1 Hour Loop "Why do I still live?" (Extended version)

Published 2021-06-19
(Note that the copyright claim on the video is fals and I already objected, download below for ad-free listening)
After many requests I finally give you this one hour loop of my most popular track. I was hesitant to upload it here, because I think loops are quite the lazy content for me to make. But many wanted it so I am happy to now deliver.

This will hopefully bridge the few weeks until my first chaos themed tracks can be found on my channel (also more holy Imperium tracks to come, no worries)
I try to upload at least once a month but if something is not ready, I rather hold back until the quality fits my standard.
Thank you for all your comments and support!

Main versions (with more info and lyrics in the respective video descriptions):
   • Extended "Why do I still live?" 1K Su...   (Extended)
   • "Why do I still live?" Warhammer 40K ...   (Original short)

Download the Extended Version here: drive.google.com/file/d/1wqNTWPyIhhFtwRJdESLC7-jbd…

My videos are either not at all or only barely monetized, I find adds annoying myself.
If you really enjoy the content and want to support the development in the future, consider donating whatever amount you see fit here:

Artwork artists include:
Christian Schwager (theartofschwager.blogspot.com/)
40K Gallery.com

The chant I used is a derivative of "Puer natus est nobis", a chant performed by CIRMA/ Ensemble Organum lead by Mr Marcel Pérès.

I appreciate every single comment. Some of the comments have been worrying. If you are in a heavy depression or find that you have suicidal tendencies, please, for yourself and those around you, seek help:

Unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop.

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕰𝖒𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖔𝖗

All Comments (21)
  • @PurpleCrocodile
    The emperor protects, but an extended version never hurt either.
  • @NomadUrpagi
    You know what surprises me? There are no ads in the 41st millenium: no big banners hanging on the streets, no annoying flickering lights, no invasive gadgets reminding you to buy their stuff. Only peace and quiet. And war.
  • @SpireOfFire
  • @kubonex0919
    Guilliman followed Captain-General Valoris of the Adeptus Custodes as they descended down the pathway towards the Golden Throne. With every step, he moved slower, his mind tearing itself between the practical and theoretical of what might transpire when he would finally cross the threshold and come face to face with his father. All of Ultramar’s resources had been put to the task of making this moment a reality but only now was it dawning on him that he had never taken a moment to actually think about what he wanted to say. “We have arrived.” said Valoris snapping Roboute out of his trance as they stopped before a massive gate made out of gold covered by a gothic arch on both sides. “I must warn you, standing near his presence is difficult even for us, be wary that you are not overwhelmed.” “I have been here before” retorted the Lord of Ultramar firmly. “Yet everything has changed since you last tread these halls Primarch.” snapped the Custodes, his resentment clearly showing through his stoic demeanor. “Know this, if you even so much as have a treacherous thought in his presence, I will end you”. Before Guilliman could respond, Valoris put up his hand to silence him. “Enough talk, the master beckons.” Realizing that no good would come out of addressing the Captain General's insults, Roboute opened the gate and walked inside the throne room. When he entered, all he saw was a golden light that encompassed every inch of the chamber. It was oddly calm despite the towering presence of the Emperor emanating from the center of the room. All of the Mechanicus adepts tasked with preserving the Golden Throne and the Custodes charged with guarding it had been removed so that the master of mankind could grant his son a private audience. As he approached the throne, he realized that he had tears in his eyes. He had chastised some of his sons who had offered such displays of reverence after he had been resurrected and the irony was not lost on him. Perhaps he thought, this is how all humans were genetically programmed to react when reunited with the man who had sired them. Guilliman gently lowered himself to his knees and whispered a single word. “Father.” Suddenly he felt the aura within the room begin to change dramatically. Where there had been peace, energy now oozed from every pore electrifying the entire atmosphere and then the psychic shock struck him. THE THIRTEENTH RETURNS Gasping for air as if being drowned by a tidal wave, Guilliman tried his best to compose himself. The psychic essence of the emperor was like an inexplicable weight hammering him into to the ground and if he wasn’t kneeling already, he would have surely had to do so now. “What has happened to you father?” Questioned the Primarch painstakingly. He couldn’t explain what was wrong but deep down he sensed something had changed within the Emperor after he had been entombed for countless millennia. WHAT FATE DECREED FOR ME "What do you mean?" Responded Guilliman, bewildered by the answer. He had never heard him use such words during the Great Crusade and in his desperation to grasp their meanings he asked his father another question, one that had gnawed away at him ever since his rebirth. “How could you have allowed all this misery and strife to befall our Imperium?” I AM NOT THE SHEPHERD HUMANITY SEEKS. IT WAS ALWAYS MY AMBITION THAT THEY WOULD NO LONGER HAVE NEED OF ME. ALL I CAN DO NOW IS TO PROTECT THEM AS I SEE FIT SO THAT ONE DAY THEY MAY RISE ON THEIR OWN. Guilliman’s confusion quickly turned into a burning rage. "And if they don’t?" Bellowed the Primarch angrily, “What if their flame is extinguished long before they realize your dream for you?” THEN THAT IS WHAT FATE WOULD HAVE DECREED FOR THEM "Why do you keep talking of fate?" Spat Roboute, “You had always taught us that humanity would forge its own destiny!” Guilliman’s shock became palpable. He had assumed that when he met his father, they would lay down their plans on how to strike back at all those trying to subjugate or eradicate humanity but instead he found a grieving man looking only for a sympathetic ear. IT WAS HUBRIS THAT MADE ME BELIEVE I ALONE HAD THE ANSWERS. PRIDE IS THE GREATEST SIN WHICH IS WHY I SUFFER THE GREATEST PUNISHMENT. "And this suffering, is it penance? or your solution? To wither away while humanity begs and pleads for their savior hoping that he might listen?" I HAVE ALWAYS HEARD THEM. EVERY LIE, EVERY PRAYER, EVERY SHOUT AND EVERY SCREAM. I HEARD YOU WHEN YOU CRIED OUT FOR ME TO SAVE YOU. WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW THE PRICE I PAID TO KEEP YOU ALIVE? OF THE BILLIONS THAT BLINKED OUT OF EXISTENCE SO THAT YOU MAY SURVIVE? The revelation made Guilliman look away from the throne out of shame. He remembered Thiel and his sons fighting to save him after he had lost his duel with Fulgrim. He detested the fact that so many souls including those of the Ultramarines had to be sacrificed to spare him. “You need not carry this burden alone.” he managed to mutter. YOU SPEAK OF FULFILLING MY VISION LORD OF ULTRAMAR. WHEN MY BODY HAD LAID SHATTERED AMONGST THE BEST OF YOU, I ALREADY KNEW MY DREAM HAD DIED WITH THEM. Those words cut deeper than any wound he had ever received on the battlefield. Knowing full well that he deserved better, Guilliman still tried to desperately steer the conversation away from the madness it was fast devolving into. “Father, I--” YOU ARE NOT MY SON, NONE OF YOU EVER WERE. YOU WERE MY GIFTS TO HUMANITY. TWENTY SHINING BEACONS WHO WOULD HAVE USHERED US INTO A NEW AGE AS THE RIGHTFUL RULERS OF THE GALAXY. YET NOT ONE OF YOU COULD RISE ABOVE YOUR PERSONAL DESIRES AND ALLOWED EVERYTHING I HAD GIVEN YOU TO BE SQUANDERED. Guilliman had heard enough. The light had finally vanished from his eyes and all he gazed upon now was a broken man on top of a rotting throne, forever locked away in his misery. Humanity revered the Emperor as a God and here was proof that he was nothing more than a man, trapped in a prison of his own making. It was becoming increasingly difficult for him to hide his resentment. He and his brothers, no matter how flawed they were, had done their best to serve this man’s vision. Every step towards damnation was taken happily if it meant the sons could appease their father. He remembered Monarchia and how his actions had culminated in the betrayal of the Word Bearers. The Emperor’s wanton disregard for the legacy of his brothers steeled Roboute’s hearts for the gathering storm. "I will not allow us to go gently into the night." Spoke the Lord of Ultramar finally. "Do you hear me father? You may have turned your back on us but I will never betray humanity." AS IS YOUR CHOICE LORD COMMANDER That was it, realized Guilliman. This entire charade was perhaps just another act of manipulation to goad him into action. To do what was necessary to save the Imperium both from within and without. Had his father anticipated this outcome? Had he already seen this happening millennia ago? The Emperor was powerful enough to read his mind without him realizing, was he doing so now? Was anything he had said actually true? Was he always this cruel or did his entombment cause him to be this way? Every possibility made him angrier and he turned around and started walking towards the gate bringing an abrupt end to their conversation. As he opened it, he looked back and asked one final question. “Why do you still fight?” No answer came forth. The energy in the room had already begun to dissipate. He could see his father atop the golden throne but could no longer feel his presence. "ANSWER ME!" Shouted Guilliman alerting the Custodes who began to rush towards the gate to restrain him. "WHY DO YOU STILL FIGHT?" As the guards closed in around him, a piercing light stopped them all dead in their tracks and Roboute Guilliman, lord of Ultramar, received the answer he craved for. Six words were burnt into every fiber of his being. Six words that formed a phrase so trivial, so insignificant, yet it had ensured humanity’s continued existence for ten thousand years amongst an uncaring cosmos. The words had borne witness to Ferrus charging the traitors on Isstavan and had compelled Sanguinius to face Horus aboard the Vengeful Spirit. They had seen the lowliest guardsman hold the line against unsurmountable odds and were a lesson that Space Marines taught themselves over and over. They were a grim reminder for each man, woman and child of the Imperium of what what was required of them. Fitting then, that the Master of Mankind spoke the same words he expected humanity to live by. ONLY IN DEATH DOES DUTY END.
  • @Cc-le4dt
    I listen to this as I watch my 1 year old sleep. The Emperor protects. May his light shine on our beautiful mortality.
  • @soulie2001
    Girls when they fuck up : "Oops, silly me" Boys when they fuck up:
  • @richap7629
    Anyone else in the middle of a depressing episode who randomly found this and are thankful?
  • There’s a strange irony in the extension of a piece titled “why do I still live?”
  • @Lotrfan99
    Fun fact: This rendition of "Puer natus est nobis" by Ensemble Organum is not done in the Gregorian tradition but in the Old Roman Rite. Its essentially pre-Gregorian and has similar tonal characteristics to the Byzantine chant but is recited in Latin as opposed to Greek. Old Roman Chant is also much more melismatic (the improvised, drawing out of individual notes).
  • Each of us is a candle. A single flame in the dark, every moment a vibrant rebellion against the void. Because we are made to burn out, it makes our shining all the more brilliant
  • @m0osefist
    This is so good that it must have been found on a STC.
  • @MrSpaceCrash
    Can't remember the exact quote but kept on thinking about it every time I watch this video "The emperor is too perfect to realize he is wrong. A god who thinks he is a man and thinks men can become gods. You can't help but be baffled and admire something like that."
  • "What is the joy of life? To die knowing our task is done. For only in death does duty end." Hail to the vox-caster, the Chaplain of the Finnish Knights Cross chapter's 8th company thus extends the company's thanks for your loyal service!
  • @KadaSaa
    "By the Emperor, I needed this since the Horus Heresy." - Bjorn The Fell-Handed.
  • @ladywaffle2210
    This is not the mantra of the mighty Space Marines or the demigods of the Custodes. This song does not echo through the halls of Kasr Kraf on Cadia. No Catachan has fought while listening to this. No member of the Sororitas has been inspired to mighty deeds by this song. No Tech-Priest has commanded Skitarii or fixed the sacred machines while humming this tune in binary. No funerary dirge like this has been carried on by the members of the Schola Progenium. No member of the Silent Sisterhood has radiated death with this ambiance. No Assassin, be they Vindicare, Culexus, Eversor or Callidus has shot, stalked, massacred or tricked their way to victory with this song in mind. No member of the Death Korps has spent the Emperor's currency under this mournful dirge. No Imperial Captain has let this music play across their ship.. No Inquisitor has sacrificed their Humanity alongside hundreds of souls, committing cold calculus to save trillions, to this tune. No High Lord, or planetary governor, or bureaucrat, or laborer, or Servitor, or edict-giver, or serf, or any other member of the Adeptus Terra has heard this song from within their palaces. No Chaplain, no priest, no standard-bearer, no Living Saint has ever heard the gentle hum of quiet agony wafting across the air like sweet-smelling incense. For all the many members of the Imperium of Man, only two have truly heard this song. The first, a reborn son, who departed a nightmare and woke to see a hell. The second, a broken man, betrayed by his sons and interred upon a throne of pain. The fate of both of these men is the same. They will not die, no. That would be a merciful fate and they will be shown none. Oh, no. They will live. By the Throne, will they live...
  • @linkieloos
    "Yes, Inquisitor. This is the music." Inquisitor: "What about it?" "It's beautiful isn't it?" Inquistor: "Yes... Yes it is."
  • @gramps1940
    I have depression and ran across this a couple weeks ago and I've been listening to this almost everyday since. It made me want to get into 40k. I'm currently in chapter 6 of Horus Rising. I want to get better for myself and for my loved ones. Thank you for this.
  • @Cormorant602
    "Why do I still live? What more do you want from me? I gave everything I had to you, to them. Look what they have made of our dream..." - Guilliman