crowdstrike accidentally destroys 8,000,000 computers (banks, hospitals, airports)

Published 2024-07-19
The title says it all lol watch this video find out more about how they messed up so bad.

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All Comments (21)
  • @XueYlva
    Crowd-Strike: Global Offensive
  • @metcaelfe
    They certainly made a lot of machines unhackable
  • So the learned lesson is never push code in production on friday
  • @georgeprout42
    Crowdstrike, according to their name, worked perfectly.
  • @Patterner
    a newsletter email had the following greeting: "Good morning and happy Friday to everyone who doesn’t work in IT."
  • The fact that a segfault just caused Y2K to happen 24.5 years late is wildly amusing to me
  • @aisle_of_view
    All the times I've had to explain to management why we should wait a few days before implementing an update, only to be met with blank stares. I'm loving every second of this.
  • ”The only safe computer is the one that does not boot" Crowdstrike CEO.
  • @MenaceInc
    Today was not the best day for me to wear my Crowdstrike t-shirt...
  • its cool to see pure technical explanation of how it happens, its far from common medias that only use shocking words to get as much audience as possible while they don't know a thing about what happened
  • @_JohnHammond
  • I work on an airline, you dont imagine the mess. Oh Jesus, today was a nightmare. Hope tomorow get better.
  • This will absolutely not be the last time something like this happens. When I first started in the industry, everything was packaged on disk/disc. Fixing a bug after shipping was EXPENSIVE, so we got the product to a 99% stable place and then kept trying to squeeze that last 1% of bugs out. Now? People just throw garbage over the fence, figuring they can just ship a patch later. Kernel mode software just cannot be developed that way. But... cyber security companies have time pressure that other kernel mode developers don't necessarily face. To be useful, such an app must be updated and deployed amazingly quickly, especially for kernel space, but that agility comes at the cost of stability. When the cure is worse than the disease, though... there's a problem.
  • They literally waited for most YouTubers to go on vacation before rolling out the update lol
  • @joshuac5229
    This is just viral marketing for Captain Crunch's new cereal, "OOPS! ALL NULL!"
  • @cslearn3044
    Crowdstrike, tests code only once, at production
  • @victotronics
    "The entire internet" for as far as it runs Windows. If it had taken down Linux the actual internet would have gone down.
  • this was so bad that bro had to make a YT video while been on vacation. what a legend
  • @lols11
    "//Just a small fix, no need to test it"