Why Blue is the BEST Velociraptor in Jurassic World

Published 2022-12-30

All Comments (12)
  • You forgot one thing: it's the only dinosaur who went up against all 3 hybrids. And survived. Of course this can be seen and interpreted in many different ways. This video definitely made me appreciate blue more. I already liked her but now she's in close tie for being my favorite dinosaur with indoraptor, carnotaurus and bumby.
  • @Sharknerd04
    I agree with the video especially Blue and Owen’s relationship
  • @Blue_Oceanic
    I loved this! Nice to see this video especially when everyone hates on the raptor squad
  • @marci7683
    Hi! My problem with Blue isn't that of she not a human hunter. My problem with her is even trough I watched the movies backward. (No not from the end to start...) Dominion, Fallen Kingdom, Wolrd, and Park 3,2,1. My biggest problem is she wasthink a human to her alpha. It is strange, I know. I didn't know how explain it. But by the way that is lead to my fav creature in the whole series can even born, the Indoraptor. 2nd (And it is not only with she, everything who got it) plot armor. Honestly! The I-rex throw her into a concreete wall. We know of concreetw isn't like glass to break, but we see the impact on concreete, and Blue like nothing happend. Her sebling (I'm not sure of their sebling or not) was dead from an impact with concreete like wich not even as big. And in FK she fight with Indoraptor the only situation wich not surely end with Blue death. The only place where the seize advantage is eventualy disadvantage. And how luckey is just in the right place they fight to I-raptor can die. As I mentioned in Blue is a smaller problem in my eyes than in Rexy. I hate that character for several reason too. Three from big problem big the annoying big plot armor she has. My second biggest problem with her is the very toxic fanbase wich she has. And my har bigges problem with her ( and all rexes in serie) is they weak. Jp3 a spino break the T-rex obviusly weak (huge ironic) neck. In 2015 maybe I understand of she don't won aganist a better Rex, and in 2022 the Giga, but in Prologue the (not as old if we look it) T-rex was dead in 20-30 sec. If you watch carefuly the T-rexes never killed any big predator by hershelf. Indominus killed by Mosasaurus ( I think she find a way to fight 2vs1 if she had time) and Giga killed by Theri claws. Buck and Doe didn't fight other big dinosaur, the JP3 rex fighted with Spino, but losed. (No the Hidden adventure isn't part of the canon) But back to Blue. The third problem ( Wich is absolurely my problem only) she was big part to kill my 2 favpurite character in the whole Jurassic history. The 2 Indo dinosaur. Not a bad character, I think a bit overrated, and I way more like it than Rexy, but far away from I-rex and I-raptor in my heart. The Indo dinos lifestroy was wich the only 2 wich made me cry and Both deas. (But here the I raptor dead is more. When I heared of the life slowly pass aqay from the at that point weak body was made me cry to be hones. And I watched the titanic with poker face or IDK how was it named.
  • 7:01 not to mention how in real life, people have trained animals far bigger and far more dangerous than A velociraptor. Like the guy who swam with a polar bear.