The Man Who Defeated Fischer and Capablanca!

Published 2023-02-18
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Erich Eliskases vs Jose Raul Capablanca
Semmering/Baden (1937), Semmering/Baden AUT, rd 10, Sep-22
Slav Defense: Czech. Carlsbad Variation (D17)

1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nf3 Nf6 4. Nc3 dc4 5. a4 Bf5 6. Ne5 Nbd7 7. Nc4 Qc7 8. g3 e5 9. de5 Ne5 10. Bf4 Nfd7 11. Bg2 f6 12. O-O Rd8 13. Qc1 Be6 14. Ne5 Ne5 15. a5 a6 16. Ne4 Bb4 17. Bd2 Qe7 18. Bb4 Qb4 19. Qc5 Qc5 20. Nc5 Bc8 21. Rfd1 Ke7 22. b3 Nf7 23. e4 Rd6 24. Rd6 Kd6 25. b4 Kc7 26. Rd1 Rd8 27. Rd8 Nd8 28. f4 b6 29. ab6 Kb6 30. Bf1 Ne6 31. Na4 Kc7 32. Kf2 g5 33. Ke3 gf4 34. gf4 Ng7 35. Nc5 Ne6 36. Ne6 Be6 37. Kd4 Kb6 38. Bc4 Bg4 39. e5 fe5 40. fe5 h6 41. h4 Bh5 42. e6 Be8 43. Bd3 Kc7 44. Kc5 Bh5 45. Bh7 Bg4 46. e7 Kd7 47. Be4 Ke7 48. Bc6 Be2 49. Bb7 Kd7 50. Kb6 Kd6 51. Ba6 Bf3 52. Ka5 Bc6 53. Bb5 Bf3 54. Bd3 Bc6 55. Bc2 Kc7 56. Ba4 Bf3 57. b5 Kb7 58. b6 Be2 59. Bc2 Bf3 60. Bd3 Bg2 61. Ba6 Kc6 62. Bc8 Bf1 63. Bg4 Bd3 64. Bf3 Kd6 65. Bb7 Be2 66. Ba6 Bf3 67. Bf1 Bb7 68. Bh3 Ke7 69. Kb5 Kd6 70. Bf5 Ke7 71. Kc5 Bg2 72. Bc8 Kd8 73. Ba6 Bf3 74. Kd6 Bg2 75. Bc4 Kc8 76. Bd5 Bf1 77. Ke6 Be2 78. Kf6 Kd7 79. Kg6 h5 80. Kg5 Kd6 81. Bf7 Kc6 82. Bh5

Erich Eliskases vs Robert James Fischer
Buenos Aires (1960), Buenos Aires ARG, rd 5, Jun-28
Queen's Gambit Declined: Ragozin Defense (D38)

1. c4 Nf6 2. Nc3 e6 3. Nf3 d5 4. d4 Bb4 5. Qb3 Nc6 6. Bg5 h6 7. Bf6 Qf6 8. e3 dc4 9. Bc4 O-O 10. O-O Qe7 11. Qc2 Bd6 12. Rad1 Kh8 13. a3 e5 14. Nd5 Qe8 15. de5 Ne5 16. Ne5 Qe5 17. f4 Qe8 18. e4 c6 19. Nc3 Bc7 20. Qe2 Be6 21. e5 Qe7 22. Ne4 Rad8 23. Kh1 Rfe8 24. Be6 Qe6 25. Nc5 Qc8 26. Qh5 Rd1 27. Rd1 Rd8 28. h3 Kg8 29. Rd8 Qd8 30. e6 Qe7 31. Qf5 b6 32. ef7 Qf7 33. Qc8 Kh7 34. Ne6 Bd6 35. g4 Qf6 36. Qd7 Qe7 37. Qe7 Be7 38. Nd4 c5 39. Nc6 Bd6 40. Na7 c4 41. Nc8 Bc5 42. a4 Kg6 43. Kg2 Kf6 44. Kf3 Ke6 45. Ke4 Bf2 46. f5 Kd7 47. Na7 Kd6 48. Nb5 Kc5 49. Nc7 Bh4 50. Ne8 Kb4 51. Kd5 Be7 52. Ng7 Bf6 53. Ne8 Bb2 54. f6 Bf6 55. Nf6 c3 56. Nh5 Ka4 57. Nf4 b5 58. Ne2 c2

00:00 Hello Everyone!
02:45 Game Starts!
05:30 Completely New Game!
09:00 Pause the Video!
14:50 It was in this position!
20:00 Game 2 Starts!
22:33 Completely New Game!
27:30 Pause the Video 2!
30:20 Pause the Video 3!
31:30 It was in this position!
35:15 Contributions!


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All Comments (21)
  • @hibro2000
    Notice what Agad's saying at EXACTLY 19:37, one of the most remarkable coincidences I've ever encountered
  • @Valnjes
    Fun fact: Erich Eliskases is the Grandfather of my Doctor, Andreas Eliskases, in Austrian Alps small Town of Jenbach. Thank You for this video, Andreas will love to see this.
  • Honestly this may be one of agad’s best videos. What an incredible performance by Eliskases
  • @DarshanShah10
    Agadmator throwing a curveball to the creator of agadmator-library by showing two games in one video
  • I met Eliskases in 1978. He was showing the macht Karpov-Kortchnoi in Córdoba, Argentina. He was a wise man. I have enjoyed his comments very much. Thank you for the video.
  • @josefserf1926
    If you have beaten both Capablanca and Fischer you are already a chess immortal yourself.
  • It is important to know these players. They always contribute to classical chess.
  • Wow, Paul Keres had 6 wins in such tough tournament. Absolute monster.
  • @AaryeshPatil
    This is the first time I did not get bored while watching a 30+ minute video. . Thank You for increasing our knowledge, Agad.
  • @Jordan73SJ
    The subtle humor is truly delightful. Well done as usual, Agadmator.
  • Very good reviews, outstanding even. The knight move at the very end was educational. Spotting the potential fork and back tracking is a mighty fine lesson for all end game players.
  • @Annur375
    The final between Fischer and Eliskases is a real gem, an absolute beauty. Thanks for sharing and best to you.
  • @luckyarabr
    There is a very interesting anecdote about Eliskases; When the Fischer-Petrosian match was played in Buenos Aires (1970) Eliskases commented and analyzed the games in a room of the San Martín Theater for fans. At one point, regarding the Najdorf variant, someone asked Eliskases (a contemporary of Najdorf and close to him since they both stayed in Argentina after the 1939 Olympiad) about the fierce rivalry that existed in the fifties between this and Reshevsky about who was better, if Najdorf or Reshevsky (it should be noted that both were very complicated and difficult people) Eliskases answered that question: better Reshevsky ... because he lives much further away. Eliskases published an exhaustive and very interesting work about the 1936 Moscow tournament “How Capablanca won in Moscow 1936”. It has pages and pages of analysis for each game and I think it is the best that has been published about this tournament.
  • Erich just absolutely manned-up big-time in that endgame against Jose. No engines nor tablebases to bolster one's competencies. It really is a thing of beauty. Still breathtaking today.
  • that colourised board in the thumbnail enticed me to click before i was even ready to watch a game of chess. Excellent thumbnailing!
  • wow what a player, Erich once again remind us that the endgame is the true phase of chess
  • @gheffz
    Brilliant. Thank you for showing us Erich! It is remarkable, as you say, that he did defeat Capablanca and Fischer! Yes, the war had so many casualties... some more subtle than others.
  • This is one of the best videos ever on this channnel tributing the old masters who are unknown atleast for me. Great work Antonio
  • I love your work Antonio. You are truly a magician of presentation and communication ❤️.Keep growing and hoping that you are doing well 🙏.
  • Sounds awesome, 12am in time.. ill be, ok play! Wow..headache now watching those endgames, nightmares of b8...great video.:hand-orange-covering-eyes: