Updated Nutcracker Guide! Lethal Company

Published 2024-01-11

All Comments (21)
  • @call_me_bread
    Notes: I DO NOT PROMOTE CROUCH METHOD. This is a little cheese and very risky to do. You can hit anywhere on Nut, doesn’t have to be the eye but eye must be up. Nuts can see/shoot through doors. I learned you actually can get 0 bullets in the shotgun by killing the nutcracker the just after it shot its second shot (but it’s very hard to get this).
  • @TheNightsythe
    something you should note, they can see and shoot you through doors, at least with mansion map from my experience
  • @Aflay1
    Not sure if that sound is what it makes when walking around or if it's background music playing, but that military drumroll really adds to the tension and atmosphere of battling this brass dude.
  • @XcrazyjapaX
    Nutcracker got buffed really hard, the aim walking is very scary when engaging on bad place without enough cover. Making players being forced to kill it faster before it changes the pattern. Anyway, learned on hard way, is still possible to cheese them by crouching+circling them. You can kill it very fast and able to fight them on open space. Only thing to take care is from their frontal kicks, just stay on its side or behind it. Hope its not gets patched.
  • @Spotth
    As someone who has played the (current) challenge moon a lot, nutcracker's super easy to deal with and killing it is very rewarding. Great video btw!
  • @pan6991
    I love this creature mostly for it's shotgun but it's also a fun boss fight that's much better than hold S and swing
  • @cjrecio5702
    Didn't notice that its head spin when shooting. That's cute.
  • Ermmm... I feel like saying "will kick you to the moon" is a bit redundant in this case 🤓
  • @ryanwalsh5019
    I'd argue that the corner method is actually easier now because it makes the spacing better for the last two hits.
  • @RackaGack
    One other thing I found that helps, Hopefully it works on vanilla but you can scan its weapon to keep track of it around larger bookshelves/coridors
  • @Gibilisko
    Comment for the engagement. Keep doing a good job!
  • @Jordi_NL
    Stun grenade or bringing a radar booster (for flash) is also nice. Although the radar booster needs a lot of coordination (so difficult).
  • @hectic1614
    other easy strategy is just crouch and come to him as close as you can and just hit with shovel. He can't shoot you like that but you have to hope that he won't just go straight into you and kill you. Also right now there is challenge moon in which if you order shovel and go to main right after that, nutcracker will spawn in main. So that is easy way to train killing him rn
  • @Nosretep
    They're also called Nutcrackers because they literally kick you in the chestnuts.