The Ultimate My Babysitter’s A Vampire Retrospective

Published 2022-10-30
This is the big one. For years I let my memories of this forgotten Disney Channel series be tainted by its anti-climactic ending, but not anymore. Today is the day I return to the series I remember loving so much to figure out what it was that stood out to me initially. How did it get me so obsessed? Is it any good? Why does it seem like no one else really remembers it existing?

Something strange is going on with this series and I’ve the next couple hours I’m going to figure out what that is.

Season 8


0:00 Intro
3:52 The Movie
23:33 Lawn of The Dead
30:52 Three Cheers For Evil
38:10 Friday Night Frights
44:09 Blood Drive
49:22 Guys & Dolls
54:12 Double Negative
1:00:17 Smells Like Trouble
1:05:24 Die Pod
1:09:35 Blue Moon
1:14:59 Doug The Vampire Hunter
1:20:17 The Brewed
1:24:33 Three Geeks And A Demon
1:29:00 Re-Vamped
1:35:22 Between Seasons
1:37:41 Welcome Back Dusker
1:43:43 Say You'll Be Maztak
1:48:47 Fanged And Furious
1:53:41 Flushed
1:57:02 Jockenstein
2:01:22 Mirror/rorriM
2:07:25 Village of The Darned
2:12:09 Hottie Ho-Tep
2:17:49 Siren Song
2:23:34 Hallowierd
2:30:32 Independence Daze
2:36:22 The Date To End All Dates
2:51:04 What Can We Do
2:53:25 Final Thoughts

All Comments (21)
  • @krisredd2973
    My friend was equally upset at the lack of an ending, so she emailed a bunch of the writers until she got a response. Here's the ending! "Hey, sorry for the slow response but at first I thought this was spam or something... Glad you enjoyed the show and it's been a LONG time since I thought about that climactic season ender. As showrunner and head-writer, I was mostly in charge of the stories and season 'arc', including the 'Lucifractor explosion'... I think I still have the Lucifractor prop somewhere in my office. (!) Actually the initial finale idea that 'everyone is trapped in a big explosion' came from the producer's budget concerns - they wanted me to make it possible to cut cast members in season 3. And we never imagined that we'd get cancelled after 2 seasons because the show was doing very well on Disney Channel (I think it was #1 or #2 in the ratings at the time). BUT it turns out Disney cancelled us anyway because they didn't own the show... My plan WAS to reveal a hidden portal or tunnel in the basement of the house - my memory's a little blurry here - and then I wanted to start season 3 with all our main characters being transported to either a) Some important Vampire Castle in Transylvania (so we could do a mini European adventure for a few episodes), OR they all get thrown back in time to the founding days WhiteChapel (1880's or so) when Jesse first showed and ran things... For a while there was a plan with Disney for us to do the Transylvania idea as a summer TV movie, and possibly an ending to the show/series. But all those plans fell through and we all moved on to other jobs. Sigh. THERE. I admit I feel bad about the way things ended, but a) the producers insisted and b) we were pretty confident there'd be a season 3 and I knew the writers and I would have fun coming up with interesting ways to solve the plot puzzle we'd given ourselves!"
  • @aleandra3945
    "they see her eating a rat and they freak out bc they hate to see a girl boss winning" iconic
  • @sunmayttv
    Referring to Erica and Rory as "girlboss and her malewife" is so fucking funny and I love it.
  • @Axios25
    I’m just now realizing that Teen Wolf also introduced a nerdy blonde girl named Erica that lacked confidence until she was bitten by a man in a black leather jacket who hangs around high schoolers way too much and then she becomes a supernatural creature, becomes way more confident and is acknowledged as attractive, and becomes weirdly ok with violence a year after this show premiered.
  • @gooblegal817
    the fact that Sarah is the trigger happy "violence solves everything" character is actually very girlboss of her. this is modern feminism
  • "Unfortunately the nature of being a male theater kid means that he's also a master manipulator" that was an extremely underrated line.
  • @bruhelsa234
    What got me about the "ethan seeing dead people" plot point was that what we saw on screen wasn't even close to what Ethan was actually seeing. Bennys grandma not having a head and such confirms that. What we see is a toned down version just so they have an easier more PG way of portraying it. Ethan is seeing mangled corpses in the faces of his friends and family! that is FUCKED!
  • @roseadiaz
    I know Matthew Knight has quit acting and lives a private life now but I wish all of the cast would come together some day for a reunion 🥲
  • 18:46 Regarding the whole 'Erica not being a Tumblr girl anymore' thing; I always assumed her obsession with vampires was the reason she changed so much when she became one. She's just been given an opportunity to live out her Wattpad fanfics
  • @RuinedSilver
    I think the best thing about the blue moon episode is the big twist on WHY dog dude acts the way he does- He's super overly familiar, hungry, and offputtingly friendly, and the entire episode keeps building the supposed reveal to be that he's some big threat maliciously worming his way into their lives...

    but then you find out that he's... just a dog? like straight up he's just the human and supernatural equivalent of a dog. friendly, hungry, and just wants to play. There was never any threat, just paranoia on behalf of the heroes. Like even the weird scene where he tries to get the one kid to brush him makes perfect sense because... dog.

    its actually a pretty damn good storyline for a series like this because its a reminder to the heroes that not everything supernatural is automatically bad, and could've been a good lesson for people watching the show on not making assumptions and judgments on others.

    Also its actively criminal that dog dude doesn't become a permanent main cast member.
  • "Does this show have a dedicated shipping community because I think I found my favorite ship" got me every time.
  • @slothschewgum
    I always liked how this show was actually shot like a tv show. And didn’t have the same camera in one spot filming style that all the other live action Disney/Nickelodeon shows were using
  • @curesaul5749
    I still don't forgive them for leaving us on a cliffhanger. I was 10 at the time and I was so curious to wonder what happened to them. 10 years later and we still have no word about it.
  • Tell me why I teared up when Rory said “Benny and Ethan will be sad if they miss that” during the explosion 😟
  • Okay to be fair, with the head cheerleader going to school forever thing. I can ABSOLUTELY see somebody who's like, super ultra head-cheerleader popular in high school wanting to relive that over and over again. Like, she peaked in high school and now that she's immortal she's gonna relive her glory days.
  • You know, while in execution the “Vampires in High School” trope is shit, ideally it makes sense. Teenagers are impressionable, gullible, immature, and impulsive, which makes them easier to manipulate and to turn. As a vampire the idea of being young forever seems ideal at first and they’re more likely to give into their urges because they lack self control and discipline.

    Also probably explains why Jesse stayed at White Chapel as a student. He sacrificed his entire clan just to kill one guy, and he needed more soldiers. There were probably people he turned before his current clan that either left or tried to overthrow him so he settles on teenagers because they’ll respect him more due to the gap in power and experience.
  • @andynd99
    Inviting the pizza guy into the house is also a plot point in The Vampire Diaries and it makes no sense there either
  • @HavocRoyale
    The fact they casted Bindi Irwin as a guest in season 2 but in the mirror episode, the episode immediately AFTER the alligator episode, will always astound me did you not capitalize on having Steve Irwin's daughter as a guest for the alligator episode...
  • @joe6185
    The way Episode 2's
    "We're the forces of nature, that's what makes a star
    We may look like girls but that's not all we are."
    The chant the cheerleaders do? Like maybe that was camp.