My issues with Elden Ring PvP

Published 2022-04-23
I just had to say the things I do in this video. These are just my opinions from someone who invaded and does pvp to have fun above all else. Any additional points of contention I have will be put in the comments below and feel free to ask additional questions regarding anything I say

Chuck Loeb - Mean Old Man

Feel free to leave song/band/artist suggestions in the comments if you want to hear more music than what I normally listen to.

I don't own the music or have the rights to use it. If you like the song, I highly recommend you go and check out the rest of his discography if you haven't already.

All Comments (4)
  • @WaxedSeed
    I had forgotten to add this into the video, but there's still one more massive issue I have. The insane amount of inputs the game eats. I'm sure you've come across this where you try to do something like a roll or an attack or even a crouch or grab an item, but the game doesn't read your input. This was around in DS3 but over the years of playing, there were only 3 maybe 4 times the game ate my inputs. In Elden Ring, it eats them 3 or 4 times per invasion. Gabri and Amir both did some research into why and for the most part, those are true with the results but with some exceptions where even if you weren't pressing anything before you pressed roll, it would still ignore you pressed and released the button. Once this, RoB, Moonveil, and player status effects gets patched, then I'll return to making videos.
  • @coolnamebro7363
    The idea floating around to fix Bloodhound is making cost both hp and fp. You would trade the potential damage of a hit for a guaranteed lower amount of damage. It would incentivize people to use it as a crutch in boss fights until they learn the timings and nerf it heavily in pvp. The only thing I disagree with is you take on Moonveil It's annoying to fight against, but being one-shot by 'the right build' isn't something exclusive to it, it just requires specialization. If a lvl 50 does that kind of damage they likely have 30 or more int and probably the warrior jar shard (And maybe the carian filagree talisman from Iji), plus meeting the base requirements for the str and dex means they have to take a hit to either health, endurance or mind. They lose out on one important bar no matter what as well as a talisman slot (Maybe two). That's the enemy though, you have plenty of tools to invalidate the weapon. Magic fortification only requires 10 faith added with the +0 version or the spelldrake give you a magic damage reduction of 39% before your armor so it'll likely get pushed to 50%. As for later game you use Carian retaliation in the video yourself as a counter. The tools against it don't invalidate the need for a nerf, but I don't agree it's 'desperately needed' when there are bigger fires to put out.