Makenna Cook – 23-year-old suffers brain aneurysm

Published 2024-04-24
When Chad Cook's daughter Makenna returned home on Sunday she suffered a sudden headache and got on her knees, asking God for help. Moments later she couldn't feel her fingers and had trouble speaking. Then her pupils went to the back of her eyes. Shocked, her family rushed her to Union General Hospital in Blairsville, then to Northeast Georgia Medical Center in Gainesville. Hospital staff said Makenna had an AVM aneurysm and told them to tell her goodbye.

00:00 January 8
02:30 Driving to the hospital
03:32 Saying goodbye
05:19 In need of a miracle
06:14 “Not treatable”
08:05 “A zero percent chance”
09:57 The only chance is God
11:18 Head full of blood
11:49 A very important decision
13:35 Neurostorming
14:51”False hope”
16:37 Jairus and Jesus
18:07 The anointing
19:42 Waking up
20:48 “I will never forget”
22:06 The Shepherd Center
23:00 Memory
24:30 Recovery
25:55 Support

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Cirrus by Scott Buckley – released under CC-BY 4.0.

All Comments (21)
  • @jilldodson9817
    My granddaughter’s head was run over by a Toyota tundra at 18 months old. 14 skull fractures, a brain bleed, 11 days on life support and 7 more in the hospital! She has no idea to this day what a testimony she is to Gods amazing grace! She just turned 5!
  • I also had a brain aneurysm in 1982, on my 50th birthday. The doctor clipped the aneurysm and I’m still here at 92 next month. God is good. 6 hour surgery.
  • @Sjms13
    God heard Makenna when she fell to her knees and cried out to Him. What a testimony she do all of you who prayed for her. I will join the forces in praying Makenna has a full and complete recovery, in His time. To God be the glory! Fight on, Makenna!
  • @jonmuis7283
    I had an AVM aneurysm and that was 23 yrs ago. God answers prayer.
  • @Pegster72
    I too survived a brain aneurysm on June 29, 2017. They gave me a 3% chance of living. My sister told me my brain was full of blood. My brothers and sisters in Christ prayed over me. I was in a coma for a week, then I started to come completely conscious. It took a while. I stayed in hospital another week or two for therapy. I got wheeled to the front of hospital when I was discharged and got up and walked to my sister’s car. My biggest deficits are a lack of balance and short term memory which is a bit severe. But I am 72 now so I think age has also added on. They found another small aneurysm and several infarcts in my brain but I am still going strong. I will pray for you Makenna. Be encouraged, God is not done yet. You are a miracle and so am I. He still does miracles today. Be blessed.
  • @bouncer62286
    My daughter Vanessa too had a brain aneurysm. The day after her 13th birthday our lives changed forever. We too we're told there was nothing they could do. The aneurysm was at the base of her brain. Your testimony is very much like ours. Our daughter is too a Mighty Healing Miracle of our LORD JESUS! God is Faithful. Our daughter is 38 living life in the abundance of our RISEN KING JESUS! Thank You to our Lord Jesus forever! Amen.
  • Thank you for sharing MaKenna's story. I had a stroke on Christmas Eve. It changes your life. I know myself God pulled me through this. My family and friends prayed for me everyday. We are still praying. Through God all things are possible. Teach those babies, your children, middle age and seniors to pray and to know the power of prayers.
  • @debra6513
    In 1962 I was 31/2 years old, I said something about my parents, I was beaten, broken arm, my mom took a razor blade and cut me all over my face, my dad shot me on twice on each side of my head right above my eyes, they put me in the freezer and my dad took me to a body of water and threw me in, I died that night but God said “Not Today” after over 30 years of unimaginable suffering in therapy the Lord had prepared me for his Testimony, and he has prepared me well, I am grateful for every minute I have on this earth and I Love the Lord with all my Heart❤️🙏❤️
  • @texasbella576
    I've always said: There are no "impossibles" for our great God.
  • @robinchemin3631
    My very young husband passed away from the very same brain injury in 1997 at the age of 39. He was the best husband & father to our 2 sons. I still miss him as much today as I did the day God took him home.
  • @carolzergib963
    My father had a rupured aneurysm. At the time he was near Addenbrooke hospital in Cambridge one of the best nuro units in the UK. He survived but has been left with some brain damage no short term memory he cannot weigh up information to make decision. This happened in 1997 he is now 87 and for the last five years due to his wifes death he lives with me and i care for him. He lives a full life has good mobility and enjoys the moment. His health is good and we are just getting ready to go on holiday. God gave my father a second chance and me a gift to spend time with the man that gave me his love growing up. God was with him that day and laid his hand on the young surgeon who saved his life.
  • 14 years ago our son who was 6 at the time received a traumatic brain injury from falling out of a tree. He fell 8-10 feet onto pavement. He sustained a 6” skull fracture along with bleeding, bruising and swelling on her brain. He was in a medical induced coma for 13 days. The drs said they couldn’t tell us how the brain damage would affect him until he woke up and showed us. He’s now 20 years old and has made a full recovery. He’s a very hard construction worker who plans to start his own business soon. I know that God has a special plan for his life. He’s been such a blessing to us. He is one of 14 kids and a shining light in our family
  • @MsValley28
    My Mother was 7 months pregnant with my older brother, when she suffered a massive brain anerurysm (stroke) She was in a coma for 2 weeks, and in the hospital for 2 months and 9 days. She was completely paralyzed on her left side. She spent her 21st birthday in the hospital. They did not have physical therapy back then. They wanted to brain surgery, but back then, my mother felt it may kill her. My father constantly prayed for her and my brother, along with many others. My Mother made a full recovery. It took years to build up her strength. She had to learn to walk all over again, by holding onto a wooden chair and pushing it. My Mother was considered a miracle, and she took a chance to have me, 5 years later. My Mother lived 52 more years, until she got brain cancer and died. I fell so blessed to have the parents I was given. I do believe in miracles. They did not think my Mother would make it, either, and she did to live a good life for 52 more years.
  • My son just had one on April 13 on Sunday. Aneurysm and a stroke blood bleeds, you explained everything exactly how it happened to my son. He has made it through. 2 1/2 weeks in UAB Birmingham, Alabama. He is a complete miracle they had to put a shunt in because they could not stop the bleeding. My son is alive because of a miracle working God!!!!! God bless y’all.
  • @jilltacheny2791
    My husband had a level four ruptured brain aneurysm.The Drs.gave myself and children little hope of survival.I prayed over my husband asking God for a miracle.There was many prayers by family, friends and clergy.God did do a miracle he is talking and walking two months later.Never give up God does miracles❤
  • My uncle had a brain aneurysm and spent months in a rehab hospital with the mentality of a child, but he made a full recovery. All the love and prayers for this family
  • What an awesome testimony! Praise God ! I had a subaracnoid hemorrhage aneurysm right in the middle of my brain. They couldn't operate, and my huge family was told I would die. I was flown to Temple Texas .I was and am a children's pastor. My world was also held together by God. I was in a coma for almost a year . Every time they put me in long-term care, something would go wrong and sent back to the hospital. I did have a trac tube and a feeding tube. I was prayed for all over the world. It's 20 years now. I was a soup sandwich. Piece by piece and day by day Prayer by prayer God has mended me back together. I'm living a life never promised. I have 8 children a husband and a church full of love. I pray the best and the most for your baby girl. God bless each one of you. Angela
  • @abbiebacon459
    I'm sitting here in a hospital room with my husband crying hysterical for your daughter. My husband had a brain aneurysm and a stroke last Tuesday night. Fortunately our ER is 5 mins from us. As soon as he put his arms around the back of his head and started screaming that something was wrong I took him. Thank God he made it. 2 weeks in now and he is getting his staples out and heading out of ICU. I'm so so sorry for your family. Hugs, thoughts and prayers for you amd everyone involved. ❤🙏💔