Why Playing It Safe Is Risky: The Balance of Risk and Reward

Published 2024-07-14

All Comments (21)
  • I see that it is a key factor to have a willingness to come out of your comfort zone and to be able to determine your risk vs the reward. Thanks for another great educational video!
  • Playing it safe can come at a risk. The thing about this is if you don't take a risk you will not get anywhere. That is the way the world work taking risks.
  • Nothing to fear but fear itself… when you step out of your comfort zone your true potential is activated things you never thought were capable for you is now coming to fruition
  • Inspired by Albert Einstein' s quote when he said anyone who has not made a mistake has not tried something new. I fully agree with that statement. Again thank you Luckscout for a though provoking video.
  • We can learn from our mistakes. So, I think that in order to succeed, one sometimes fail, because it is in failing that we will be able to know what step or move we need to do next, in order to succeed. Experience really is the best teacher.
  • Playing is safe is ok sometimes, but there are time when we should take chances in life 🙏🙏📖📖❤❤
  • Go out there and shine; do what you have not done before and reach heights you have not reached before.
  • Playing it safe can cause one to miss out on some important goals they are afraid to take a risk for.
  • @ReAktivityx2
    I may be too "gung ho" at times. For me it's all about the risk taking. Gotta reign it in I know 😊😊
  • If no risk is taken then how will you know what you can or cannot do. The best of them had to learn from their mistakes, such as Albert Einstein.
  • @MsExquisite
    🤑🩸What an impressive video on risk versus the rewards!🩸🤑