It Is No Measure of Health to be Well Adjusted to a Profoundly Sick Society

Published 2019-02-17

All Comments (21)
  • @yearnyah8890
    "It's not that there's something wrong with you because you just can't seem to make yourself get with the's that there's something wrong With The Program." ✨✨✨👏
  • @yearnyah8890
    "The drunkenness, drug use, etc are not problems that need to be overcome to make us better in society...these are SYMPTOMS of our society." 👏👏👏 Very profound. Getting to the root of the degenerate behaviors is not solely based on "fixing" the individuals, society as a whole needs healing & that healing will trickle down to individuals on a case by case basis.
  • To see the insanity but still seek your humanity is the way to find your peace within. Normal is a mathematical term derived from norm, which means the average of. Be the odd that changes the average and therefore the normal.
  • @smurfmama2020
    How do you participate in the monetary system and keep your sanity? I find it all overwhelming and entirely stressful.
  • @smurfmama2020
    I haven't been able to adjust ever. When I was 6 I walked out of school because I refused to be socialized by a system which asked me to be a false persona, and shamed any expression of my authentic self. I was sensitive and empathic and shy, and that wasn't good for the hierarchy of power. It was something to overcome. I was supposed to be loud and extroverted, and that would be healthy. I refused to conform to a pathologically insane society to make anyone happy. Thank you for speaking these truths..
  • @liberal7133
    My grandma, who was a very smart, honest and hardworking lady and took care of 9 kids for much of the time since my grandpa was a sailor and worked on seas, said in her old age, that she was glad she was on her way out the way society had become..she survived world war 2 and also said "was this what we worked to build"? This society and country? That says alot, i was young at the time but she was so right. Imagine being an elder in todays society, its not fun for many young or middled aged either, but i can imagine its worst for them. I have never felt i "fit in" in this world. I struggled to find out what i wanted to do when i was young, to try do good in the world and act for change was the answer that gave me a purpose.
  • @ButterFly-lq3jl
    Yes. If we genuinely were in love with life (pertaining to the way that is the norm to the masses) we would not feel the need to get high, drunk or take part in whatever the outside influence of our choice may be in order to escape the reality of this life we claim we love so much.
  • @smurfmama2020
    We need a paradigm shift. There is so much lacking in this society that leads to people becoming and then raising children to be sociopaths and narcissists. We end up objectifying people and raising children as commodified beings rather than souls and free spirits. I hear kids talking about their GPa and what colleges they are going to because they have already been indoctrinated into seeing Themselves as commodities. Persual of career and money are empty. More people need to talk about this. Many people who can’t conform end up with depression and anxiety. Thank you again for talking about this, it’s often simply ignored.
  • @Pawsz
    it's incredible how many heroes there just are in the world, and many would would give their all, but are being held back because the natural sensitivity that makes them so responsive, also puts them at disadvantages daily. it is as though the world is set up against those sensitivities, or so blind to them it's deadly. we already know that profit algorithms negate soul as a factor for progress, justifying blindness, calling it pure sight instead, rendering it's witness the only proof. But we are the proof --- cannot selectively see what a human is/amounts to and let that manually encoded dogma run the planet into oblivion. the equation for a black hole.
  • The current social structure is designed to foster dependence. It cannot thrive when individuals are trying to be, well, individuals. It lures you with entertainment in exchange for your soul!
  • Dude is obviously from another planet, and has come to inform our reality of the assistance they plan to give us. This entity has realization, and understanding that is futuristic.
  • @johnnyreb8030
    I'm so happy the young Americans, at least some, are understanding that society is wrong and sick and doing things they want and breaking out.
  • im one of those "sensitive souls" who has known this for a very long time. Id rather live a primited livestyle as nature created for us, but theres no opportunity to do that at this time
  • @sanekabc
    Certainly the 60's was a big moment of noticing we needed a new way of life.
  • @kinny2098
    I also had that uneasiness as a child; although I didn't understand it back then, I could feel the insincere manipulation of the high street trying to draw you in and part you with your money to buy things you don't need. Advertisements with false smiles, perfect figures and latest fashion. At one time we had Christian values to aspire to, and now we have billboards and commercials to show us what we should be, how are houses should look and what clothes we should wear and what technology we must have. Although I couldn't put my finger on it as a child, I knew there was something very wrong and insincere about our society.
  • This is my “meditation video”. Every time I listen to it and I digest his concepts, I feel strength in my soul and clarity in my mind. I’m Asperger’s, and so I felt since I was very young that’s something is wrong with the world we live in. Yet I excelled at school and university with brilliant grades, and now I’m doing my PhD. The phoney “pandemic” (and other manufactured globalist “crisis”) has been the breaking point for me. I had many fits of unrepressed anger in the last two years. I’m now on meds. I smoke too many cigarettes. They keep me going in this world, but i continue not to accept it the world, nor the system on which is build. I want to heal myself, not to take meds anymore, but what needs healing is the world at large. I need to tattoo the entire text of this video on my skin, or at least the final statement, that I recite as a mantra: ”All can I say is that the desire to get out of it, the question of ‘How do I get out of it?’, the prayer to be liberated from it; will be heard and will bring results, in the end.” And my prayer to be liberated from this world I put it to the Triple Gem (I’m also a Buddhist), so that every living being will be liberated from this world of dukkha (suffering) not for egoistical pleasure, but for the sake of countless sentient beings. 🙏🏻 Sadhu, sadhu, sadhu 🙏🏻