7 Facts You Didn't Know About Orange Cats

Published 2023-06-09
The sixth fact surprised me! Learn more about orange cats here: cats.com/orange-tabby-cats
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0:00 Introduction
0:22 Fact 1: All Orange Cats are Tabbies
1:57 Fact 2: Orange Tabbies Are Not a Breed of Cat
1:43 Fact 3: Orange Cats Aren't Officially "Orange"
3:28 Fact 4: About 80% Of Orange Cats Are Male
5:24 Fact 5: Orange Cats Get Freckles
5:57 Fact 6: Orange Cats Have More Sexual Size Dimorphism
6:48 Fact 7: The Orange Personality
8:27 Conclusion

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All Comments (21)
  • Do you have an orange cat? What are they like? Do you think they show personality traits unique to their coat color? Let me know! Also, if you'd like to learn more about your cat's coat genetics and more, try the Basepaws cat DNA test: cats.com/link/?href=https%3A%2F%2Fshareasale.com%2… This is an affiliate link, and we'll get a small commission if you purchase through it. This helps to support our mission of helping people give their cats better lives. Thank you!
  • As a teen, I had a male orange cat that bounded across the lawn to greet me and was very affectionate. He's the only cat I've known that really "connected" with those around him. He found a mate, brought her home, was monogamous and even helped take care of the kittens. RIP Tarkus.
  • My darling orange female cat. I was so unimpressed when she came to me as a stray. She completely wound herself around my heart, she acted as "mother/big sister" to any other animal she encountered. She was a "spritzer," who leapt, danced, threw herself onto chairs and into my arms like a ballet dancer leaping to her partner. I loved this charming, delightful, stubborn little girl who will be in my heart forever.
  • @stevewik2280
    I've got a "little" orange guy named Joe (okay, he is enormous now) that I saw on the street one day while checking my mail. He was a tiny baby, maybe 3 or 4 months old and he was about 10 yards away from me, just frolicking and having a great time rolling around in the dirt like a maniac, seemingly oblivious that I was even there. I opened my mailbox, took the mail out, and realized he was now sitting quietly by my feet looking up at me. I skritched his head and said "how's it goin' little dude" and walked to my house. As I reached for the doorknob, I noticed he was sitting quietly by my feet again, looking at me, then looking at the door, then looking at me, then looking at the door and I realized he wanted to come in. I didn't know what to do, but I turned to look behind me and realized it was getting dark and where I live, it's not safe to let cats run around at night. We've got predatory hawks and owls and sometimes even a coyote. And if that wasn't enough, there were some really ominous storm clouds rolling in. I actually lol'd at the sheer over-the-top ridiculousness of the ominous storm clouds, but decided I'd take the hint and let him in. If there weren't any problems with my other two guys, he could stay the night and I'd let him go back to his life in the morning. So he comes in, my other two cats immediately run over and they check each other out for a minute. One was slightly standoffish but nothing major and the other was like "hey dude, come on in!" and with that, the little orange dude made one quick circuit of the entire house and then jumped up on the couch, curled up next to me, put his little paw on my arm and fell asleep. He was clearly not feral and had to be someone's indoor/outdoor cat because he was the healthiest, cleanest kitty I'd ever seen. He was definitely well fed and a rock solid tube of cat muscle. The next morning, I assumed he'd be begging to go back to his life. But when I opened the door, he immediately ran behind it so I couldn't throw him out. I later surmised that he'd been trying to re-home himself for awhile and was used to getting kicked out. Anyway, he clearly didn't want to leave, so I figured I'd let him stay while I tried to find whose kitteh he was. I asked all my neighbors, and EVERY one of them knew exactly what cat I was talking about, a couple of them even mentioned they'd considered keeping him themselves but nobody knew where he came from. So I put pics of him up on the local lost pet pages on facebook and craig's list and put a big cardboard sign in my yard and watched the nearby telephone poles for lost cat notices but two months went by and nobody claimed him. And he never showed the slightest interest in going outside and continued to actively run behind the door whenever I opened it so he couldn't be kicked out. Then one day a surprising thing happened. I'd received a fedex package the day before and just realized they'd put a delivery notice sticker on my screen door. I looked and saw all three cats were playing in the next room, so I figured I could open the door just enough to reach around and snag the sticker before they noticed what I was doing (the other two WILL bolt out the door if I'm not careful). As I did this, I saw an orange blur in my peripheral vision zip out the door. Of course I didn't have any pants or shoes on. So I'm frantically throwing on pants and getting my shoes on, it feels like it's taking an eternity and the whole time I'm in a panic thinking "he's gone. He's a mile away by now. I'm never going to see him again." I get my shoes on, jump up and burst out of the door and immediately screech to a halt like a cartoon character because there he is. Four feet away from the door, sitting with his back to me, just checkin' out some rock that apparently was relevant to his interests. So I'm standing there pondering my options and I'm thinking "do I tackle him and traumatize us both, or do I... talk to him?" So, assuming I was going to be chasing him down the street in the next second, against my better judgement, I decided on the latter and calmly said "hey little dude, let's go back inside." He immediately turns around, meows and RUNS to me. I pick him up and he is purring like a motorboat. As I carried him inside, I realized I didn't need to look for his home any more because he was already home. I feel like the only reason he ran out the door was because he thought I was going out and he wanted come with me. And that's the story of Joe. And then he grew into a behemoth that is literally three times the weight of the other two cats. He also seems more like a dog than a cat. When anyone at all comes over, they are his new best friend. He literally loves everyone he meets and will run up to greet them. I have to make sure any repair guys aren't allergic to cats because there is no keeping him away from them. I've had him for over five years now and he still has zero interest in going outside. I guess he realizes how good he has it. So yeah, he is definitely not dumb. :)
  • @bear4pozcle
    I live in a trailer park, and have seen cats roaming around. My mom always taught me to be nice to animals. I leave my window open in the living room, so I can meet these little babies. If they want to come in, they can. I've met a little ginger cutie who is very loving. I love my little fur babies!
  • I've had many cats of all colours. My favourite was an orange male who I ran off my property for a year because my old black and white male didnt like him. Eventually I gave up, let him in the house and he never left, knew for a long time where he wanted to be. This 18 pounder loved everyone and everything. He would squeeze his arms around necks giving the best hugs and his purr was heard from one end of the house to the other, never heard a purr that loud from any other cat. He lived 16 yrs and made me laugh every day.
  • @NoOne-bp2jw
    I had a male orange and white cat and he was one of the sweetest, most affectionate cats I've ever owned. I miss him terribly. RIP Boo Boo. ❤❤❤
  • Had a orange tabby his name was Butterball. He lived to 17 ( 2001-2018), 23 pounds. Friendliest, sweetest, most lovable cat i have every been around. I miss him dearly. He stopped eating and it was time for him to enter cat heaven.
  • @qontoh2s872
    I rescued two male orange tabby kittens, brothers, six years ago. They were polar opposites personality wise. The smaller of the two was outgoing, talkative and always up to something. Big brother was reserved, would sit and watch everything. Sadly, we lost the little guy last October, he passed from an infection. I had never believed animals could grieve until I saw what big brother was going through. We've helped each other through his loss and the shy introvert is now very affectionate, sleeps beside me, talks constantly...
  • @DeneF
    First time cat owners and we are blown away by the behaviour of our orange cat. Extremely friendly to all passing people and neighbours, no issue with dogs, always talking to anything that will listen. Rolls on his back for a tummy rub to anybody that might want to help him out with such. Found him as a stray in our rural area. We suspect he was driven here and kicked out of the car because he had an expensive nasal, ear polyp problem. All our neighbors are cat owners and say they have never met a cat like him. We are very lucky, if a little lighter in pocket but our life is much richer for him. Thanks for the video. Very interesting facts.
  • My male orange tabby was the smartest cat I've ever encountered. I considered him to be as smart as a dog. He would make great eye contact with me when he was "talking". He loved getting on top of the highest kitchen cabinets above the refrigerator so he could watch everything and everyone. He would always be hiding somewhere and attack my thighs when I got out of bed. I never knew where he would be but I knew he was going to bite my arse. I've never loved a cat as much as that one. He was so clever. I miss him. I hope you all enjoy your previous "angels" . Lol
  • @danettecadzow9837
    Ive had a lot of kitties in my 60 yrs. Absolutely true on size differences between the sexes with gingers. I had a tiny ginger girl. She was like a forever kitten. She lived until she was 21. Currently I have the biggest Ginger male I ever had. He's all knucklehead but a charmer. Adored all my kittens. Miss them all! Love the video.
  • @hgoodin1013
    We recently found ourselves becoming the humans of an orange tabby (cream). Long to short, He had been living on the streets but we noticed his front paws were very badly deformed. He had no cat toes at all on either of his front feet. And where we live there are a lot of feral cats and we feared for his safety because he had no way to really defend himself. We had him properly vetted. He was chipped but it came back to a dead end. He's at least 12. He's teeny tiny. Barely 8lbs after 3 months of medicating him for hyperthyroid and feeding him high quality food. The vet thinks that he lost his front feet to a lawn mower or had gotten up under a car to stay warm and lost them to a fan blade or a fan belt.😢 But he has a HUGE personality and is the most cuddly social sweet cat we have ever had. He lives to be around people and talks a lot! Our previous cats, both black, were not interested in people at all, except for meal time. So now the teeny tiny little squatter is living his best life, cuddling with humans and stalking the securely fenced yard. 😊
  • I have a female orange cat. She's noticeably smaller than my two tortoiseshells and tends to be much friendlier. Though this makes sense, she lived in an Arby's dumpster for almost a year before she was taken in by a rescue, and I adopted her. I can imagine her running up to people to look cute and get bits of their roast beef, fries, etc.
  • @junelove1783
    My beloved orange female cat lived to be 20yrs old, she would jump into the car and lay above the back seats enjoying her ride. Miss her dearly❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
  • @karmenzupanc5177
    My dear orange male cat dissapeard almost 2 months ago. I tried finding him and used every method possible. Where ever you are know that we Miss you, wishing you to find way Back home. If you crossed the rainbow... Be happy and kind. I ❤️U
  • @patlynch6517
    I wondered why my orange cat had little black spots on his nose! Thanks! Now I’m going to find and pet him!!❤️🐈
  • @soldonhim
    I've had many cats in my lifetime, but this is the first time I've ever had an Orange tabby. He is by far the most friendly and affectionate. Pretty smart too.
  • @dananelms6870
    I have two orange cats that are litter mates and turned 15 in April. We like to say they behave like dogs. They come when you call them, they love to eat and are extremely friendly! One is very chatty and loves to sit in my lap. The other is quieter, but is the most mischievous. I find paw prints on the counter tops, but never see him up there. I adore them both!