemn
  • @kara993
    We remember all of those who lost their lives today, 22 years later. God bless them.
  • @City2x
    Still Breaks my heart into pieces 22 years later.
  • @sammbabazi2849
    He is suffering something called survivor guilt he keeps wondering why he survived but other workmates and subordinates didn't.
  • Even though it's been 20 years, I still feel sad for the families and friends of those murdered on 9/11. My prayers go out to them, and Rest In Paradise to all those souls who were lost....I hope that someday all of them will be identified so that the families will have some closure.
  • @dajwe216
    Poor guy. Looks like he’s suffering the effects of Survivor’s Guilt.
  • @JSUKyrks69
    22 years ago, I was 31, cabin crew for our flag carrier. Like most people around the world I watched in horror at the atrocities happening in the US. I’d experienced Windows of the World a year prior, was a magical experience. I couldn’t fathom what those trapped employees and customers were going through or experiencing. If you’ve been up yourself you will know just how high up you were. People jumped, it’s was better to jump rather than stay in what was supposed to be the safety of those four walls. Sadly 22 years later, the world isn’t a better place. Sept 11th 2001, even today it seems unreal, shocking, horrific. Yet still so much hatred for innocent, hard working, law abiding people exists. Some people are born to hate. May those souls of 911 rest in peace.
  • @kingdavid3790
    It's Chilling to see these people who have no Idea their loved ones are gone yet! The thought of the hope they have here and me knowing they will be let down is what hurts my heart!
  • I was an employee of windows of the world, I still remember like was yesterday all the wonderful and proud people I ever meet i still remember like was yesterday and the pain will never go away
  • So many beautiful people taken way too soon. Heartbreaking doesn't even come close. RIP to all of those lost, and love to those who lost family and friends.
  • @empath2005
    It wasn't his time to leave this world. My heart goes out to him for all of the people he was so close with death that day September 11th 2001. This September will be 20 years since the September 11th attacks here in our country.
  • I went into that tower once. I went to take a peek at Windows on the World. I remember the low celings and the dim light. The building had a slight sway. I felt nervous and claustrophobic and had to get out. I knew I could never work in a bulding that tall. I have pictures of my uncle on the roof of one tower before construction was completed. He worked for the scaffolding company and was up there to check things out. He said he was scared to be up there.
  • @jenhasken
    This is sad but also really beautiful and touching.
  • A friend of mine almost lost her husband at Windows on the World restaurant, but he was running late at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in midtown, and didn't get downtown for a conference, before the planes hit. He along with a major financial figure who was with him were spared being killed, by fate. 🤗 And our family friends almost lost their son, due to the plane crash at the Pentagon. He was working in temporary offices within an inner "ring" of the Pentagon, instead of his real office due to a remodeling project. The office was in the area where the plane hit! His wife also worked at the Pentagon, but was home that day with their children. Fate saved them both. 🤗
  • My mother used to preform cello with some other classical musicians at the top of the North Tower occasionally and she owned her own business on Canal Street for her day job. Thankfully she didn't have to perform that day but she mentioned she knew the manager of the restaurant and alot of the staff there as well.