The Most Emotional Medal of Honor Vietnam War Story Ever Sammy L. Davis Combat Veteran Interview

Published 2018-08-10
The is Sammy L Davis' own account of the action that led to his Medal of Honor. It is an amazing emotional tale of love, courage, and brotherhood. A must watch.

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All Comments (21)
  • Edit: I have changed the title wording from MOH "winner" to "recipient". I had copied the original title and was unaware of any mistake until brought to my attention by comments. Thank you very much. I apologize for the low volume, it's an issue I can't resolve because I no longer have the original video. If you'd like to help the channel, PayPal
  • That’s my grandfather he’s talking about at @21:10. James L Gant. A war hero and Purple Heart recipient. He was known as Mr “Always Ready”. He is missed every day.
  • @justsomeguy--
    He remembers every full name of his buddies and every town and state they lived in. This man is still squared away and a blessing to the rest of us. May God keep blessing him and keep blessing these United States of America 🇺🇸 🙏
  • This man is the most inspirational MOH recipient I have ever heard. It's a medal of love. You never lose until you quit. Words to truly live by.
  • His mention of needing stay squared away in order to preserve the integrity of the MOH in the face of temptations to do wrong things was very powerful to me. If anyone has the right to have a big ego it is Mr. Davis, yet, he takes the high road of Honor, Integrity and Humility. He inspires me to be a better man now that I've heard him tell his story.
  • @Crazyfool12
    "You only lose when you quit trying, just never quit trying." I'm going to remember to tell that to my son tomorrow.
  • @MacBobby1408
    Love how he says “so I started doing my job as a soldier.” Instead of saying “so I started shooting mfs”. This guy is nothing short of amazing.
  • @robthebold4589
    "You don't lose until you quit trying". Deep respect for this exceptional man.
  • @RedneckPunk
    After watching this I just found my one true Hero that I've always hoped to gain inspiration from. This is the definition of how a man should be.
    Sammy Davis was at my grandfather's funeral today, him and my grandfather fought in the war with eachother , I'm glad that I got to meet him 🇺🇲
  • As Americans we should all get down on our fckn knees and thank God there there are men like this. An absolute hero in every sense of the word. Thank you Sammy You’re an inspiration.
  • @aaronn9833
    I just met Mr. Davis at an airport. For some reason we kept running in to each other until I was ‘forced ‘ to have a conversation with him. I’m truly humbled by this man. I have not had this spirit of inspiration from another man in a long time. I’m not easily humbled, but I have not felt like such a boy in front of a real man in quite some time. God put our paths together for a reason, and I will never forget Sammy.
  • “My name is on the back of it but it doesn’t belong to me, I’m just a caretaker of it” Those are the most powerful words any man could ever say about his actions to revive the Medal Of Honor
  • This story had me crying all over again,at 77 and a vet. this is the greatest story of all us that served.God bless you sir.
  • @CitrisJones
    The way this young man (at the time) was able to retain battlefield awareness in such a chaotic situation, injured surrounded by enemies, with bullets flying everywhere is incredible. He was an artillery man, a rifleman, a machine gunner, a medic, and a rescue operator all rolled into one. All done while sustaining injuries that would've incapacitated a normal person. God was watching over this hero.
  • I am massive history buff. Everything from the war in Afghanistan to the viking conquest of england to alexander the great. Nothing and i mean nothing has ever moved me like this film. This man represents everything a man, soldier or human being should be and should strive to be. I can never be thankful enough for people like Sammy. Ever.
  • Im a Canadian, but I wanna say i respect this man so much and I wish I could be half the man he is.
  • @jonyeager318
    This man is the definition of "Humble". My Dad was a Corpsman in Vietnam, received the silver star, and never talked about it, but when asked about his time, he would say the exact same thing, "I was just doing my job". I have great respect for all the honorable men that has fought for Our Nation. God Bless Them All 🇺🇸
  • Aa a 26 year old American, knowing, and hearing Sammy’s story is greatly inspiring. What a wonderful man with a great character. His words resonated with myself and appreciate Sammy’s wisdom. God bless you sir for your service for our country. Thank you for sharing this interview.
  • @cdr861532
    This should 1000000% be made into a movie. What an amazing story. It's amazing what human beings can do when it's all on the line.