NIL Wild Wild West, Ohio State's vs Michigan's NIL Approach

Published 2024-05-03

All Comments (10)
  • Great content ! As a git from TTUN i think every major program is in a homding pattern until all this makes sense. But inagree overleveraging to get unproven talent is a bad business model.that cant be sustained.
  • @cliffrichardson
    I hate to say it, but you're right. Michigan has dropped the ball, no pun intended, on NIL. That's also an excellent point on NIL being the wild west right now. NIL is here and the league will spend the next few years sorting it out.
  • I would not put it past the IRS to tax those scholarships, benefits received, food, the stipend as INCOME. If the college player wants to be a big boy and wants to get paid, then there is another line item to that spread sheet. Taxable income and benefits. NIL is 100% taxable. Does the scholarship, training, food become taxable? If they are now "contractors" vs amateurs then food, housing, training is a benefit and is taxable as it is part of their pay. That dealer car? Taxable. Uptown condo? Taxable. Gifts? Taxable Don't forget to put aside 13% for SS on top of about half for state/fed/local taxes.
  • @Jleed989
    If Ohio State win the natty this year they will get an asterisk for having a team that was bought and paid for
  • @mattordiway8631
    Have fun trying to play all those pre maddonas. You got all those skill positions but none of the positions that matter. O-line and D-line. Until you all get that squared away, get used to losing to equally talented teams or teams that have better lines than you.
  • @corn677
    Michigan fan/alum here. I'm getting somewhat turned off now by CFB. It's morphed into a professional minor league. The regional charm of the sport is gone. Some argue with the portal and new open transfer rules the playing field has been leveled somewhat between the have and have-not schools. I don't buy it. The rich keep getting richer. As for UM vs OSU in '24....too early to give it much thought. And does it even deserve much thought anymore? It's just another game pretty much moving forward perhaps more similar to the Browns-Steelers or Lions-Packers "rivalries". They'll likely move the game to earlier in the season soon too. I'm old. Get off my yard. CFB was better 30 years ago.
  • Not watching the video, just wanna remind the losers at osu that we own you 😂