start before you know how.

How I make films:
Color Grade using my LUTs:

Sometimes in life taking the first step is always the hardest, and most times you don't know how but maybe thats a good thing.
I hope you guys enjoy this film -
Inspired by @LifeOfRiza - all you have to do is start.

- Follow me - (

- use code ANDREW for 10% off.

sub count - 12,089

Video is inspired by - Sam Kolder, Gawx, Life of Riza and all the New wave YouTubers out there. An encouragement to embrace your insecurity to make authentic content.

Gear I use to film my videos -

Tripod -
Lens -
Camera -
Lights -
RGB Light -
Mic -
Practical Light -

business - [email protected]

コメント (21)
  • @Dmanz67
    There is a reason the Algorithm is showing YOU this video.
  • @asholie
    “I was comparing my day one to someone’s day 1000.” Powerful!
  • Part of the 20%. I honestly think social media has made it so hard to attempt anything. It shoves down your throat that every day has to be the best day or your life when in reality that’s just not true. I appreciate videos like this that highlight what it means to be normal while trying to do cool things. I wish every single one of you all the best. Find what makes you happy and gives you peace!
  • 20% Club! To be honest, I use YouTube as a way to distract me but also motivate and gain knowledge while I’m doing household chores that I don’t want to do which is alllll of them. I can’t stand how YouTube has changed its opening layout to show shorts first. It kept trapping me into scrolling, something I was using YouTube to avoid. I love long-form content as it helps me to accomplish my chore goals so I can move onto the fun stuff. I try looking for 30 mins or longer videos so it also helps me sorta keep track of time too. Thank you for sticking it through and completing this video. I’m grateful to have watched it. ❤
  • @aaronman21
    "Instead of hoping you're doing the right thing, make it the right thing." Uufff im gonna be living by this now!
  • "Don't be scared of moving slowly, be scared of standing still." This quote really helps me out. I fear a lot that im not progressing fast enough or becoming sucessful at my passions fast enough. But if you just do an hour or two everyday of work, your still progressing. Your work ethic should be authentic, not perfect. We have been brainwashed to believe we need to work 8 hours a day when its not true. do a few hours a day, go outside, smile, live life and the rest will amazingly manifest itself
  • this whole video has such high quality production it's like a short movie
  • I don‘t create a youtube channel because peole I know will judge me, I know I shouldn‘t give value to it, but my mind automatically responds to this thought by not creating anything
  • @isusiso581
    Some quote just popped into my head that seems fitting: "What if I fall?" - "Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?"
  • @ricarics6728
    Whenever I want to start something new, I get scared of wasting my time and not achieving my goals.
  • @vs6754
    the comments during the brand journey and the script writing about wanting to not "lose progress" or "go backwards" after getting a unit of success really resonated with me. today I was journaling about how much I hope and expect my learning journeys to be linear, how easy it is to falter and give up when progress doesn't look linear, or when something takes repeated cyclical work, and I also think about what moment it was when a non linear journey became so discouraging that I started to avoid them altogether and close off to the world and growth. hearing somebody else talk about something similar helped me feel less alone so thank you.
  • @lerx1980
    What I never realized. I like being told what to do and like the comfort of just consuming and don’t take the scary step to start because I’m thinking of how it is not perfect yet and there need to be things to be done beforehand. What a great video because of the message. Thanks stranger to be so open about your feelings and insecurities. A video worth watching until the end on normal speed.
  • Twenty Percent Here. I think what we fear is not failure, it’s success that we fear. We all want success. But we don’t want the pain, frustrations, anger and disappointment and hard work. Self reminder to myself to keep going and that all of this is what’s making it fun.
  • @soybella4708
    Am part of the 20% here! One of the reasons, I guess, why people procrastinate so much is not because of laziness but because of perfectionism. We are so much scared about how other people might possibly perceive us from the outcome of our work, hence, we can't simply move forward coz we keep on going back to the details that we think might give other people long lasting impression of us.
  • 20% | Every time I’m analyzing whether to make that decision or not, I tend to discuss it with someone, a family member or a friend, but whenever I do, I feel like nobody understands me, they are “against”. So I prefer not talking about my decision with nobody, but then if something happens the first thing I tend to do is think “why didn’t I discuss it with nobody to listen to another point of view”. Great video, really helpful.
  • Just this morning I went through all the feelings you just described. Thanks for sharing and letting me know I`m not the only person who feels this way from time to time...
  • @jerry.cray..
    “You can do hard things. Uncertainty is the nature of life, self-trust is the antidote.”
  • @bishakdey
    Fighting the battle with your mind to finish this and put it on YouTube was one of the best things you did in life. You will not have the idea how much it means to me but trust me it made a difference.
  • Another one while I’m watching. 20% btw. Ok so I will give everyone one. I was a mechanic for 20 years and always wanted to create. 25 years later after I aced photography in senior year I am doing it. Building skills, building relationships, and taking all of my problem solving abilities from tech to sales to media to the next level daily. Anyone can do impossible goals. Just stick with it🙏🏼
  • 20% — “Instead of hoping you’re doing the right thing, make it the right thing.” was my take away. I fight the same battles of the back and forth in the head. Most of the things I start, I never finish. It’s a struggle I’m still working through. Keep this in mind when posting your videos, it only takes one person (maybe even a few) to have gotten something out of your journey/insight to make all the difference. You don’t need to win over everyone. I thank you for pushing yourself to post this. It truly resonated with me. ❤