Garden Update May 2023

Published 2023-05-28
Sorry about the breathing sounds... I'm both out of shape and had just walked the children to school.
Also sorry about it being mostly just ambient sound for the first 2 minutes or so... I'm not super confident talking to myself/phone in the front yard.

My garden/s are not at all neat and tidy... I tend more towards the "wild look" that's due to equal parts laziness and inexperience. I am slowly making the garden space what I want and have started plotting out what I want. The front garden beds for example, I expanded recently by about a foot... I just felt they weren't wide enough to allow for a nice variety of plants (ie some tall some short/medium).
The back yard area I still need to "tame" and that will likely be somewhat easier once I purchase a battery and charger for a whipper snipper (aka Strimmer) I was given recently.

Anyway... any questions please feel free to ask... any suggestions please feel free to offer and above all Happy Gardening!

All Comments (3)
  • @paulsavident
    I'm not sure what that plant is either... That avocado does amuse me, they tend to pop up now and again though I hope you can keep yours going through your winter. 🀞 Fingers crossed also on the overwintering pepper plant. πŸ‘ I think organising is great, though I admit to doing some things as very much 'hope for the best'. 😁 That parsley looks fab! πŸ‘ I'm sure that's kale. πŸ‘ What is your general winter temp and what is your general lowest temp? πŸ€”