Better Call Saul 6x04 "Gus Fring's life" Season 6 Episode 4 HD "Hit and Run"

Publicado 2022-05-02
Better Call Saul 6x04 Season 6 Episode 4 Better Call Saul S06E04 6x05 BCS 6x04 Season 6 Episode 4
Still on the run, Nacho is forced to choose where his loyalties lie. Jimmy must decide whether he wants to remain a "friend of the cartel" after his reputation is called into question. Gus and Mike ready the team for a meeting.

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Better Call Saul 6x04 Gus talks to Nacho
Better Call Saul Season 6 Episode 4 Gus talks to Nacho
Better Call Saul 6x05 Trailer Better Call Saul Season 6 Episode 5 Gus talks to Nacho will be uploaded next week!

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @spectrum838
    “He’s not up to Pollo standards” Dear god
  • @TheBigJord
    Crazy how motivated Gus was to give up the meth business and eventually become a pharmaceutical corporate overlord pumping out superheros edit: Wow thank you all so much for 19K- REAL EDIT: FUCKING PSYCHE THIS ISN'T SOME CHEESEY THANK YOU... I GOT YOUR LIKES BITCHES AND YOU'LL NEVER GET THEM BACK AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  • @ragr5133
    This makes Walt's "get me in a room with him" even more funny. He has absolutely no idea about the man he's talking about.
  • @capello5688
    It’s bizarre really, Seeing Gus this paranoid. It humanizes him, and it shows just how big of a threat Lalo is to scare Gus like this.
  • 0:19 Notice the clip-on tie, something a true businessman would never consider wearing unless you worry about the regular one getting used against you as means to grab and/or strangle with.
  • @heidenseik1569
    This scene compliments Gus in Breaking Bad. Walt's planted a bomb on Gus's car at the hospital, and Jesse tells Gus he thinks someone poisoned Brock. Gus see's this a red flag and when going back to his car, stops, takes a look from the parking complex, and decides not to get in his car, walking off. He's always been very meticulous and over-cautious.
  • @GrumpyBearRawr
    I always love how he changes from his Pollos clothes to his drug lord clothes. He's like the evil Mr. Rogers.
  • @gogl0l386
    The actress for Kim tried directing for the first time and this is the result. Not only did she act one of the best female characters in television , but this is what the result of her first time trying directing. She is going places.
  • @Haffy442
    Gus is really buff. Too bad we never got a shot of him lifting in his gym, imagine how precise and calculated every single rep would be..
  • @beetlejuice8514
    2:28 I love how he switches with the decoy Gus Fring as he entered the tunnel. It is just crazy how detailed this show is.
  • @Thegamerfailer
    The way he pauses and looks at the gun, really makes you realise the weight and cost of being a criminal kingpin. You see this look of wanting to take it off and never have to wear it again. But he realises he can never take it off, just like he can never escape this criminal life now as he sighs and puts it back around his ankle.
  • @ashleybrooke2087
    Gus is like a total James Bond villain with his underground laboratory & secret passageways. The man is legit.
  • @lemn1165
    For those wondering, this is Gu's safe house (is next to his main one), where he set his surveillance and defense team against Lalo. The random people that "don't notice him" are a decoy couple, hired by him to keep appearances and to not rise suspicion (they probably were ordered to act as if a security team isn't there). Because of the proximity of those houses, that tunnel must've been easy to dig unlike the lab which required planning for both the drainage/water system and ventilation system.
  • @garywong7598
    Walt getting told to go home during Thirty Eight Snub makes so much sense
  • @MedalionDS9
    That's how you know Lalo is more than a match for Gus when the unflappable Gus is acting weird Even Mike has no idea where Lalo is... and that line probably ramped up Gus' paranoia even more
  • @jpval3484
    It's funny how Eladio can't scare him but just the thought of Lalo being alive does.
  • @zaxbitterzen2178
    I love just how much of a threat Lalo is to Gus to the point where Gus would be willing to pool almost all of his intel networks just to keep updates on his whereabout's. Hector may have definitely been the biggest thorn in Gus's side and his fuel of inner rage, but Lalo is like the boogeyman he represent's the biggest threat nigh bar-none.
  • @Veloziraptor111
    Seeing this really makes you realize just how dumb Walter's original "get me in a room with him and I'll do the rest" plan was. It was enough for Walter to think he would best Gus simply by smugging a gun inside, completely ignoring the fact that Gus 1) could be wearing a vest; 2) could be carrying a gun of his own. Gus would have probably smoked Walter if it came to a direct confrontation, so Walter was lucky that Mike declined this particular proposal.
  • @firefistx7477
    A life full of revenge has made gus extremely cautious in everything he does. His life reflects his devotion to his revenge
  • @nunka34ify
    "Then where is he?" Good point Mike, all this waiting and anticipating for lalo to show up is driving me crazy!