5 Delicious PERENNIAL Vegetables [Come Back Every Year!] 🌿 Grow More Food At Home!

Published 2022-06-04
Here is a list of five perennial vegetables that I am excited to share with you because of, not only the fact that they come back for you year after year and are low-maintenance, but they are so delicious and useful!

I hope you learn of a few new ones!

All Comments (19)
  • @mompuff
    Thank you for sharing!! I’m going to try the 5 you suggested!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  • Walking Onions make a very big green onion to eat and can be used in many applications. I got a patch that competes successfully with local grasses. I sent off for Dietrich's Wild Broccoli. During early spring, the leaves tasted like broccoli and later in the fall, like a turnip. They survived our winter, here in Ohio and are now producing their flower stock this year. Am going to try Turkish Rocket this year and Korean Wild Celery.
  • I have regular green onions all year mine do not fall over they bloom into a flower with massive seeds
  • After looking into the onions, I'm gonna try a perennial called a potato onion. They seem to be the largest of the perennial onions. Anyone can correct me if I'm wrong.
  • @darthfiende1
    I'll have to look into the perennial arugula and Turkish rocket! Did you grow them from seed? I'm also in Colorado and have never seen a source for them.
  • @indiebaby
    I think I saved seeds from a similar arugula that just kept growing even with flowers. Amazing flavor before and after bolt starts? Yes plz.
  • @rootedinjoy8821
    Wondering if you’d share some comfrey starts…have tried several times but working with old dead soil….and need a new try! Even seeding hasn’t gone well…
  • @peterellis4262
    Turkish rocket is doing well for us here in SW MI and I find it delicious. Sorrel hasn't worked well for us here, but we'll keep trying. Walking Onions are another we've tried with unimpressive results, but again, we'll keep trying. Perennial Arugula - we've managed with our annual arugula reseeding itself, but I would rather have the actual perennial. Sunchokes... ah sunchokes. For all the horror stories about how they will take over, in our NJ garden they failed in about 2 years. Here in Michigan we've planted tens of pounds and had no harvests because they're just not succeeding :(. Plants not on your list that we're having success with, Fuki aka butterbur and Miyagi Ginger which seem to be thriving on our site.
  • @becky3086
    I tried Jerusalem artichokes and found them almost impossible to clean and peel and they really tasted nasty. I also grew the Egyptian walking onions and while they are interesting, I didn't find them really useful except as a green onion, shallots at least give you green onions and a bulb. Interested in trying the arugula and will see if I can find some seed. So far tonight I have looked for tree collards and sea kale, nothing affordable yet. Sorrel seems to have a drawback of oxalic acid.
  • @jaybirdgarden
    I’m all about the minimal input minimal maintenance. 👍 Your garden is amazing! Are there any of these that you are able to harvest in the winter?
  • @MogiMann
    Now you just need some Hablitzia tamnoides! And you'll be set!
  • @moneyjuice
    Sorrel Walking onion 🧅 Perennial arugula Turkish rocket Jerusalem artichoke