The Red Army Choir Alexandrov - Kalinka

Published 2019-01-25
The Red Army Choir Alexandrov interprets one of the most famous russian song : "Kalinka".
Soloist : Vadim Ananiev aka "Mr Kalinka"
See official website :

All Comments (21)
  • You literally can't be sad when Russians sing about raspberries, gardens, and falling in love.
  • @jw6058
    Although todays media focuses hate on Russia - This is one of the many reasons I admire Russian culture, music is astonishing
  • @edwardcho2425
    No need to understand Russian language. This music is so gorgeous. Thanks people ;-)
  • @protorandom9097
    I always love when they speed up and get louder and the crowd tries to clap along every time, but they just get so confused and just give up
  • Jestem Polakiem.Żal że już ich nie usłyszę na koncercie.Słucham często bo kocham piękne głosy i chór który wbija w ziemię.
  • Písničky stále žijou a Rusko nikdo nezničí. Jsou to hrdinové.. V Praze jsme byla na koncertě a byl tam Karel Gott a Troška a bylo to nádherný. Jen škoda, že už tu nejsou s náma. 😢😢
  • @gosiag3266
    I had the honor and pleasure to admire Alexander's chorus Three times. The BEST!! God bless from Poland
  • Je suis française et polonaise. Vous avez toute mon amitié et mon soutien en cette période difficile. Beaucoup de français croient en vous et votre capacité de faire revenir les traditions. Houra
  • Y pensar que el gran tenor y los que los acompañaron en ésta canción fallecieron en un accidente aéreo, pero sus voces aún están vigentes, por lo tanto, aún viven en nuestra alma.
  • @micamika8844
    Russian culture lives in the Russian people. it is beautiful to hear this old song. An great very great Bravissimo. Greatings from the Netherlands.
  • The Red Army Choir is so gorgeous. They’re my favorite musicians of all time; and I will forever enjoy their music. 🇷🇺 ❤🇺🇸
  • @ricsi414
    The EARTH withaut ART, just EH! No MORE POLITIK, NO MORE WAR! More music, more art! More MUSIC... Like this! Greetings from Hungary! Peace for eweryone...
  • Я вас помню с 70-их годов когда были в Мексике, сам учился в московской Консерватории, лублю всю русскую культуру и ношу вас в моем сердце, бог вас бережёт...!!!
  • I watched their performance in Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall in Zagreb, Croatia few years ago, it healed my soul... Rabotajte bratjo 💪💪🇷🇺🇷🇺🇭🇷🇭🇷