Dutchsince Fake, Fraud and False Flagger (MIRROR).avi

Published 2012-04-26
A YouTuber called Huttate, who takes the time to debunk some of the most harmful conspiracy theories is currently under attack, with his videos being false flagged. Hopefully this will be all be sorted out with YouTube and his videos restored, but until that happens, here are the videos of his that are being false flagged. Please take the time to check out his channel and subscribe.

His channels:
Huttate1: youtube.com/user/Huttate1?feature=watch

Huttate2: youtube.com/user/Huttate2?feature=iv&annotation_id…

Mediafire Links for his flagged videos:
Dutchsinse fake fraud and false flagger

Dutchsinse accuses parents of murder

Dutchsinse false flags haarp rings and scalar squares completely debunked

Original DMCA'd debunk video

All Comments (11)
  • @dancerride
    Dutchsinse is an amazing warning and watch earthquake guy hes so non bullshit!!! we love you Dutch thank you for your efforts and great warnings!!!!
  • @dutchsinse
    have you read your commentary going off on me? we've never even spoke before !
  • @doutchesinse
    I get comments from people who try to convince me that this guy is legit. He blocks anyone who asks questions that he has no rational answer for, unlike a real scientist would do. I elect not to share in the "mutual admiration society". There is so much real science available on the web that to do so would be counterproductive.
  • @skd0044
    Dutch is trying to do what you do.. he's not a liar I would think we are all adults at this point... you sound like your whining... you have great posts and are very informative... I suggest you keep on doing what your doing and let this go before you lose more viewers.
  • @dutchsinse
    you cannot edit or manipulate comments dude.. as for deleting.. only jerks get it ! as for being caught red handed in error.. care to give an example?! whatever I can to protect myself.. from armchair critics.. bring it dude (or dudette)
  • @dutchsinse
    why does youtube allow impersonators who are also stalkers.. and DENIERS.. lol. you deny chemtrails and haarp.. nice ! epic fail .. thats why huttate had to blaze out of here.. he couldn't take being made fun of for denying simple obvious facts.
  • @doutchesinse
    are you referring to little jesus, lol? i wish you had not wussed out. i love arguing with you. have you ever heard of "phxexaminer"? i like dutchsinse cause i used to read comic books when i was in grammar school. it is funny as hell and it costs nothing but the internet access. dont wuss out. i love squalar scares and stairsteps to heaven. keep it up. if you want to know what the weather is going to be, turn on your weather radio. thanks. is it ok to block people? does youtube agree?